Praying for genuine spiritual reformation in Nairobi by preaching the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) Precept upon precept, line upon line... Isaiah 28:10, 13
Monday, January 24, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How can you know that you are a true believer?
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Preached at Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX (
(2 Corinthians 13:5 & 1 John)
Paul Washer
I’m going to preach a message tonight that has angered many, many, many churchmen. It has
angered many of the older people. It has angered many of the youth. Many of the youth that
I’ve preached this to have become fiercely angry, but the people that have become most angry at
hearing this message have been the parents of youth.
I have found that there is something quite amazing among parents that, if they can get some sort
of a claim out of their children that they profess faith in Jesus Christ, they seem to hold onto that
and it gives them assurance and joy, and it seems that they’re bothered any time someone would
come and question that claim. It seems we would rather hold onto a false hope than to hear the
There are many people who do not want to hear the truth because it will shake up the false hope
they have that they’re going to heaven when, indeed, they are not. There are so many people in
Christianity—American Christianity—that believe themselves right with God, that believe
themselves saved because they were told that by a preacher who should have spent more time
studying the Bible and less time preaching.
I hear people all over the world—and especially in this country—tell me that they’re saved, and I
ask them how do they know that they’re saved. Well, because they believe. And no one asked
them the second question: How do you know that you believe?
If we were to dismiss this congregation tonight and send everyone out to every part of this city,
we would find out that the great majority of the people in this city believe that they believe. And
we know that’s not true. If we were to go to taverns and crack houses tonight, if we were to go
to casinos anywhere in this world, we would find people who believe that they believe. And the
question is—how can we be sure that we believe when so many people say they believe and we
know they don’t.
In America, we have combined two doctrines, and we have lost both of them. There are two
very important doctrines in the Christian faith. The first one is commonly called—a name I do
not like but I will use here tonight—the security of the believer, that every person who has truly
believed in Jesus Christ is born again and they are secure. The very God who saved them will
keep them saved––security of the believer.
But there’s another doctrine which we do not hear much about. It’s not just the doctrine of
security, but the doctrine of assurance. It is true that every true believer is kept by the power of
God. That’s the doctrine of security, but the doctrine of assurance is this: How can you be
assured that you’re a true believer? How can you know that you are a true believer?
I’ve had people tell me, “Well, I just know that I know.” I tell them there’s a way that seems
right unto men. It leads to death.
I’ve had people tell me, “Well, I know in my heart of hearts that I am saved.” The Bible says
that the heart is deceitfully wicked. It goes beyond knowledge in its wickedness. So, do you
really want to trust a mind that is faulty? Do you really want to trust a heart that can be wicked?
I’ve even had people tell me, “Well, I know I’m saved because the preacher told me I’m saved.”
Since when did men have such authority? And, then, the worst of all—“I know I’m saved
because I have walked with God.” My dear friends, let me tell you this, if you are not walking
with God now, you can have no assurance that you have ever been saved.
We’re not teaching here tonight that, if you walk with God and you’re saved and then you stop
walking with God, you lose your salvation. What we’re telling you is this—we have assurance
that we have come to know Him not just because one time we repented, but we are continuing to
repent today. It is not just that at one time we believed, but that we are continuing to believe
today. It is not just that one time we walked with Him; we continue to walk with Him today
because He who began a good work will finish it.
It says in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 5, Paul had come to a church, many of them
professing Christ, many of them walking in carnality, and he doesn’t ask them—he doesn’t say
to them, “Let me ask you something. When was the time that you first asked Jesus Christ into
your heart?” He didn’t even refer to their conversion experience. He goes right to present tense
and he says this: Test yourselves—in verse 5—to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves.
Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you fail
the test.
If I see someone who, let’s say, for three or four years seems to have walked with God, loved the
saints, endeavored to pray, to know the Word, to congregate with other believers, and all of such,
and then they begin to fall away gradually. They begin to walk away. They begin to allow the
world and sin and other things into their life. They begin to enjoy the fellowship of the wicked.
I don’t go to them and tell them, “You know you’re a Christian and you need to avoid
I go to them and say, “You have made the good profession. You have declared among many that
you are a believer, but now you are beginning to live like an unbeliever. It is very, very possible
you never knew Him, that up until this point, it has all been a very deceiving work of the flesh,
because, if a work of God does not continue, it never was a work of God.
Now what does Paul say to this person? He says, Test yourselves. Test yourselves. Take a test.
Let me tell you something, my dear friends. Heaven and hell, eternity and death may not be very
much a reality to you, but it most certainly is to this preacher. I could care less whether or not
your bank account is balanced or you have self-esteem. My only thing––the only thing that
might keep me up this evening and steal sleep from my eyes is the fact that many of you will die
and go to hell.
Test yourself! This is not just some whimsical thing. This is not just something to worry about
for a day. We’re talking about eternity. Is it well with your soul? If you test yourselves in the
light of Scripture, will you be found whole and complete, born again, kept by the power of God?
It’s time to take a test and stop relying on your emotions and stop relying on what everyone is
telling you and stop comparing yourself to other people who call themselves Christians, because
the great majority of people in America who call themselves Christians are lost.
Some leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention have said this: If we take seriously what the
Bible says about Christianity, we would have to say that less than 10 to 15 percent of all our
membership is even saved. And don’t think that just applies to Southern Baptists. It applies to
you all.
He said test yourself. Examine yourself. Not just some light examination. Not just hear the
words of this preacher and walk out there and allow Satan to steal the Word of God from your
heart. While you’re here and while Christ is present and while the Word is preached, examine
yourself. It is a deadly thing. Sin waits outside this door. It is crouching and its desire is to have
you. While you are here and Christ is present, examine yourself.
So many times in South America, working in the Andes Mountains, I would have to cross
footbridges––gorges that you almost couldn’t see to the bottom. Test the ropes. Test the wood.
Is this a sound bridge? Examine it carefully. Why? You get out in the middle of that thing, it
breaks, you’re dead. In the same way, that salvation that you hold onto, that you trust in, it might
be like a horse’s hair. When you swing out into eternity, many of you are going to swing out on
nothing stronger than a horse’s hair and when the fires of hell blast up, you’ll wither and you’ll
Examine yourself. Take the Word of God and what the Word of God says about a true Christian,
and examine yourself in light of it. And if you fall short of the test, repent and believe. Throw
yourself upon the mercy of God. Cry out to Him until a work is done. And that’s another thing,
isn’t it? A whole other sermon. Until a work is done.
This silly Christianity in America. “Repeat these words after me.” No, you might have to wait
upon God. You might have to cry out to Him until the work is done—a true work, a finished
work, a complete work.
How can we take a test? How can we test our life? How can you test yourself tonight to see
whether or not you truly are a Christian? We just have to go to the Word of God to do that. Go
to 1st John chapter 5.
First John chapter 5, verse 13. John gives us the reason in his Gospel. In John chapter 20, verse
31, he tells us why he writes his Gospel. He writes his Gospel so that men might believe that
Jesus is the Son of God, that He’s the Christ, that they might have eternal life. Why does he
write his epistle? He tells us here in 1st John chapter 5, verse 13: These things––this epistle––I
have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God––those of you who profess
Christ––why?––that you may know that you have eternal life.
You want to know whether or not you’re born again? Read the book of 1st John, because the
book of 1st John is made up of a series of tests, and we’re going to take those tests this evening.
And I pray to God that God gives you ears to hear.
And I want to tell you something and I want to make it very, very clear. Do not listen to your
heart. Listen to the Word of God. Do not listen to what your daddy says about your salvation.
Do not listen to what your mother says about your salvation. Listen to the Word of God.
Compare what you know about your secret life.
Now, what did I say that for? So many of you young people, you have your parents so deceived
it’s unbelievable, because externally you conform to their law, but it’s not your law. It’s not in
your heart. And in the secret place, you know who you are. And then some of you who are not
children, but adults, teenagers that are older that are out in the world, you go out there. You
know who you are. Your mom and dad, they do not know. Some of you adults, church
members do not know, but when you are out there by yourself, that’s the person I want you to
compare to the Word of God tonight. Not the one in here that looks pretty, not the one in here
that’s got religious makeup on. No. The one out there when no one is looking. You take that
person and compare him tonight to the Word of God and see if he stands. See if he stands.
You say, “Brother Paul, you seem quite intense tonight.” How would you expect me to be if a
train––a slow-moving train was going across our path and to see my little boy just inches from
the wheel. Would you expect for me to whisper in his ear, “Back up, boy.” Would you expect
for me just to not even make a commotion, but kind of motion with my hand? Or would you
expect me to scream out, “No-o-o-o-o-o!” How would you expect me to preach about these
things? Let’s take that secret life of yours and compare it to the Word of God.
First John chapter 1, verse 5. This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
What does that mean? As in all the writings of John, he leaves things open. He leaves things
open. I believe that, as you look through this text, you will find out that there are two things
John is saying. First of all, whenever we’re talking about light, and we see this in John chapter
3, we’re talking about holiness, righteousness. God is a holy God. He is a righteous God, has no
sin, no flaw, no shadow, no speck of immorality in Him. God cannot be tempted. You can be
tempted because there’s still an element of evil in you that is drawn to evil. God has no evil in
Him. Evil cannot draw Him. He disdains it. He despises it. He’s holy.
But that’s not, I think, John’s primary meaning here. John is dealing with a group of false
teachers who basically are telling everybody that God is a very dark and shadowy and hidden
figure, and that knowledge about God is esoteric. It is hidden and dark and only some people
know it. And I believe that John is contradicting these false prophets and he is saying this, and
you listen very carefully. This is what he is saying. He’s saying God is Light. And he means
this: God has revealed to us who He is and He has revealed to us His will. He has made it very
Now, let me just say something about how that would change everything in America if the media
truly believed that. What kind of God do we have in America? What is the god of the politician
in America? It’s this kind of god––it’s a god you can pray to, but you cannot define who he is.
It’s a god you can talk about in a political speech, but you cannot define what his will is. And
that’s a good god to have. Why? Because you’re no longer accountable to a god like that. You
don’t know who he is and you don’t know what he wants, so you just do whatever your carnal,
wicked heart wants to do. That’s a very convenient god, and that’s the kind of god some
supposed Christians have.
But John counters that and he says this: No, my friend, God has told you exactly who He is and
God has told you exactly what He requires of thee, old man. He’s not a hidden god. Now,
learning that, let’s go to the next verse.
He says this: If we say that we have fellowship with Him. . . . What does that mean? If we say
that we are saved is exactly what it means. If we say that we know Him, if we say that we abide
in Him. For so many years in America, because of a certain seminary that has propagated this,
we have been taught and led to believe that 1st John is talking about the difference between a
Christian who walks in communion with God or a Christian that does not walk in communion
with God. They take this text to mean that, if we say that we know Him, if we say that we know
Him, if we say that we know Him and yet walk in darkness, we’re just a confused Christian.
That’s not what this text means.
What this text is saying is this: If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the
darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. If we say that we are a Christian and yet we walk
in darkness, we are lying. Now, I know what’s going to happen in your heart right now. “Yeah,
but you don’t know my heart, Brother Paul. I know that I know that I know that I’m saved.”
I could care less, again, about your heart. Because that’s not what John said. John says, if we
say that we have fellowship with God, that we are a Christian and yet we walk in the darkness,
we are a liar. Now, what does it mean to walk in the darkness? Well, first of all, you need to
understand what darkness is. It’s the opposite of light. If we say we are a Christian and yet we
walk—now what does it mean to walk––peripateo––to walk around; a style of life. If we say we
are a Christian and yet our style of life contradicts everything God has told us about Himself and
contradicts God’s will, we’re a liar. That’s what it means. That’s what this text is saying. It’s as
clear as a bell.
Now, listen to me. Listen to me. I’m going to tell you again. Look at this, in verse 6. If we say
that we have fellowship with Him––if we say that we are Christian and yet we walk—we lead a
style of life––in the darkness, we lead a style of life that contradicts the attributes and the nature
of God, what God has told us about Himself, our style of life reflects nothing of God’s character,
and our style of life totally contradicts what God has said to be His will, then we are a liar when
we say we are a Christian.
We’ve got to understand this. Do you have ears? You’ve got to understand it. There are so
many people walking around. You can see them. It is like a fog over their heads. That is why
religion is so dangerous. All these silly little boys out here preaching that, if you repeat a prayer,
you’re going to heaven and the moment they pronounce that upon a person, it is like a fog comes
over them. But it’s time to cut through that fog with a deeper, greater light. And that is the
Word of God.
My dear friend, listen to me. John is saying that, if you say you’re a Christian and yet your style
of life, the way you are, does not reflect His character and the things you do go against His will
as a style of life, he’s telling you you are a liar when you say you’re a Christian.
Now, let’s go on. Here’s the next test. Verse 8. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving
ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Now, he said, if we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
There have been strains of Christianity or marginal Christianity down through the history of the
church that believed in sinless perfection. Well, the Bible doesn’t teach that. The Bible teaches
that even the most mature, the most godly Christian is still susceptible to sin.
What this is teaching us is this. One of the greatest evidences that a person has truly been born
again, that a person is truly a child of God is that they will be sensitive to the sin in their life and
they will be led to repentance and confession of that sin.
Isn’t it amazing—and most pastors, when I preach this, they smile. They know exactly what I’m
talking about. Whenever I’m preaching in a church and there is a move of God and a move of
God with regard to sin, I find it amazing that, when people start breaking and in American
churches somebody is coming forward and praying, I think it is quite amazing that it is always
the most godly, most devoted, most spiritual people coming forward, weeping over their sin and
it is always the most carnal, godless, hateful, spiteful, wicked church members that sit back there,
cold as a stone, as though they were perfect. What you are seeing is the difference between the
lost and the saved in the congregation.
A true Christian is sensitive to sin. Sensitive to sin. Sensitive to sin. Let me ask you a question.
When was the last time you wept over your sin? That’s frightening. When was the last time you
were broken over your sin? That’s frightening. Some of you don’t even know what I’m talking
about. When we are a child of God, God guards us. He talks about his jealous love for Israel. Is
it not greater for the church? Does God guard you?
I can remember my great love for books in seminary, and I went to the bookstore there in
seminary to buy a book with a friend of mine, and there were only two volumes left. There were
two and there were two of us. I pulled out the first volume, and I love books, and there was a
little tear on one of the pages. I swapped books with him. I gave him that book and pulled out
the other one. We go to the counter. We buy our books. I go home the whole time as though I
had murdered a man—as though I had murdered a man.
And, finally, praying, having to call him up, saying, “I’ve got to talk to you.”
“Well, what is it? You can tell me over the phone.”
“No, I can’t tell you over the phone. I have got to meet you face to face.” And then go before
him, weeping, and ask forgiveness. Why? Because I’m pious? No. Because God guards his
children. I see Christians, and it’s amazing to me. . . .”Brother Paul, come and preach for us.
We want revival.” And yet, before they come to the meetings and after the meetings they go
home and sit in front of a television and watch all that filth. And they’re not even sensitive to the
sin of it.
Are you sensitive to sin? Does it lead you to confession? Now, let me ask you, some of you
here, here’s something you need to understand. Just recently a man that I know was found in
grievous, grievous sin, and someone said, “How did a man like him fall into sin?”
And I said, “He didn’t fall into sin. No man falls into sin. He slid there like everyone else.”
Let me ask you—because some of you may be Christians and you need to hear a warning. Are
you sliding into sin? Are you starting to do things now, gradually, gradually, that you would not
have thought of doing a month ago? And little by little by little, you know what’s going to
happen? You keep going, and it’ll be evidence you’re lost. If God pulls you back, it’ll be
evidence you’re saved.
You say, “Oh, Brother Paul, but you don’t know me.” I don’t need to know you. I know the
Word of God, and I know it’s the same for every individual. Are you sensitive to sin? I want to
read a passage to you just quickly. Just listen. It’s one of my--to me it’s one of the most blessed
passages in all of Scripture. Let me ask you, is this your attitude? Has it ever been your
God says, For my hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being, declares the
Lord, but to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit and trembles at my
word. Do you tremble at His Word or do you look for loopholes around it? Do you excuse your
sin? Do you avoid the Word now because you know it’s going to talk to you and talk about you?
People come to me all the time and say, “Brother Paul, I have a new relationship with God.”
And I go to 1st John, chapter 1, verse 8. I say, “Do you have a new relationship with sin?
Because, if you don’t have a new relationship with sin, you don’t have a new relationship with
God.” Are you sensitive to sin?
Now, third test. It’s found in verse 3 of chapter 2. By this we know that we have come to know
Him, if we keep His commandments. Now, listen to this. The one who says, "I have come to
know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Now,
let’s look at this test—by this we know that we have come to know Him. You know, in
America––I tell you what, I was talking to a Scotsman awhile back in Peru, and he said, “You
Americans, your theology is 3,000 miles wide and a half inch deep.” He’s right.
Our Gospel here is pathetic. Our evangelism borderlines on heresy. How do you know that you
came to know Him? If you go to most pastors in this city right now and you say to them, “I
don’t know whether or not I’m saved,” this is the question they’ll ask you: “Was there ever a
point in time in your life when you prayed and asked Jesus to come into your heart?” If you say
yes, they’ll go, “Were you sincere?” If you say, “I think so,” they’ll say, “Then you’re saved and
you need to stop the devil from bothering you.” There’s not a biblical bone in their brains.
Look what the Bible says. How can you know that you’re saved? How can you know it? Look
what he says. By this we know that we have come to know Him. Because our heart tells us?
Because the preacher tells us? Because we just feel it? Look what he says. By this we know that
we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. And that keep there is in present
tense, as well as many of the other things here in this text. And what he’s saying is, if we keep
on keeping His commandments, we know that we know Him, if we persevere in His
commandments, we know that we know Him.
And then he goes on and says, the one who is opposite doesn’t know Him. Now, I want you to
look at something for a moment. What does it mean to keep His commandments? Does it mean
to walk in sinless perfection? No. Again, it is a style of life. If we were to take your life out and
film it every day 24 hours a day, would we see a style of life that desired to know God’s
commandments, desired to obey them, was growing in victory in obedience, and was also broken
when it didn’t obey, would we see that in your life?
You say, “Well, I’ve kept the commandments before.” You forget what he’s saying. If you keep
on keeping ... perseverance. Why perseverance? Because of the promises of God. He who
began a good work in you will finish it, and if the work isn’t finished, He didn’t do it.
Is your lifestyle marked by a keen interest in God’s commandments and a desire to obey them?
Again, someone comes to me and says, “Brother Paul, I have a new relationship with God.”
And I tell them, “Do you have a new relationship with sin? Because, if you don’t have a new
relationship with sin, you don’t have a new relationship with God.” And then I ask, “If you’ve
got a new relationship with God, well, tell me, do you have a new relationship with His
commands? Do you have a new relationship with his Word? Because, if you don’t have a new
relationship with His Word, you don’t have a new relationship with him.”
Now look at verse 4. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. If you’ve been in any kind of meetings,
especially among people who consider themselves to be super spiritual and vocal about it, I
mean, meetings will get going and the preacher will start preaching or the music will get rolling,
and someone will jump up and say, “Oh, hallelujah, He’s my Savior. Hallelujah, I know Him.”
That’s exactly what John is talking about right here. The one who jumps up in the middle of the
meeting and says “I know I’ve come to know Him,” but does not keep his commandments is a
liar. He’s a liar.
Now, again, look at this from the context. John is the apostle of love. Paul was known for his
great mind, but I think John was known for his great love, and, yet, this humble, broken apostle
is laying down the verdict. You are a liar. It’s an amazing thing, isn’t it.
Now, it goes on. Let’s go to another test. Verse 6 of chapter 2. The one who says he abides in
Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. The Christian ought to walk as
Jesus walked, and you say, “Brother Paul, you’ve gone too far now. Who can walk like Jesus
Let me give you an illustration to try to explain to you what I mean. When I was a little boy, my
father was a very big man, very smart man, and like all little boys, I wanted to be just like him.
Now, up north, we raised cattle and raised quarterhorses. We’d get big snows and my dad would
come into my room at five in the morning, even when I was a little boy, and say, “Paul boy, get
up. No rest for the wicked.” And when he said, “Get up,” you got up.
And we would walk out there in the snow, and the one thing I can always remember doing
is—my father would take these big strides and leave these footprints in the snow. Now, I wanted
to walk like my dad walked, and so I would try to stretch my legs out and put my foot in his
footprint, and I would stretch my legs out. Now, you can imagine, I was stretching out farther
than I could ever go. You can imagine I looked ridiculous, and you can imagine I fell down, but
you will also know by looking at that picture that the greatest desire in my heart was to walk like
he walked. You could tell, looking at that little boy, he wanted to be like his dad even though
sometimes he didn’t look anything like him.
Let me ask you. What’s the greatest desire in your heart? Is your great desire to walk like He
walked? To be like He was? Is that your great desire? Are you seeking to put your foot in his
footprints? Listen to me, man. Listen to me, woman, because, if you’re not, be afraid. A
reporter came up to me one time, and he said, “Why are you telling people to be afraid all the
I said, “Because they ought to be afraid.” Again, this is the test. This is the exam. If I were to
look at your life, if I were to film the whole thing, would I see since the supposed day of your
conversion this desire to walk like Him, or do you desire to walk like everybody else? Do you
desire to walk like the world and act like the world and talk like the world and fellowship with
the world? Do you identify with the world? Or is it Jesus? Is it Jesus?
We’re not talking about whether or not you need to rededicate your life tonight. We’re talking
about whether or not you need to get saved. Now, let’s go on.
The next test. Verse 9 of chapter 2. The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his
brother is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there
is no cause for stumbling in him. But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks
in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
Now, brother here is not referring to the poor, even though we ought to love the poor. It’s not
referring to someone of another race. I always thought that was a quite stupid statement anyway
because there’s no more than one race, folks. It’s called human. Unless you’ve got a Martian
tucked into your pocket somewhere, there’s only one race. We’re to love people of all different
colors and cultures and all that. We know that. But that’s not what he’s talking about here.
When he says brother, he’s talking about believers. If you say that you know God and yet you
do not love other believers in a real and practical way and desire fellowship with them, you’re
lost. Now, let me give you an example. Remember when Jesus said, I was in prison; you did not
visit me. I was hungry; you did not feed me; I was naked; you did not clothe me. And guys who
do prison ministries will always use that verse saying, We need to go into the prisons. Well, we
need to go into prisons but that verse doesn’t really have anything to do with that unless there’s
Christians in there.
What this verse is talking about, and I learned it quite well in Peru and in other third-world
countries. In some third-world countries––my friend, listen to me—you get thrown into jail, you
will starve to death unless every day somebody from the outside brings you food. You will.
They do not provide food for you. You will die. Now, let’s say that someone is thrown in
prison, not for being an assassin or a thief, but they’re thrown in prison in the time of the apostles
for being a Christian. They’re locked away in there. Now, they’re going to die, they’re going to
starve to death unless somebody else brings them food. Now, that presents a problem because
the authorities know anybody that brings this guy food has to be a Christian. And so the one
who goes to take him food is in danger of being thrown in prison himself. That’s what Jesus is
talking about—a love so great that you would risk your own life to care for other brothers and
sisters in Christ.
Now, listen to me. Do you love to be with people who love to be with and talk about and
worship and serve God? Or would you rather be with people who have nothing to do with God?
Because you are demonstrating what you are. Like I said, I was raised on a farm. You do not
see the chickens over there having a good time with the pigs. Chickens hang with chickens.
Pigs do their own thing. It’s their nature. You say, “Well, I’m a believer but, man, all my
friends are, you know, they’re. . . .” Yeah, I know. They’re lost.
Do you love other Christians? “Well, I, you know, I, I come to church.”
Big deal. The devil comes to church. What do you do when you get here? What do you do
outside it? Because the church isn’t this tent. It’s not that building, it’s the people. How many
Christians are you serving? How many Christians are you reading the Bible with? How many
Christians are you praying for? How many Christians are you loving? How many . . . .
I’ve got a dear friend in my church back home, and he know I’m here in Texas for a little while.
He’s adopted my mother. He’s cleaning up her place; he’s mowing her yard; he’s doing all sort
of things. Why? She’s a believer, and because of the will of God, her son’s being sent to Texas
so he is taking over. That’s what I mean. That’s what I mean.
I’ve had both my hips replaced because my bones are degenerating. You know how they got
replaced? I was a missionary. I didn’t have a dime. How am I going to get implants? How am
I going to be operated on? A man in Austin, Texas––Steven Whitlock, III––a young guy, 32
years old, but a brilliant man. He walks into his Sunday school class one day at a church there in
Austin, Texas. He hears people praying about a missionary who can hardly walk up in the
Andes Mountains.
He goes, “Give me his name.” He called me. He said, “Come. Come to Austin. I’m getting the
ticket. I’m getting the doctors. I’m getting everything. Your hips are taken care of.” That’s
what I’m talking about. I was walking through the jungles one time, high jungles, in
Departmento Amazonas in Peru during the war with the Sendero Luminoso. We were in a place
the military wouldn’t go, and we were lost––me and another brother. And we were traveling
through the night in the darkness. We had smuggled ourselves up there in the back of grain
trucks, and we were going to preach in the place because the believers were just depressed and
torn apart and didn’t know what to do and everyone’s making fun of them. We knew we had to
go in there.
So we would get lost, and we’re going through the jungle and, finally, we come upon this
village. We walk in there. We don’t know where to go. We don’t know where to spend the
night. We know that the terrorists can be absolutely everywhere . We know we could be a dead
man, and Paco walks up to this person out on the streets, like almost midnight, and he goes, “Á
Hermanos por acá,”––Are there brothers through here? And someone said, “That old lady over
there”––an old Nazarene woman. We knock on the door, and I said, “Soy pastor.”
She grabs both of us, pulls us in, shuts the door behind us, sticks us down in the basement, goes
out, kills a chicken, fries up some yucca, everything you can imagine. She’s feeding us. She’s
taking care of us. She’s housing us. Could she get in trouble? Yes, she could.
And then you say, “Oh, I’m a Christian because I go to church.” You’ve got to be kidding me.
That’s love? To you? You need a new definition.
You say, “Brother Paul, you’re using satire.” Read the prophets. They did the same. Some of
this Christianity floating around America is worthy of making fun of, and it ought to be exposed.
Do you love the people of God? You know, who are you with? Someone asked me, “How did
you know––young guys always ask me, “How did you know that Charo, your wife, was the
woman for you?”
I said, “Real easy. I wanted to be with her.”
“How’d you know you loved her?”
“I just wanted to be with her.”
How do you know you love them? You just want to be with them and talk about Jesus. Talk
about Jesus. Do you love?
Now, let’s go on. There’s much more here, but we need to continue on. I want to go through
another test. Chapter 2, verse 15. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
What is the world? Everything in this fallen age that contradicts the attributes and will of God.
Everything that does not come forth from God and goes back to God in worship. That’s the
world. You say, “Well, I love secular music.” Let me just share something with you. I don’t
care. I’m not going there. This is what I’m going to tell you. It doesn’t matter to me whether
it’s secular or Christian. My question is—what’s being said in those words? Because if what’s
being said in those words contradicts the will of God, you’re violating His will, and you’re
loving it.
And the adults here are probably going, “Amen.” Okay, let’s talk about your television. You
watch things. You expect God to move? You love those. You love their jokes, their off-color
jokes, their humor. You find yourself laughing in wickedness. And then you want God to move
in your family and move in your life. Do you love the world? My dear friends, yesterday I was
nine years old; today I am 43. Tomorrow I will be 90. Life is a vapor. It is fleeting. Everything
will die. All will pass away. We are to love the things of God, the things that are eternal, and
one of the signs of a Christian is that they are not entrapped or enslaved to the things of this
present evil age, but they are set free to see Christ in His glory and follow Him and follow hard
after him. Christ!
I was preaching at a university thing about a year and a half ago, and I noticed that everyone was
seated and it was about two minutes before it was all to begin. All of a sudden at a side door in
the auditorium, probably a group of 30, 40 beautiful girls come walking in and just kind of
walked down the front there and sat down in all the seats. I mean, it was designed for them to
showcase what they were. I looked at all of them, and I said, “Young women,” I said, “let me
give you a little bit of advice. I can see. I’m a man. Many of you are very, very, very, very
beautiful. One day all of you are going to be terribly, terribly ugly.”
It’s true. To the wind with your money. To the wind with your beauty. To the wind with your
wealth. It will not remain. The only thing that remains is the glories of Christ. Death is a
present reality. You say, “Oh, how do you know? You’re not that old.”
My brother died. My father died in my arms. I preached the funeral of my sister. I know about
death. And I know that it could come to some of you before I finish snapping these fingers. You
say, “Brother Paul, you’re trying to scare me.” You have discerned correctly.
Love the world? You love to listen to the very things that nailed your supposed Master to the
tree? Come off of it, man. Become a hellion, give yourself to demons, run wild, but don’t come
in here saying you’re a believer and playing that game. You want to dance with the devil, then
dance all night long, but don’t come in here dancing with Christ for a moment and then go back
out there and share your love. We’re talking about loyalty. Love the world that nailed Christ to
a tree?
Many of you, just by professing faith in Christ, you crucify again the Son of God. You need to
realize something. This is the Christ. This is the Son of God. This is the Lord of Glory. Isn’t it
amazing that we’re going to have believers from China, believers from Northern Nigeria that
have died as martyrs, dragged through the desert behind camels, some of them skinned alive, but
they would not deny Jesus. And here’s all these American Christians standing beside them that
couldn’t even find enough of anything inside them to even attend church on Sunday morning.
Does anybody have a problem with that?
One man can be skinned alive and not deny Christ, and the other denies him in the smallest of
things. And yet, they’re all born again? I think not, my friend. I think not. Do you love the
world? Look at verse 16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the [boastful] pride of life. . . . It is not from the Father, but from the world.
Sometimes I’ll get seminary students, and they’ve all got this great idea that they’re going to go
out and do something for God. So, I’ll stand before them and I’ll say, “Okay, I want everybody
to breathe in.” They all breathe in. I say, “Breathe out.” They breathe out. I say,
“Theologically, from where did that breath come?”
They say, “From God.”
I say, “Okay, you can’t breathe on your own. Now, what are you going to do for God?” The lust
of the flesh, the pride of body. We live today basically in the Roman Empire; can’t you see that?
We have around us an empire of flesh and muscle and beauty and hair, and it will all rot in the
tomb. Rot in the tomb. The wealth and the glamour and the glitter and all the things in which
people are investing their lives will all rot, but the one who does the will of God will abide
I look at my life right now. I’m middle-aged, and I think sometimes back. I think what if I was
not a Christian. What would be my attitude now? Think about it. I’m 43. The days of my
strength are over. The days of my beauty—they’re over. The days of wonder and dreams about
what my life is going to be—they’re over. What’s left for me? Just to grow older, more tired,
and die. And yet, here I am now, a Christian. What does it mean? By God’s grace, 22 years
have not been wasted. In a meager, trifling sort of way, maybe, but truly in a way, they have
been given to Christ and now the years ahead of me.
And you know what? I’m a boy of God. You’re not a man of God till you’re about 65. I see
men of God still alive and those that have gone on before me. I listen to those old men at 85 and
90, barely can stand up in a pulpit and begin to speak and just glory all around them. And I say,
“Lord, is that’s what’s waiting me?”
I hear about the saints that are about to cross over and their eyes fly open and they just cry out,
“Glory, glory!” Lord, is that waiting for me? It’s going to get better. Just going to get better.
You say, “Well, your candle’s going to be put out.” Yes, my candle’s going to be put out only
because the sun’s coming up. This world is passing away and I can tell you biblically that, if
you’re living for it, you’re an absolute fool. But the one who does the will of God abides
forever. And for those of you who are young, oh, what a precious opportunity now to serve the
Lord. Now to serve Him.
Many that were called and used mightily of God were called as children in the Bible. Don’t you
see that? How old was this Samuel when he began to hear the voice of God? You say, “Oh, I
must wait.” No, you must not wait. Seek Him now. Seek Him hard. If you seek Him hard, he
will let Himself be found by you.
It goes on. Verse 19. They went out from us, but they were not really of us, for, if they had been
of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out so that it would be shown that they all
are not of us.
Now, this does not mean, if someone leaves our church and goes to another, that they’re not a
Christian; that’s not what that means. What it’s talking about is this. The true Christian who has
entered into Biblical historical Christianity and then leaves, might go into some new stuff, new
Christianity, new teachings––they’re rampant; they’re everywhere; every wind is
offered––leaves what is known as basic historic Christianity to go follow after some new stuff
that has very little to do with Scripture and nothing to do with Biblical history. They’ve gone out
from us. They don’t remain in the body. Or someone who comes in and they might be with the
group, you know, with the church, with the fellowship, with the congregation for six months or a
year and then they depart and they stay departed and they don’t go to another fellowship. What
does that mean? They went out from us. And what is it showing? They never were of us.
Because once you’re in Christianity, you stay in Christianity because He who brought you in
keeps you in. It wasn’t Noah who shut that door behind himself on that boat. It was God.
I hear so many people that will say, “Oh, if I just make it to heaven, I’ll be secure. If I just make
it to heaven, I’ll be secure.” Knowing that, then where was the devil when he fell? It’s not
heaven that’s going to make you secure, my friend. It’s being in Christ that makes you secure.
It goes on. Another test, verse 22, chapter 2. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is
the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies
the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.
The true Christian is going to embrace the fullness of the person of Jesus Christ. Now, many of
you are saying, yes, that is true. They are going to believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. Yes,
that’s true. They’re going to believe that God became man, that He was a real man. Yes, that’s
true, but that’s not all it means to embrace the fullness of Christ’s person. This silly little stuff
going around in America today that you can receive Jesus as Savior and not Lord is absolutely
absurd. The fullness of His person you believe in, you receive, you embrace. All of it.
Jesus is Savior. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus is the only prophet who
ever walked on this earth. Jesus is the only King. Jesus is the only true Priest. Jesus is, again,
the only true Wise Man. Let me ask you, do you believe that? All right, how much are you
going to His Word to find His wisdom? Do you believe He’s King? How much are you going to
His Word to find His law? Do you believe He’s Prophet and He knows about your latter days?
Then how much are you going to the Word to settle those latter days through your own
Now, finally, look in verse 29 of chapter 2. If you know that He is righteous, you know that
everyone who practices righteousness is born of God. Now what is righteousness? Everything
that conforms. Everything that conforms to the nature and law of God.
Do you practice righteousness? If we were to look at your life, are you practicing God’s law?
Are you practicing God’s wisdom, God’s Word, God’s precepts? Are you? Is it a practice in
your life, or are you departing from it? Does it have nothing to do––absolutely nothing to do
with you?
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus says, Depart from me you who practice lawlessness. That’s one of
the most terrifying statements in the Bible for American Christianity because basically what He’s
saying is this: Depart from me those of you who claim to be my disciples and yet you lived as
though I never gave you a law to obey. I just described most of what’s called the church in
America today.
“I’m a disciple.” What’s your relationship to His Word?
“I know Him.” What’s your relationship to His Word?
Are you seeking to know His wisdom, His precepts, His commands, and to practice them? Is it a
part of your life? Now, let me tell you something, something––I think legalism is death. Let me
tell you that. I think it is. I think it’s death. But I want to tell you something. The Bible tells us
what we can think about and what we cannot think about. Do you know those commands? And
are you practicing them? The Bible tells us what we ought to watch and we should not watch.
Do you know those commands? Do you care? Are you practicing them?
The Bible tells us—now, listen to me—the Bible tells us what we can wear and not wear. You
say, “Oh boy, here he goes.” No, listen to me. I’m not talking about defining every
last––crossing every T, dotting every I, that you can’t wear this. It is telling us this. Whatever
you put on your body better be decent. It better be decent and it ought to enhance the beauty
God’s already given you. I look around today and see what people are wearing, and it reminds
me of the Communist countries I’ve preached in right after their liberation.
One thing about a communist country, the communists come in Eastern Europe filled with all
these little brick roads and beautiful little stone houses and everything. The communists come in
and tear it all down, put in pavement and these ugly concrete blocks, and make everybody—they
take beauty and destroy it. Look at fashion today. Look at it. It’s not conformed to the will of
God. God wants His people to be beautiful. It’s a God that also means modest and decent. But
He wants them beautiful. He wants them full of life, full of color. He wants them to be a
beautiful people, but what do we see? Grunge, dressed in black, hanging over like this. I mean,
it’s unbelievable. In a way, I think it’s really, really good because, I mean, a man who’s godly
no longer will have much temptation. The girls are trying to look as ugly as possible. I mean,
that’s not what God wants.
Let me just—I know I’m kind of—I don’t have much time to preach to you, so I’m going to use
a shotgun approach here. Girls and guys, let me give you a thing that my wife uses, and it’s
really, really good. It’s this. If your clothing is a frame for your face, it’s of God. If your
clothing brings attention to your face from which the glory of God should be shining, it’s of God.
If your clothing is a frame for your body, it is sensual and God hates it.
Now, I know they’re kind of pretty broad guidelines, but there they are. It doesn’t mean you
have to dress like a Puritan and put buckles on your shoes or anything like that, but those are the
guidelines. Right there.
Righteousness. And why am I saying this? Because the Bible touches every aspect of our lives.
There’s something in there for every area of our life, and what we need to do is discover what
that is and conform our lives to it. And you say, “Oh, what a burden.” You’re lost, because the
Bible says the commandments of God for a Christian are not a burden; they’re a joy. They’re a
Verse 3 of chapter 3. Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is
pure. Now, look at this. What is it talking about? The hope for the second coming of Jesus
Christ. Everybody now reading these Left Behind books—the only thing left behind in the Left
Behind series was the Bible. But everybody’s excited. You know––“I believe in the Second
Coming.” “I believe Jesus is going to come.” “I believe in all this stuff.” Okay, we’ll see
whether you believe it or not, because it says in verse 3, Everyone who has this hope—what does
he do?—purifies himself, just as he is pure.
Now, here’s something Christian. It’s just going to blow your mind. You know, we are told to
purify ourselves, and some of you guys need to hear this who are really, really theological. Not
only has God sanctified us in Christ; he calls us to strive to be holy. He calls us to purify
ourselves. Let me ask you a question. Could I sit down with you right now and you talk to
me—we’re all alone—you talk to me about the ways in which you are seeking to purify
yourself? Can you?
Going into the book of Hebrews, could you sit down with me right now and we could open it up,
and I say, “Just share with me how this affects your life.” Could you sit down with me right now
and explain to me the ways in which you’re striving after holiness? Do you see? Do you see?
This Bible is not poetry. It’s not just little maxims that are cute. It is your life. It is your life.
Everyone who has this hope—that hopes in Him—how do we know that we really hope in Him?
Because we’re seeking to make ourselves pure. We’re seeking—we’re striving after holiness.
We’re striving after holiness. We really are. Are you striving after holiness?
My mom—she’s almost 77, and she raised most of us kids by herself because my dad died.
Tough lady. She’s Croatian. Her parents came over through Ellis Island. She went through the
depression. She’s a tough lady. She’s from Detroit. It makes her mean. She’ll sit there
sometimes––I’ll be over there. I’ll go over to her house, pass by there before I go to the office in
the morning, she’ll be over the Word. I’ll look up at her and she’ll just be broken. She was
saved when she was ten. She’ll look up at me with tears in her eyes and say, “I am just so
unholy. I am just—I just found—look at this verse. God’s telling me my mouth, my tongue—I
spoke out of turn the other night. I’ve got to go back and ask my sister to forgive me.”
I’m going, “Oh, mom.”
She says, “Sometime I don’t even think I’m saved.”
I said, “Mom, this is the evidence that you are.” All these years of walking with Christ and yet,
still there, striving to be holy. Yes, resting in the finished work of Christ, yes, but striving to be
holy, to be righteous. Everyone who has this hope is going to do that.
Now, he says, verse 4, Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is
lawlessness. What does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means. He’s trying to show you how
horrible sin is, because we really don’t get it. I love what Watson says in A BODY OF DIVINITY.
He’s always saying this, he goes, “You have not sinned against an inferior prince. You’ve not
sinned against a small mayor from a small village. You have sinned against the Lord of Glory,
the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. You know not what you’ve done. “
Imagine this. Here stands God on the day of creation. He looks at stars that could swallow up a
thousand of our suns. He looks at them and He says, “All you stars, move yourself to this place
and start in this order and move in a circle, and move exactly as I tell you until I give you another
word.” And they all obey him.
He says, “Planets, pick yourself up and whirl. Make this formation at My command until I give
you another word.” He looks at mountains and he says, “Be lifted up,” and they obey Him. He
tells valleys, “Be cast down,” and they obey Him. He looks at the sea and says, “You will come
this far,” and the sea obeys, and then He looks at you and says, “Come.” And you go, “No!”
Look at the horrid, wretchedness of sin, the vulgarity, the prostitution of sin. It is a horrid thing,
not something to be trifled with. As I said, it is a beast, and it is waiting at the door, and its
desire is to have you. And anyone who practices sin practices outright, open, clenched-fisted
rebellion against the Lord of Glory.
Now, it’s here. We all realize that the Bible’s already taught us that believers will sin, but there
is a difference between a believer who sins, confesses their sin, and going on to greater holy,
being disciplined of the Lord but going on to greater holiness, and someone who just out and out
practices sin as a habitual lifestyle.
Verse 5. You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. He
appeared to take away the very sin that many people relish and love.
Verse 6. No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. Again,
it’s talking about a style of life, of practicing sin. Little children, make sure no one deceives you.
Now, I’m telling you this. Little children, adults, make sure no one deceives you. Make sure
some pastor doesn’t deceive you, make sure your momma doesn’t deceive you, your dad doesn’t
deceive you, or some well-meaning carnal Christian does not deceive you. He says, Little
children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just
as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the
You practice sin as a habitual lifestyle? You love what you can get away with? My friend,
you’re of the devil.
Now, let’s go back to verse 12 of the final chapter, chapter 5. The last test. There’s many more,
but we don’t have time this evening. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son
of God does not have life. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus. Jesus. You know, it’s
almost absurd to ask this question. We’ve actually come to believe in American Christianity that
you can be Christian and Jesus not be all the world to you.
Do you love Jesus? What do you think about most? What do you think about most? I know
men who love the ministry more than they love Jesus. I know men who love the Bible more than
they love Jesus. What do you think about most? Because that’s what you love.
Now, my dear friend, listen to me. I’ve got to make a stop here, correct a few things. There are
some struggling believers here tonight that need to realize something. Again, we are not talking
about sinless perfection. We are not saying that, if you’re a true Christian, Christ will always be
at the forefront of your thoughts. We’re not saying, if you’re a true Christian, you are always
going to be practicing righteousness. Again, what we’re talking about is a style of life and a
struggle. I tell my mother, “Mom, the greatest evidence that you’re a Christian is the fact that
right now you’re in the Word and God’s pointing out to you your sin.”
The mere fact some of you need to hear this. The mere fact that you struggle with the fact that
you don’t love Him enough is evidence that you’re a believer. The mere fact that you look at
your own life and you realize you’re not as holy or righteous as you want to be and it bothers you
is evidence that you’ve come to know him. What I’m preaching against tonight is the person
who lives in habitual sin, who loves the world and all these different things, or a person sliding in
that direction, or a person who just—“Yes, Jesus is a little accessory onto my life.” The warning
is for that person.
You know, I hear these preachers today and they’ll preach and they’ll go, “Man, you’ve got it
all.” I’ve heard them give this kind of invitation. “Man, you’ve got it all. You’ve got a
wonderful, beautiful family; you’ve got your health; you’ve got a wonderful job and all these
things. You just lack one more thing to make your life complete. You lack Jesus.”
Makes me want to vomit. My friend, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son
has nothing. All your wealth, all your health, all your relations, everything you have is dung if
Jesus is not Lord and Savior and Passion of your life. He’s not an accessory that you add on to
an already great life. He is Life. That’s why He meant, you know, You drink my blood, you eat
my flesh. What was He talking about? He’s not some accessory. He’s the very source of your
life. Is he yours? Is he yours?
Let’s pray.
Father, we come before You in the name of Your Son. And, Lord, this has been long and hard,
but I felt a measure of grace in it, Lord, and I pray, I pray, dear Lord, that You would work in the
hearts of people that You would save, that You would convert; and that, Lord, even some of
Your people who may have been sliding into the things of the world, that this has been used as
discipline to turn them; to others, Lord, who believe themselves saved, that this has been used to
show them they are not saved; and to struggling believers, that it has been used to show them
that assuredly they are believers. God, use Your Word to do many more things than what we
could ever think or believe. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Transcribed by
This sermon was preached at and is distributed by Grace Community Church in San Antonio, Texas.
This was the sermon that God used to save Paul Washer's wife, Charo, out of her false profession
despite all her years as a missionary. Her testimony in MP3 can be found here:
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Preached at Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX (
(2 Corinthians 13:5 & 1 John)
Paul Washer
I’m going to preach a message tonight that has angered many, many, many churchmen. It has
angered many of the older people. It has angered many of the youth. Many of the youth that
I’ve preached this to have become fiercely angry, but the people that have become most angry at
hearing this message have been the parents of youth.
I have found that there is something quite amazing among parents that, if they can get some sort
of a claim out of their children that they profess faith in Jesus Christ, they seem to hold onto that
and it gives them assurance and joy, and it seems that they’re bothered any time someone would
come and question that claim. It seems we would rather hold onto a false hope than to hear the
There are many people who do not want to hear the truth because it will shake up the false hope
they have that they’re going to heaven when, indeed, they are not. There are so many people in
Christianity—American Christianity—that believe themselves right with God, that believe
themselves saved because they were told that by a preacher who should have spent more time
studying the Bible and less time preaching.
I hear people all over the world—and especially in this country—tell me that they’re saved, and I
ask them how do they know that they’re saved. Well, because they believe. And no one asked
them the second question: How do you know that you believe?
If we were to dismiss this congregation tonight and send everyone out to every part of this city,
we would find out that the great majority of the people in this city believe that they believe. And
we know that’s not true. If we were to go to taverns and crack houses tonight, if we were to go
to casinos anywhere in this world, we would find people who believe that they believe. And the
question is—how can we be sure that we believe when so many people say they believe and we
know they don’t.
In America, we have combined two doctrines, and we have lost both of them. There are two
very important doctrines in the Christian faith. The first one is commonly called—a name I do
not like but I will use here tonight—the security of the believer, that every person who has truly
believed in Jesus Christ is born again and they are secure. The very God who saved them will
keep them saved––security of the believer.
But there’s another doctrine which we do not hear much about. It’s not just the doctrine of
security, but the doctrine of assurance. It is true that every true believer is kept by the power of
God. That’s the doctrine of security, but the doctrine of assurance is this: How can you be
assured that you’re a true believer? How can you know that you are a true believer?
I’ve had people tell me, “Well, I just know that I know.” I tell them there’s a way that seems
right unto men. It leads to death.
I’ve had people tell me, “Well, I know in my heart of hearts that I am saved.” The Bible says
that the heart is deceitfully wicked. It goes beyond knowledge in its wickedness. So, do you
really want to trust a mind that is faulty? Do you really want to trust a heart that can be wicked?
I’ve even had people tell me, “Well, I know I’m saved because the preacher told me I’m saved.”
Since when did men have such authority? And, then, the worst of all—“I know I’m saved
because I have walked with God.” My dear friends, let me tell you this, if you are not walking
with God now, you can have no assurance that you have ever been saved.
We’re not teaching here tonight that, if you walk with God and you’re saved and then you stop
walking with God, you lose your salvation. What we’re telling you is this—we have assurance
that we have come to know Him not just because one time we repented, but we are continuing to
repent today. It is not just that at one time we believed, but that we are continuing to believe
today. It is not just that one time we walked with Him; we continue to walk with Him today
because He who began a good work will finish it.
It says in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 5, Paul had come to a church, many of them
professing Christ, many of them walking in carnality, and he doesn’t ask them—he doesn’t say
to them, “Let me ask you something. When was the time that you first asked Jesus Christ into
your heart?” He didn’t even refer to their conversion experience. He goes right to present tense
and he says this: Test yourselves—in verse 5—to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves.
Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you fail
the test.
If I see someone who, let’s say, for three or four years seems to have walked with God, loved the
saints, endeavored to pray, to know the Word, to congregate with other believers, and all of such,
and then they begin to fall away gradually. They begin to walk away. They begin to allow the
world and sin and other things into their life. They begin to enjoy the fellowship of the wicked.
I don’t go to them and tell them, “You know you’re a Christian and you need to avoid
I go to them and say, “You have made the good profession. You have declared among many that
you are a believer, but now you are beginning to live like an unbeliever. It is very, very possible
you never knew Him, that up until this point, it has all been a very deceiving work of the flesh,
because, if a work of God does not continue, it never was a work of God.
Now what does Paul say to this person? He says, Test yourselves. Test yourselves. Take a test.
Let me tell you something, my dear friends. Heaven and hell, eternity and death may not be very
much a reality to you, but it most certainly is to this preacher. I could care less whether or not
your bank account is balanced or you have self-esteem. My only thing––the only thing that
might keep me up this evening and steal sleep from my eyes is the fact that many of you will die
and go to hell.
Test yourself! This is not just some whimsical thing. This is not just something to worry about
for a day. We’re talking about eternity. Is it well with your soul? If you test yourselves in the
light of Scripture, will you be found whole and complete, born again, kept by the power of God?
It’s time to take a test and stop relying on your emotions and stop relying on what everyone is
telling you and stop comparing yourself to other people who call themselves Christians, because
the great majority of people in America who call themselves Christians are lost.
Some leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention have said this: If we take seriously what the
Bible says about Christianity, we would have to say that less than 10 to 15 percent of all our
membership is even saved. And don’t think that just applies to Southern Baptists. It applies to
you all.
He said test yourself. Examine yourself. Not just some light examination. Not just hear the
words of this preacher and walk out there and allow Satan to steal the Word of God from your
heart. While you’re here and while Christ is present and while the Word is preached, examine
yourself. It is a deadly thing. Sin waits outside this door. It is crouching and its desire is to have
you. While you are here and Christ is present, examine yourself.
So many times in South America, working in the Andes Mountains, I would have to cross
footbridges––gorges that you almost couldn’t see to the bottom. Test the ropes. Test the wood.
Is this a sound bridge? Examine it carefully. Why? You get out in the middle of that thing, it
breaks, you’re dead. In the same way, that salvation that you hold onto, that you trust in, it might
be like a horse’s hair. When you swing out into eternity, many of you are going to swing out on
nothing stronger than a horse’s hair and when the fires of hell blast up, you’ll wither and you’ll
Examine yourself. Take the Word of God and what the Word of God says about a true Christian,
and examine yourself in light of it. And if you fall short of the test, repent and believe. Throw
yourself upon the mercy of God. Cry out to Him until a work is done. And that’s another thing,
isn’t it? A whole other sermon. Until a work is done.
This silly Christianity in America. “Repeat these words after me.” No, you might have to wait
upon God. You might have to cry out to Him until the work is done—a true work, a finished
work, a complete work.
How can we take a test? How can we test our life? How can you test yourself tonight to see
whether or not you truly are a Christian? We just have to go to the Word of God to do that. Go
to 1st John chapter 5.
First John chapter 5, verse 13. John gives us the reason in his Gospel. In John chapter 20, verse
31, he tells us why he writes his Gospel. He writes his Gospel so that men might believe that
Jesus is the Son of God, that He’s the Christ, that they might have eternal life. Why does he
write his epistle? He tells us here in 1st John chapter 5, verse 13: These things––this epistle––I
have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God––those of you who profess
Christ––why?––that you may know that you have eternal life.
You want to know whether or not you’re born again? Read the book of 1st John, because the
book of 1st John is made up of a series of tests, and we’re going to take those tests this evening.
And I pray to God that God gives you ears to hear.
And I want to tell you something and I want to make it very, very clear. Do not listen to your
heart. Listen to the Word of God. Do not listen to what your daddy says about your salvation.
Do not listen to what your mother says about your salvation. Listen to the Word of God.
Compare what you know about your secret life.
Now, what did I say that for? So many of you young people, you have your parents so deceived
it’s unbelievable, because externally you conform to their law, but it’s not your law. It’s not in
your heart. And in the secret place, you know who you are. And then some of you who are not
children, but adults, teenagers that are older that are out in the world, you go out there. You
know who you are. Your mom and dad, they do not know. Some of you adults, church
members do not know, but when you are out there by yourself, that’s the person I want you to
compare to the Word of God tonight. Not the one in here that looks pretty, not the one in here
that’s got religious makeup on. No. The one out there when no one is looking. You take that
person and compare him tonight to the Word of God and see if he stands. See if he stands.
You say, “Brother Paul, you seem quite intense tonight.” How would you expect me to be if a
train––a slow-moving train was going across our path and to see my little boy just inches from
the wheel. Would you expect for me to whisper in his ear, “Back up, boy.” Would you expect
for me just to not even make a commotion, but kind of motion with my hand? Or would you
expect me to scream out, “No-o-o-o-o-o!” How would you expect me to preach about these
things? Let’s take that secret life of yours and compare it to the Word of God.
First John chapter 1, verse 5. This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
What does that mean? As in all the writings of John, he leaves things open. He leaves things
open. I believe that, as you look through this text, you will find out that there are two things
John is saying. First of all, whenever we’re talking about light, and we see this in John chapter
3, we’re talking about holiness, righteousness. God is a holy God. He is a righteous God, has no
sin, no flaw, no shadow, no speck of immorality in Him. God cannot be tempted. You can be
tempted because there’s still an element of evil in you that is drawn to evil. God has no evil in
Him. Evil cannot draw Him. He disdains it. He despises it. He’s holy.
But that’s not, I think, John’s primary meaning here. John is dealing with a group of false
teachers who basically are telling everybody that God is a very dark and shadowy and hidden
figure, and that knowledge about God is esoteric. It is hidden and dark and only some people
know it. And I believe that John is contradicting these false prophets and he is saying this, and
you listen very carefully. This is what he is saying. He’s saying God is Light. And he means
this: God has revealed to us who He is and He has revealed to us His will. He has made it very
Now, let me just say something about how that would change everything in America if the media
truly believed that. What kind of God do we have in America? What is the god of the politician
in America? It’s this kind of god––it’s a god you can pray to, but you cannot define who he is.
It’s a god you can talk about in a political speech, but you cannot define what his will is. And
that’s a good god to have. Why? Because you’re no longer accountable to a god like that. You
don’t know who he is and you don’t know what he wants, so you just do whatever your carnal,
wicked heart wants to do. That’s a very convenient god, and that’s the kind of god some
supposed Christians have.
But John counters that and he says this: No, my friend, God has told you exactly who He is and
God has told you exactly what He requires of thee, old man. He’s not a hidden god. Now,
learning that, let’s go to the next verse.
He says this: If we say that we have fellowship with Him. . . . What does that mean? If we say
that we are saved is exactly what it means. If we say that we know Him, if we say that we abide
in Him. For so many years in America, because of a certain seminary that has propagated this,
we have been taught and led to believe that 1st John is talking about the difference between a
Christian who walks in communion with God or a Christian that does not walk in communion
with God. They take this text to mean that, if we say that we know Him, if we say that we know
Him, if we say that we know Him and yet walk in darkness, we’re just a confused Christian.
That’s not what this text means.
What this text is saying is this: If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the
darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. If we say that we are a Christian and yet we walk
in darkness, we are lying. Now, I know what’s going to happen in your heart right now. “Yeah,
but you don’t know my heart, Brother Paul. I know that I know that I know that I’m saved.”
I could care less, again, about your heart. Because that’s not what John said. John says, if we
say that we have fellowship with God, that we are a Christian and yet we walk in the darkness,
we are a liar. Now, what does it mean to walk in the darkness? Well, first of all, you need to
understand what darkness is. It’s the opposite of light. If we say we are a Christian and yet we
walk—now what does it mean to walk––peripateo––to walk around; a style of life. If we say we
are a Christian and yet our style of life contradicts everything God has told us about Himself and
contradicts God’s will, we’re a liar. That’s what it means. That’s what this text is saying. It’s as
clear as a bell.
Now, listen to me. Listen to me. I’m going to tell you again. Look at this, in verse 6. If we say
that we have fellowship with Him––if we say that we are Christian and yet we walk—we lead a
style of life––in the darkness, we lead a style of life that contradicts the attributes and the nature
of God, what God has told us about Himself, our style of life reflects nothing of God’s character,
and our style of life totally contradicts what God has said to be His will, then we are a liar when
we say we are a Christian.
We’ve got to understand this. Do you have ears? You’ve got to understand it. There are so
many people walking around. You can see them. It is like a fog over their heads. That is why
religion is so dangerous. All these silly little boys out here preaching that, if you repeat a prayer,
you’re going to heaven and the moment they pronounce that upon a person, it is like a fog comes
over them. But it’s time to cut through that fog with a deeper, greater light. And that is the
Word of God.
My dear friend, listen to me. John is saying that, if you say you’re a Christian and yet your style
of life, the way you are, does not reflect His character and the things you do go against His will
as a style of life, he’s telling you you are a liar when you say you’re a Christian.
Now, let’s go on. Here’s the next test. Verse 8. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving
ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Now, he said, if we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
There have been strains of Christianity or marginal Christianity down through the history of the
church that believed in sinless perfection. Well, the Bible doesn’t teach that. The Bible teaches
that even the most mature, the most godly Christian is still susceptible to sin.
What this is teaching us is this. One of the greatest evidences that a person has truly been born
again, that a person is truly a child of God is that they will be sensitive to the sin in their life and
they will be led to repentance and confession of that sin.
Isn’t it amazing—and most pastors, when I preach this, they smile. They know exactly what I’m
talking about. Whenever I’m preaching in a church and there is a move of God and a move of
God with regard to sin, I find it amazing that, when people start breaking and in American
churches somebody is coming forward and praying, I think it is quite amazing that it is always
the most godly, most devoted, most spiritual people coming forward, weeping over their sin and
it is always the most carnal, godless, hateful, spiteful, wicked church members that sit back there,
cold as a stone, as though they were perfect. What you are seeing is the difference between the
lost and the saved in the congregation.
A true Christian is sensitive to sin. Sensitive to sin. Sensitive to sin. Let me ask you a question.
When was the last time you wept over your sin? That’s frightening. When was the last time you
were broken over your sin? That’s frightening. Some of you don’t even know what I’m talking
about. When we are a child of God, God guards us. He talks about his jealous love for Israel. Is
it not greater for the church? Does God guard you?
I can remember my great love for books in seminary, and I went to the bookstore there in
seminary to buy a book with a friend of mine, and there were only two volumes left. There were
two and there were two of us. I pulled out the first volume, and I love books, and there was a
little tear on one of the pages. I swapped books with him. I gave him that book and pulled out
the other one. We go to the counter. We buy our books. I go home the whole time as though I
had murdered a man—as though I had murdered a man.
And, finally, praying, having to call him up, saying, “I’ve got to talk to you.”
“Well, what is it? You can tell me over the phone.”
“No, I can’t tell you over the phone. I have got to meet you face to face.” And then go before
him, weeping, and ask forgiveness. Why? Because I’m pious? No. Because God guards his
children. I see Christians, and it’s amazing to me. . . .”Brother Paul, come and preach for us.
We want revival.” And yet, before they come to the meetings and after the meetings they go
home and sit in front of a television and watch all that filth. And they’re not even sensitive to the
sin of it.
Are you sensitive to sin? Does it lead you to confession? Now, let me ask you, some of you
here, here’s something you need to understand. Just recently a man that I know was found in
grievous, grievous sin, and someone said, “How did a man like him fall into sin?”
And I said, “He didn’t fall into sin. No man falls into sin. He slid there like everyone else.”
Let me ask you—because some of you may be Christians and you need to hear a warning. Are
you sliding into sin? Are you starting to do things now, gradually, gradually, that you would not
have thought of doing a month ago? And little by little by little, you know what’s going to
happen? You keep going, and it’ll be evidence you’re lost. If God pulls you back, it’ll be
evidence you’re saved.
You say, “Oh, Brother Paul, but you don’t know me.” I don’t need to know you. I know the
Word of God, and I know it’s the same for every individual. Are you sensitive to sin? I want to
read a passage to you just quickly. Just listen. It’s one of my--to me it’s one of the most blessed
passages in all of Scripture. Let me ask you, is this your attitude? Has it ever been your
God says, For my hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being, declares the
Lord, but to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit and trembles at my
word. Do you tremble at His Word or do you look for loopholes around it? Do you excuse your
sin? Do you avoid the Word now because you know it’s going to talk to you and talk about you?
People come to me all the time and say, “Brother Paul, I have a new relationship with God.”
And I go to 1st John, chapter 1, verse 8. I say, “Do you have a new relationship with sin?
Because, if you don’t have a new relationship with sin, you don’t have a new relationship with
God.” Are you sensitive to sin?
Now, third test. It’s found in verse 3 of chapter 2. By this we know that we have come to know
Him, if we keep His commandments. Now, listen to this. The one who says, "I have come to
know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Now,
let’s look at this test—by this we know that we have come to know Him. You know, in
America––I tell you what, I was talking to a Scotsman awhile back in Peru, and he said, “You
Americans, your theology is 3,000 miles wide and a half inch deep.” He’s right.
Our Gospel here is pathetic. Our evangelism borderlines on heresy. How do you know that you
came to know Him? If you go to most pastors in this city right now and you say to them, “I
don’t know whether or not I’m saved,” this is the question they’ll ask you: “Was there ever a
point in time in your life when you prayed and asked Jesus to come into your heart?” If you say
yes, they’ll go, “Were you sincere?” If you say, “I think so,” they’ll say, “Then you’re saved and
you need to stop the devil from bothering you.” There’s not a biblical bone in their brains.
Look what the Bible says. How can you know that you’re saved? How can you know it? Look
what he says. By this we know that we have come to know Him. Because our heart tells us?
Because the preacher tells us? Because we just feel it? Look what he says. By this we know that
we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. And that keep there is in present
tense, as well as many of the other things here in this text. And what he’s saying is, if we keep
on keeping His commandments, we know that we know Him, if we persevere in His
commandments, we know that we know Him.
And then he goes on and says, the one who is opposite doesn’t know Him. Now, I want you to
look at something for a moment. What does it mean to keep His commandments? Does it mean
to walk in sinless perfection? No. Again, it is a style of life. If we were to take your life out and
film it every day 24 hours a day, would we see a style of life that desired to know God’s
commandments, desired to obey them, was growing in victory in obedience, and was also broken
when it didn’t obey, would we see that in your life?
You say, “Well, I’ve kept the commandments before.” You forget what he’s saying. If you keep
on keeping ... perseverance. Why perseverance? Because of the promises of God. He who
began a good work in you will finish it, and if the work isn’t finished, He didn’t do it.
Is your lifestyle marked by a keen interest in God’s commandments and a desire to obey them?
Again, someone comes to me and says, “Brother Paul, I have a new relationship with God.”
And I tell them, “Do you have a new relationship with sin? Because, if you don’t have a new
relationship with sin, you don’t have a new relationship with God.” And then I ask, “If you’ve
got a new relationship with God, well, tell me, do you have a new relationship with His
commands? Do you have a new relationship with his Word? Because, if you don’t have a new
relationship with His Word, you don’t have a new relationship with him.”
Now look at verse 4. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. If you’ve been in any kind of meetings,
especially among people who consider themselves to be super spiritual and vocal about it, I
mean, meetings will get going and the preacher will start preaching or the music will get rolling,
and someone will jump up and say, “Oh, hallelujah, He’s my Savior. Hallelujah, I know Him.”
That’s exactly what John is talking about right here. The one who jumps up in the middle of the
meeting and says “I know I’ve come to know Him,” but does not keep his commandments is a
liar. He’s a liar.
Now, again, look at this from the context. John is the apostle of love. Paul was known for his
great mind, but I think John was known for his great love, and, yet, this humble, broken apostle
is laying down the verdict. You are a liar. It’s an amazing thing, isn’t it.
Now, it goes on. Let’s go to another test. Verse 6 of chapter 2. The one who says he abides in
Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. The Christian ought to walk as
Jesus walked, and you say, “Brother Paul, you’ve gone too far now. Who can walk like Jesus
Let me give you an illustration to try to explain to you what I mean. When I was a little boy, my
father was a very big man, very smart man, and like all little boys, I wanted to be just like him.
Now, up north, we raised cattle and raised quarterhorses. We’d get big snows and my dad would
come into my room at five in the morning, even when I was a little boy, and say, “Paul boy, get
up. No rest for the wicked.” And when he said, “Get up,” you got up.
And we would walk out there in the snow, and the one thing I can always remember doing
is—my father would take these big strides and leave these footprints in the snow. Now, I wanted
to walk like my dad walked, and so I would try to stretch my legs out and put my foot in his
footprint, and I would stretch my legs out. Now, you can imagine, I was stretching out farther
than I could ever go. You can imagine I looked ridiculous, and you can imagine I fell down, but
you will also know by looking at that picture that the greatest desire in my heart was to walk like
he walked. You could tell, looking at that little boy, he wanted to be like his dad even though
sometimes he didn’t look anything like him.
Let me ask you. What’s the greatest desire in your heart? Is your great desire to walk like He
walked? To be like He was? Is that your great desire? Are you seeking to put your foot in his
footprints? Listen to me, man. Listen to me, woman, because, if you’re not, be afraid. A
reporter came up to me one time, and he said, “Why are you telling people to be afraid all the
I said, “Because they ought to be afraid.” Again, this is the test. This is the exam. If I were to
look at your life, if I were to film the whole thing, would I see since the supposed day of your
conversion this desire to walk like Him, or do you desire to walk like everybody else? Do you
desire to walk like the world and act like the world and talk like the world and fellowship with
the world? Do you identify with the world? Or is it Jesus? Is it Jesus?
We’re not talking about whether or not you need to rededicate your life tonight. We’re talking
about whether or not you need to get saved. Now, let’s go on.
The next test. Verse 9 of chapter 2. The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his
brother is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there
is no cause for stumbling in him. But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks
in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
Now, brother here is not referring to the poor, even though we ought to love the poor. It’s not
referring to someone of another race. I always thought that was a quite stupid statement anyway
because there’s no more than one race, folks. It’s called human. Unless you’ve got a Martian
tucked into your pocket somewhere, there’s only one race. We’re to love people of all different
colors and cultures and all that. We know that. But that’s not what he’s talking about here.
When he says brother, he’s talking about believers. If you say that you know God and yet you
do not love other believers in a real and practical way and desire fellowship with them, you’re
lost. Now, let me give you an example. Remember when Jesus said, I was in prison; you did not
visit me. I was hungry; you did not feed me; I was naked; you did not clothe me. And guys who
do prison ministries will always use that verse saying, We need to go into the prisons. Well, we
need to go into prisons but that verse doesn’t really have anything to do with that unless there’s
Christians in there.
What this verse is talking about, and I learned it quite well in Peru and in other third-world
countries. In some third-world countries––my friend, listen to me—you get thrown into jail, you
will starve to death unless every day somebody from the outside brings you food. You will.
They do not provide food for you. You will die. Now, let’s say that someone is thrown in
prison, not for being an assassin or a thief, but they’re thrown in prison in the time of the apostles
for being a Christian. They’re locked away in there. Now, they’re going to die, they’re going to
starve to death unless somebody else brings them food. Now, that presents a problem because
the authorities know anybody that brings this guy food has to be a Christian. And so the one
who goes to take him food is in danger of being thrown in prison himself. That’s what Jesus is
talking about—a love so great that you would risk your own life to care for other brothers and
sisters in Christ.
Now, listen to me. Do you love to be with people who love to be with and talk about and
worship and serve God? Or would you rather be with people who have nothing to do with God?
Because you are demonstrating what you are. Like I said, I was raised on a farm. You do not
see the chickens over there having a good time with the pigs. Chickens hang with chickens.
Pigs do their own thing. It’s their nature. You say, “Well, I’m a believer but, man, all my
friends are, you know, they’re. . . .” Yeah, I know. They’re lost.
Do you love other Christians? “Well, I, you know, I, I come to church.”
Big deal. The devil comes to church. What do you do when you get here? What do you do
outside it? Because the church isn’t this tent. It’s not that building, it’s the people. How many
Christians are you serving? How many Christians are you reading the Bible with? How many
Christians are you praying for? How many Christians are you loving? How many . . . .
I’ve got a dear friend in my church back home, and he know I’m here in Texas for a little while.
He’s adopted my mother. He’s cleaning up her place; he’s mowing her yard; he’s doing all sort
of things. Why? She’s a believer, and because of the will of God, her son’s being sent to Texas
so he is taking over. That’s what I mean. That’s what I mean.
I’ve had both my hips replaced because my bones are degenerating. You know how they got
replaced? I was a missionary. I didn’t have a dime. How am I going to get implants? How am
I going to be operated on? A man in Austin, Texas––Steven Whitlock, III––a young guy, 32
years old, but a brilliant man. He walks into his Sunday school class one day at a church there in
Austin, Texas. He hears people praying about a missionary who can hardly walk up in the
Andes Mountains.
He goes, “Give me his name.” He called me. He said, “Come. Come to Austin. I’m getting the
ticket. I’m getting the doctors. I’m getting everything. Your hips are taken care of.” That’s
what I’m talking about. I was walking through the jungles one time, high jungles, in
Departmento Amazonas in Peru during the war with the Sendero Luminoso. We were in a place
the military wouldn’t go, and we were lost––me and another brother. And we were traveling
through the night in the darkness. We had smuggled ourselves up there in the back of grain
trucks, and we were going to preach in the place because the believers were just depressed and
torn apart and didn’t know what to do and everyone’s making fun of them. We knew we had to
go in there.
So we would get lost, and we’re going through the jungle and, finally, we come upon this
village. We walk in there. We don’t know where to go. We don’t know where to spend the
night. We know that the terrorists can be absolutely everywhere . We know we could be a dead
man, and Paco walks up to this person out on the streets, like almost midnight, and he goes, “Á
Hermanos por acá,”––Are there brothers through here? And someone said, “That old lady over
there”––an old Nazarene woman. We knock on the door, and I said, “Soy pastor.”
She grabs both of us, pulls us in, shuts the door behind us, sticks us down in the basement, goes
out, kills a chicken, fries up some yucca, everything you can imagine. She’s feeding us. She’s
taking care of us. She’s housing us. Could she get in trouble? Yes, she could.
And then you say, “Oh, I’m a Christian because I go to church.” You’ve got to be kidding me.
That’s love? To you? You need a new definition.
You say, “Brother Paul, you’re using satire.” Read the prophets. They did the same. Some of
this Christianity floating around America is worthy of making fun of, and it ought to be exposed.
Do you love the people of God? You know, who are you with? Someone asked me, “How did
you know––young guys always ask me, “How did you know that Charo, your wife, was the
woman for you?”
I said, “Real easy. I wanted to be with her.”
“How’d you know you loved her?”
“I just wanted to be with her.”
How do you know you love them? You just want to be with them and talk about Jesus. Talk
about Jesus. Do you love?
Now, let’s go on. There’s much more here, but we need to continue on. I want to go through
another test. Chapter 2, verse 15. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
What is the world? Everything in this fallen age that contradicts the attributes and will of God.
Everything that does not come forth from God and goes back to God in worship. That’s the
world. You say, “Well, I love secular music.” Let me just share something with you. I don’t
care. I’m not going there. This is what I’m going to tell you. It doesn’t matter to me whether
it’s secular or Christian. My question is—what’s being said in those words? Because if what’s
being said in those words contradicts the will of God, you’re violating His will, and you’re
loving it.
And the adults here are probably going, “Amen.” Okay, let’s talk about your television. You
watch things. You expect God to move? You love those. You love their jokes, their off-color
jokes, their humor. You find yourself laughing in wickedness. And then you want God to move
in your family and move in your life. Do you love the world? My dear friends, yesterday I was
nine years old; today I am 43. Tomorrow I will be 90. Life is a vapor. It is fleeting. Everything
will die. All will pass away. We are to love the things of God, the things that are eternal, and
one of the signs of a Christian is that they are not entrapped or enslaved to the things of this
present evil age, but they are set free to see Christ in His glory and follow Him and follow hard
after him. Christ!
I was preaching at a university thing about a year and a half ago, and I noticed that everyone was
seated and it was about two minutes before it was all to begin. All of a sudden at a side door in
the auditorium, probably a group of 30, 40 beautiful girls come walking in and just kind of
walked down the front there and sat down in all the seats. I mean, it was designed for them to
showcase what they were. I looked at all of them, and I said, “Young women,” I said, “let me
give you a little bit of advice. I can see. I’m a man. Many of you are very, very, very, very
beautiful. One day all of you are going to be terribly, terribly ugly.”
It’s true. To the wind with your money. To the wind with your beauty. To the wind with your
wealth. It will not remain. The only thing that remains is the glories of Christ. Death is a
present reality. You say, “Oh, how do you know? You’re not that old.”
My brother died. My father died in my arms. I preached the funeral of my sister. I know about
death. And I know that it could come to some of you before I finish snapping these fingers. You
say, “Brother Paul, you’re trying to scare me.” You have discerned correctly.
Love the world? You love to listen to the very things that nailed your supposed Master to the
tree? Come off of it, man. Become a hellion, give yourself to demons, run wild, but don’t come
in here saying you’re a believer and playing that game. You want to dance with the devil, then
dance all night long, but don’t come in here dancing with Christ for a moment and then go back
out there and share your love. We’re talking about loyalty. Love the world that nailed Christ to
a tree?
Many of you, just by professing faith in Christ, you crucify again the Son of God. You need to
realize something. This is the Christ. This is the Son of God. This is the Lord of Glory. Isn’t it
amazing that we’re going to have believers from China, believers from Northern Nigeria that
have died as martyrs, dragged through the desert behind camels, some of them skinned alive, but
they would not deny Jesus. And here’s all these American Christians standing beside them that
couldn’t even find enough of anything inside them to even attend church on Sunday morning.
Does anybody have a problem with that?
One man can be skinned alive and not deny Christ, and the other denies him in the smallest of
things. And yet, they’re all born again? I think not, my friend. I think not. Do you love the
world? Look at verse 16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the [boastful] pride of life. . . . It is not from the Father, but from the world.
Sometimes I’ll get seminary students, and they’ve all got this great idea that they’re going to go
out and do something for God. So, I’ll stand before them and I’ll say, “Okay, I want everybody
to breathe in.” They all breathe in. I say, “Breathe out.” They breathe out. I say,
“Theologically, from where did that breath come?”
They say, “From God.”
I say, “Okay, you can’t breathe on your own. Now, what are you going to do for God?” The lust
of the flesh, the pride of body. We live today basically in the Roman Empire; can’t you see that?
We have around us an empire of flesh and muscle and beauty and hair, and it will all rot in the
tomb. Rot in the tomb. The wealth and the glamour and the glitter and all the things in which
people are investing their lives will all rot, but the one who does the will of God will abide
I look at my life right now. I’m middle-aged, and I think sometimes back. I think what if I was
not a Christian. What would be my attitude now? Think about it. I’m 43. The days of my
strength are over. The days of my beauty—they’re over. The days of wonder and dreams about
what my life is going to be—they’re over. What’s left for me? Just to grow older, more tired,
and die. And yet, here I am now, a Christian. What does it mean? By God’s grace, 22 years
have not been wasted. In a meager, trifling sort of way, maybe, but truly in a way, they have
been given to Christ and now the years ahead of me.
And you know what? I’m a boy of God. You’re not a man of God till you’re about 65. I see
men of God still alive and those that have gone on before me. I listen to those old men at 85 and
90, barely can stand up in a pulpit and begin to speak and just glory all around them. And I say,
“Lord, is that’s what’s waiting me?”
I hear about the saints that are about to cross over and their eyes fly open and they just cry out,
“Glory, glory!” Lord, is that waiting for me? It’s going to get better. Just going to get better.
You say, “Well, your candle’s going to be put out.” Yes, my candle’s going to be put out only
because the sun’s coming up. This world is passing away and I can tell you biblically that, if
you’re living for it, you’re an absolute fool. But the one who does the will of God abides
forever. And for those of you who are young, oh, what a precious opportunity now to serve the
Lord. Now to serve Him.
Many that were called and used mightily of God were called as children in the Bible. Don’t you
see that? How old was this Samuel when he began to hear the voice of God? You say, “Oh, I
must wait.” No, you must not wait. Seek Him now. Seek Him hard. If you seek Him hard, he
will let Himself be found by you.
It goes on. Verse 19. They went out from us, but they were not really of us, for, if they had been
of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out so that it would be shown that they all
are not of us.
Now, this does not mean, if someone leaves our church and goes to another, that they’re not a
Christian; that’s not what that means. What it’s talking about is this. The true Christian who has
entered into Biblical historical Christianity and then leaves, might go into some new stuff, new
Christianity, new teachings––they’re rampant; they’re everywhere; every wind is
offered––leaves what is known as basic historic Christianity to go follow after some new stuff
that has very little to do with Scripture and nothing to do with Biblical history. They’ve gone out
from us. They don’t remain in the body. Or someone who comes in and they might be with the
group, you know, with the church, with the fellowship, with the congregation for six months or a
year and then they depart and they stay departed and they don’t go to another fellowship. What
does that mean? They went out from us. And what is it showing? They never were of us.
Because once you’re in Christianity, you stay in Christianity because He who brought you in
keeps you in. It wasn’t Noah who shut that door behind himself on that boat. It was God.
I hear so many people that will say, “Oh, if I just make it to heaven, I’ll be secure. If I just make
it to heaven, I’ll be secure.” Knowing that, then where was the devil when he fell? It’s not
heaven that’s going to make you secure, my friend. It’s being in Christ that makes you secure.
It goes on. Another test, verse 22, chapter 2. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is
the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies
the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.
The true Christian is going to embrace the fullness of the person of Jesus Christ. Now, many of
you are saying, yes, that is true. They are going to believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. Yes,
that’s true. They’re going to believe that God became man, that He was a real man. Yes, that’s
true, but that’s not all it means to embrace the fullness of Christ’s person. This silly little stuff
going around in America today that you can receive Jesus as Savior and not Lord is absolutely
absurd. The fullness of His person you believe in, you receive, you embrace. All of it.
Jesus is Savior. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus is the only prophet who
ever walked on this earth. Jesus is the only King. Jesus is the only true Priest. Jesus is, again,
the only true Wise Man. Let me ask you, do you believe that? All right, how much are you
going to His Word to find His wisdom? Do you believe He’s King? How much are you going to
His Word to find His law? Do you believe He’s Prophet and He knows about your latter days?
Then how much are you going to the Word to settle those latter days through your own
Now, finally, look in verse 29 of chapter 2. If you know that He is righteous, you know that
everyone who practices righteousness is born of God. Now what is righteousness? Everything
that conforms. Everything that conforms to the nature and law of God.
Do you practice righteousness? If we were to look at your life, are you practicing God’s law?
Are you practicing God’s wisdom, God’s Word, God’s precepts? Are you? Is it a practice in
your life, or are you departing from it? Does it have nothing to do––absolutely nothing to do
with you?
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus says, Depart from me you who practice lawlessness. That’s one of
the most terrifying statements in the Bible for American Christianity because basically what He’s
saying is this: Depart from me those of you who claim to be my disciples and yet you lived as
though I never gave you a law to obey. I just described most of what’s called the church in
America today.
“I’m a disciple.” What’s your relationship to His Word?
“I know Him.” What’s your relationship to His Word?
Are you seeking to know His wisdom, His precepts, His commands, and to practice them? Is it a
part of your life? Now, let me tell you something, something––I think legalism is death. Let me
tell you that. I think it is. I think it’s death. But I want to tell you something. The Bible tells us
what we can think about and what we cannot think about. Do you know those commands? And
are you practicing them? The Bible tells us what we ought to watch and we should not watch.
Do you know those commands? Do you care? Are you practicing them?
The Bible tells us—now, listen to me—the Bible tells us what we can wear and not wear. You
say, “Oh boy, here he goes.” No, listen to me. I’m not talking about defining every
last––crossing every T, dotting every I, that you can’t wear this. It is telling us this. Whatever
you put on your body better be decent. It better be decent and it ought to enhance the beauty
God’s already given you. I look around today and see what people are wearing, and it reminds
me of the Communist countries I’ve preached in right after their liberation.
One thing about a communist country, the communists come in Eastern Europe filled with all
these little brick roads and beautiful little stone houses and everything. The communists come in
and tear it all down, put in pavement and these ugly concrete blocks, and make everybody—they
take beauty and destroy it. Look at fashion today. Look at it. It’s not conformed to the will of
God. God wants His people to be beautiful. It’s a God that also means modest and decent. But
He wants them beautiful. He wants them full of life, full of color. He wants them to be a
beautiful people, but what do we see? Grunge, dressed in black, hanging over like this. I mean,
it’s unbelievable. In a way, I think it’s really, really good because, I mean, a man who’s godly
no longer will have much temptation. The girls are trying to look as ugly as possible. I mean,
that’s not what God wants.
Let me just—I know I’m kind of—I don’t have much time to preach to you, so I’m going to use
a shotgun approach here. Girls and guys, let me give you a thing that my wife uses, and it’s
really, really good. It’s this. If your clothing is a frame for your face, it’s of God. If your
clothing brings attention to your face from which the glory of God should be shining, it’s of God.
If your clothing is a frame for your body, it is sensual and God hates it.
Now, I know they’re kind of pretty broad guidelines, but there they are. It doesn’t mean you
have to dress like a Puritan and put buckles on your shoes or anything like that, but those are the
guidelines. Right there.
Righteousness. And why am I saying this? Because the Bible touches every aspect of our lives.
There’s something in there for every area of our life, and what we need to do is discover what
that is and conform our lives to it. And you say, “Oh, what a burden.” You’re lost, because the
Bible says the commandments of God for a Christian are not a burden; they’re a joy. They’re a
Verse 3 of chapter 3. Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is
pure. Now, look at this. What is it talking about? The hope for the second coming of Jesus
Christ. Everybody now reading these Left Behind books—the only thing left behind in the Left
Behind series was the Bible. But everybody’s excited. You know––“I believe in the Second
Coming.” “I believe Jesus is going to come.” “I believe in all this stuff.” Okay, we’ll see
whether you believe it or not, because it says in verse 3, Everyone who has this hope—what does
he do?—purifies himself, just as he is pure.
Now, here’s something Christian. It’s just going to blow your mind. You know, we are told to
purify ourselves, and some of you guys need to hear this who are really, really theological. Not
only has God sanctified us in Christ; he calls us to strive to be holy. He calls us to purify
ourselves. Let me ask you a question. Could I sit down with you right now and you talk to
me—we’re all alone—you talk to me about the ways in which you are seeking to purify
yourself? Can you?
Going into the book of Hebrews, could you sit down with me right now and we could open it up,
and I say, “Just share with me how this affects your life.” Could you sit down with me right now
and explain to me the ways in which you’re striving after holiness? Do you see? Do you see?
This Bible is not poetry. It’s not just little maxims that are cute. It is your life. It is your life.
Everyone who has this hope—that hopes in Him—how do we know that we really hope in Him?
Because we’re seeking to make ourselves pure. We’re seeking—we’re striving after holiness.
We’re striving after holiness. We really are. Are you striving after holiness?
My mom—she’s almost 77, and she raised most of us kids by herself because my dad died.
Tough lady. She’s Croatian. Her parents came over through Ellis Island. She went through the
depression. She’s a tough lady. She’s from Detroit. It makes her mean. She’ll sit there
sometimes––I’ll be over there. I’ll go over to her house, pass by there before I go to the office in
the morning, she’ll be over the Word. I’ll look up at her and she’ll just be broken. She was
saved when she was ten. She’ll look up at me with tears in her eyes and say, “I am just so
unholy. I am just—I just found—look at this verse. God’s telling me my mouth, my tongue—I
spoke out of turn the other night. I’ve got to go back and ask my sister to forgive me.”
I’m going, “Oh, mom.”
She says, “Sometime I don’t even think I’m saved.”
I said, “Mom, this is the evidence that you are.” All these years of walking with Christ and yet,
still there, striving to be holy. Yes, resting in the finished work of Christ, yes, but striving to be
holy, to be righteous. Everyone who has this hope is going to do that.
Now, he says, verse 4, Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is
lawlessness. What does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means. He’s trying to show you how
horrible sin is, because we really don’t get it. I love what Watson says in A BODY OF DIVINITY.
He’s always saying this, he goes, “You have not sinned against an inferior prince. You’ve not
sinned against a small mayor from a small village. You have sinned against the Lord of Glory,
the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. You know not what you’ve done. “
Imagine this. Here stands God on the day of creation. He looks at stars that could swallow up a
thousand of our suns. He looks at them and He says, “All you stars, move yourself to this place
and start in this order and move in a circle, and move exactly as I tell you until I give you another
word.” And they all obey him.
He says, “Planets, pick yourself up and whirl. Make this formation at My command until I give
you another word.” He looks at mountains and he says, “Be lifted up,” and they obey Him. He
tells valleys, “Be cast down,” and they obey Him. He looks at the sea and says, “You will come
this far,” and the sea obeys, and then He looks at you and says, “Come.” And you go, “No!”
Look at the horrid, wretchedness of sin, the vulgarity, the prostitution of sin. It is a horrid thing,
not something to be trifled with. As I said, it is a beast, and it is waiting at the door, and its
desire is to have you. And anyone who practices sin practices outright, open, clenched-fisted
rebellion against the Lord of Glory.
Now, it’s here. We all realize that the Bible’s already taught us that believers will sin, but there
is a difference between a believer who sins, confesses their sin, and going on to greater holy,
being disciplined of the Lord but going on to greater holiness, and someone who just out and out
practices sin as a habitual lifestyle.
Verse 5. You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. He
appeared to take away the very sin that many people relish and love.
Verse 6. No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. Again,
it’s talking about a style of life, of practicing sin. Little children, make sure no one deceives you.
Now, I’m telling you this. Little children, adults, make sure no one deceives you. Make sure
some pastor doesn’t deceive you, make sure your momma doesn’t deceive you, your dad doesn’t
deceive you, or some well-meaning carnal Christian does not deceive you. He says, Little
children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just
as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the
You practice sin as a habitual lifestyle? You love what you can get away with? My friend,
you’re of the devil.
Now, let’s go back to verse 12 of the final chapter, chapter 5. The last test. There’s many more,
but we don’t have time this evening. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son
of God does not have life. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus. Jesus. You know, it’s
almost absurd to ask this question. We’ve actually come to believe in American Christianity that
you can be Christian and Jesus not be all the world to you.
Do you love Jesus? What do you think about most? What do you think about most? I know
men who love the ministry more than they love Jesus. I know men who love the Bible more than
they love Jesus. What do you think about most? Because that’s what you love.
Now, my dear friend, listen to me. I’ve got to make a stop here, correct a few things. There are
some struggling believers here tonight that need to realize something. Again, we are not talking
about sinless perfection. We are not saying that, if you’re a true Christian, Christ will always be
at the forefront of your thoughts. We’re not saying, if you’re a true Christian, you are always
going to be practicing righteousness. Again, what we’re talking about is a style of life and a
struggle. I tell my mother, “Mom, the greatest evidence that you’re a Christian is the fact that
right now you’re in the Word and God’s pointing out to you your sin.”
The mere fact some of you need to hear this. The mere fact that you struggle with the fact that
you don’t love Him enough is evidence that you’re a believer. The mere fact that you look at
your own life and you realize you’re not as holy or righteous as you want to be and it bothers you
is evidence that you’ve come to know him. What I’m preaching against tonight is the person
who lives in habitual sin, who loves the world and all these different things, or a person sliding in
that direction, or a person who just—“Yes, Jesus is a little accessory onto my life.” The warning
is for that person.
You know, I hear these preachers today and they’ll preach and they’ll go, “Man, you’ve got it
all.” I’ve heard them give this kind of invitation. “Man, you’ve got it all. You’ve got a
wonderful, beautiful family; you’ve got your health; you’ve got a wonderful job and all these
things. You just lack one more thing to make your life complete. You lack Jesus.”
Makes me want to vomit. My friend, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son
has nothing. All your wealth, all your health, all your relations, everything you have is dung if
Jesus is not Lord and Savior and Passion of your life. He’s not an accessory that you add on to
an already great life. He is Life. That’s why He meant, you know, You drink my blood, you eat
my flesh. What was He talking about? He’s not some accessory. He’s the very source of your
life. Is he yours? Is he yours?
Let’s pray.
Father, we come before You in the name of Your Son. And, Lord, this has been long and hard,
but I felt a measure of grace in it, Lord, and I pray, I pray, dear Lord, that You would work in the
hearts of people that You would save, that You would convert; and that, Lord, even some of
Your people who may have been sliding into the things of the world, that this has been used as
discipline to turn them; to others, Lord, who believe themselves saved, that this has been used to
show them they are not saved; and to struggling believers, that it has been used to show them
that assuredly they are believers. God, use Your Word to do many more things than what we
could ever think or believe. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Transcribed by
This sermon was preached at and is distributed by Grace Community Church in San Antonio, Texas.
This was the sermon that God used to save Paul Washer's wife, Charo, out of her false profession
despite all her years as a missionary. Her testimony in MP3 can be found here:
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
ACTS 6:1-7
Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word." And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them. And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. (Act 6:1-7)
Have you got your priorities right? The real problem with the people of this age is that they have got their priorities wrong. What is the church here for? People now no longer want religion. So there is clamor to have your services on TV and on the on-line church is there, isn’t it?
Others think that the business of the church is to engage on philanthropic work - helping the needy and running orphanages and children’s homes. The task of the church as they say is to end war and injustice and wrongdoing. This view as we will find from this passage is not modern. It right here in the 1st century minds in this passage. But we see the wisdom of the apostles as given by the Spirit of God. And this was the turning point. Let us learn these lessons.
The primary task of the church is not to give physical help as important as it is. The primary task of the church is to preach THE GOSPEL. Why is the gospel proclamation the primary task of the church? why not impact the lives of sinners with the good of philanthropy and music and that which they want? Because the greatest need of the world today is to hear the preaching of the gospel. Remember that the Lord commissioned us not to philanthropy but to preaching (Matt. 28:19). When the Lord promised the Holy Spirit, He said that we receive power not to be powerful musicians but to be witnesses of the good news. (Acts 1:8). During His ministry on earth, the Lord did not sing out His heart, He preached and when He sent them out and told them to preach.
It is message of the gospel alone that deals with the fundamental need of sin. The fundamental need is not sickness, poverty, or any such thing – it is sin. The Grecians thought their primary need is of food and of clothing and other such like things. Putting physical needs before the spiritual needs is putting man before God and the result will be that man is left a sinner without some few temporary needs, which come back in another form, and God is not glorified. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?
The Apostles says that the need is sin and it needs a Saviour only the gospel will tell you that. The church will grow were the priorities are put right. The gospel is proclaimed telling people to repent of their sins and to believe in the Saviour and I assure you that the church will grow by leaps and bounds. The gospel is the means that God uses to save because it is His Word. He created the world by the Word of His mouth and so he creates the new creation by the Word of His mouth. Where the preaching is just the product of human invention, nothing is accomplished. It is the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation all who believe because it has God’s way of saving sinners. Where the gospel is preached Christ is the center, “for we preach Christ…” (1Cor.1:23). Christ alone is the Saviour of sinners and wherever this message is sounded, sinners are saved. Whenever sinners are saved the church grows. And the church of Christ is growing throughout the world. Not just growing slowly but Christ’s followers are multiplied. The multiplication of believers is the business of the church.
What does it mean that believers are multiplied? When one person is converted and added to the Lord and to the church, he is expected to be a witness. He ought to go round telling others of what the Lord has done in his life. The personal witness of each Christian is saying that, you lived such a terrible life of sin but the Saviour found you. It is telling others that Jesus saves and is willing to save any person any time any place. It is not saying that you have been healed or any such a thing it is pointing people to see and know the Saviour who has graciously saved you. In the process, through your witness, another person is added to the Lord and to His church. But you do not keep quiet, and the person converted keeps the fire burning by telling others and others telling others and where there were ten people, they all must be witnessing to others. But why is it that we are not being multiplied in this church as we ought? It is because the work of witnessing has been left to pastors and only on Sundays! If we are not being multiplied it because you are being faithful with the message of God committed to you. It is because you are unwilling to proclaim it others. May tell you that there is nothing to be desired more than that God increases His church and add as many as possible from every quarter to His church
Would you commit yourself to reaching your colleagues in work in school with the gospel? This will definitely make the church to grow and believers to multiply. Note that the work of the ministry of the gospel AND PRAYER is incompatible with waiting on tables. Let the pastors be involved in public and private ministry of the gospel. We have too much to do already in preparing for preaching in counseling to do. In getting time for prayer and this makes us unable to fully discharge the work to do with physical needs (which we are not denying are there and important).
Subsequent to the multiplication of the disciples, is the dissatisfaction among the members of the church. They cited the sin of partiality, which is was taking place because of either ignorance or negligence on some one’s part. The church has problems because many have their priorities wrong about the church. They think that that it is a place to get food and clothing. This is why we have people coming here every day with one need or another, genuine and most of the times illegitimate needs and hoping that we are able to meet all of them
They take that it is the work of the pastors to preach as well as provide for them. They believe that it is their right to be provided for by the church. When their felt needs are not met they murmur and bring dissatisfaction the body of Christ. As result many churches have followed in their cue and so preach only about felt needs. they promise people health and wealth untold. They tell them that they can predict their future. They promise some husbands others wives. They say that they hold the key to their destiny! In addition, thousands flock to hear them. They do all that they are told to do. They ask them to ‘plant a seed of faith’ in order to get satisfy their felt needs and as you can well predict, the result is that the so called preachers get richer and richer and these needy are left to languish in their needs. beware that your need is to have the Saviour – Jesus Christ the Saviour divine.
Many want their way and not the way of the Lord – because they are still sinners. Sinners cannot live with each other any other way. They have to be made holy gradually but as long as on this earth, they will have all sorts of characteristics that shows that they are still sinners who are being sanctified. There is always the difficulty that a few hypocrites stealthily creep into the crowd, and their wickedness is not discovered at once, but only when they have corrupted part of the flock with their infection. There are also many ungodly people who worm their way into the church on a false pretext of repentance. Besides, it is never so easy to get people to agree among themselves – opinions vary greatly.
All local churches have one local problem or another. There is not perfect church and if you find one please do not join it lest you, a sinner you are, spoil it! My advice to you is this – never leave church because of a problem of sin. Sinner should be dealt with by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit and by prayer. Eventually, the church will come to its senses by the Holy Spirit and by the Scripture and will discipline the person – in order that he will either change or repent or will leave the church. Because you will leave that church only to go to another which is worse. However, if the church is in a doctrinal error that you are not in a position to change, leave and look for a more Biblical church.
For what causes quarrels and fights among you (in the church)? It is love for earthly things like money, food clothing and such that does not come from the Spirit of God (James 4). It is because of worldly ambition that lead to conceit and vainglory. But this is the advice for us: (James 4:8-11)
1. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
2. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts.
3. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.
4. Do not speak evil against one another, brothers.
Problems in the church bring good whether people remain together after the problem or part. We always wish that a problem would only leave the church united. We long for people to leave in peace with another. However, God sometimes allows division. I am not saying that God loves division but we can see that sometimes it happens and the result is that those who are left heal and the church is healthier. On the other hand those who go, are at peace with one another and also preach the gospel where they could not have done so were they to remain together. But having said that let us know for sure that God will punish those who divide His church – Because He hates division. But lets us remember that even with problems, the church belongs to the living God and will still use it as the instrument of conversions. People will be saved by Christ through the church and will be preserved by the Holy Spirit in the church.
Widows orphans and aliens are always in Scripture, both the New Testament and Old Testament, specified as objects of compassion – both divine and human. We should seek to help them as a church. However, we should only do it in the right manner, according to the Word of God. For example, no widow who is not yet sixty who should ask the church to take care of her needs because such a one can remarry. Let even those who are sixty and above be taken care of by their children and only come to be helped by the church when their children are not willing to help (1Tim 5:3-16). Clearly the needy cases are always there (because the Lord said that we will always have the needy with us), therefore the church needs to prepared for it. The
Organization is essential and the Lord through Luke tells us how the church is to be organized biblically. As a result of the problems that had arisen, it appears that the there was only one ace to play – delegate the word. The apostles to do the most primary work and to give the rest to be done by others. The office of deacons was necessary in order to serve the church.
What is the purpose of the deacons? What are their qualifications? How are they to be appointed?
The purpose of the deacons is to serve the church. They are the stewards of the church and are therefore to serve in administering the affairs of the poor and in taking care of the poor themselves, as Calvin rightly asserts in his Institutes 4:3:9. This accords to the true teaching of the New Testament in Phil1:1; 1Tim:3-8-13. These men ought to meet three requirements: they must be from among the people (members of the local church),they must have a good reputation, or above reproach and full of the Holy Spirit (with wisdom of the Holy Spirit). Clearly there is no separating the sacred from the secular so that we see that Stephen distribute the food and finances and also preach the gospel and even perform miracles. The appointment of the deacons is the work of the church not of one individual person, for none has such authority except the church itself. They are to be appointed by the common votes by the church (Cf. Calvin’s Commentary on Acts Vol.1 pp 161).
Orderliness in the church, just as in our lives, is achieved by drawing lessons from the Bible. This is because the twelve apostles were not lazy people wishing to get done with the difficult part of their work, they were following in the footsteps of Moses as advised by Jethro, his father-in-law in Exodus 18:13-27, advise the worked so well for Moses and for the whole Israel assembly. The Lord has people to work for Him because He has given them such talents. You need to use your talents to bring profit to the Kingdom of God. You should be willing to be used of God in the manner in which God calls you. This why Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, are chosen and they do not grumble. If anything they are humbled that the church though so highly of them. When the church chooses you for a task to do, do not have this or the other excuse (like Moses or Barak). These men took up the challenge with the situation as bad as it was. They were willing to serve in the capacity God’s people had given them – it was neither too big a responsibility not too low, it was what the Lord wanted them to do for the course of the gospel.
The church should be willing to deal with issues only in a Biblical manner, so that where someone is in sin discipline is administered. Where the church has a weak administrative organ it is strengthened so that after all it God who is honored. You see Christ has ordained that His church, the church of the living God, the pillar and buttress of truth (1Tim3:15). This puts the church in very high position and so we should be those who have our lives centered around the church.
In verse 7 we read that, “And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.” This is not the first time or the last time in this book we are read that the word of God increasing, by the beginning of the Day of Pentecost, there were 120. By the end of the day, after Peter’s inspired sermon, three thousand was added. (Acts 2:42). then they devoted themselves to the life of the church and the Lord added to their number more people (2:47). Later we read that in my last sermon that the number increased to 5,000 (4:4). Then c.f 12:24; 13:49; 19:20. The Word of God is progressing, winning more and more people to the Lord from all walks of life, lifestyles, occupations, class. They are being persecuted from without, they internal problems, they administrative hiccups, yet the Lord is adding more and more to their number. In this case, the addition s described in terms of increase in the Word of God. It is also described in terms of what was happening to them – they were being multiplied. those who were added were even those who had opposed them – the priests those who belonged to the council of Sanhedrin.
Imagine that priests of all the people, were being added? Even the Word used of what was happening to them is very interesting – they “became obedient to the faith.” Becoming obedient to the faith is not a term used accidentally. Previously these people were not obedient (though they thought they were) they were disobedient to God and to His Word. They thought they were keeping the Torah. But keeping nine laws of God and breaking only one is equal to breaking them all as James will very eagerly tell you (James 2;10). Obedience is total not half or in terms of percentage. Obedience is required by God in entirety. Nothing less.
Is it possible to obtain salvation by obedience? Yes – if you obey the Word of God at every point and you were not born by your parents but by angels! You were born a sinner and have lived a sinner and so you are by nature a disobedient person. You must be converted first before you are able to obey God. God’s standard is too high that there is no one who is able to meet it except Himself. For this reason He sent His Son to be the Saviour – for He alone is able to bear the penalty and dispense His perfect righteousness to those that God gave Him to save.
These priests were not obedient to the faith and so they were made obedient to the faith. They were not obedient although they fasted twice a week, gave a tithe of all they owned including their perfumes! These are things that you can’t do. Yet they had to be ,made obedient by the Saviour divine.
Have you become obedient to the Saviour? Are you willing to be? He is willing to make you and add you to His people. People who are called by His Name, belonging to Him – they are His and He is theirs, for He has made a eternal covenant with them. People who are special and who Christ has prepared heavenly mansions for each one of them.
Come , come to Him and obtain mercy and grace.
Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word." And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them. And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. (Act 6:1-7)
Have you got your priorities right? The real problem with the people of this age is that they have got their priorities wrong. What is the church here for? People now no longer want religion. So there is clamor to have your services on TV and on the on-line church is there, isn’t it?
Others think that the business of the church is to engage on philanthropic work - helping the needy and running orphanages and children’s homes. The task of the church as they say is to end war and injustice and wrongdoing. This view as we will find from this passage is not modern. It right here in the 1st century minds in this passage. But we see the wisdom of the apostles as given by the Spirit of God. And this was the turning point. Let us learn these lessons.
The primary task of the church is not to give physical help as important as it is. The primary task of the church is to preach THE GOSPEL. Why is the gospel proclamation the primary task of the church? why not impact the lives of sinners with the good of philanthropy and music and that which they want? Because the greatest need of the world today is to hear the preaching of the gospel. Remember that the Lord commissioned us not to philanthropy but to preaching (Matt. 28:19). When the Lord promised the Holy Spirit, He said that we receive power not to be powerful musicians but to be witnesses of the good news. (Acts 1:8). During His ministry on earth, the Lord did not sing out His heart, He preached and when He sent them out and told them to preach.
It is message of the gospel alone that deals with the fundamental need of sin. The fundamental need is not sickness, poverty, or any such thing – it is sin. The Grecians thought their primary need is of food and of clothing and other such like things. Putting physical needs before the spiritual needs is putting man before God and the result will be that man is left a sinner without some few temporary needs, which come back in another form, and God is not glorified. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?
The Apostles says that the need is sin and it needs a Saviour only the gospel will tell you that. The church will grow were the priorities are put right. The gospel is proclaimed telling people to repent of their sins and to believe in the Saviour and I assure you that the church will grow by leaps and bounds. The gospel is the means that God uses to save because it is His Word. He created the world by the Word of His mouth and so he creates the new creation by the Word of His mouth. Where the preaching is just the product of human invention, nothing is accomplished. It is the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation all who believe because it has God’s way of saving sinners. Where the gospel is preached Christ is the center, “for we preach Christ…” (1Cor.1:23). Christ alone is the Saviour of sinners and wherever this message is sounded, sinners are saved. Whenever sinners are saved the church grows. And the church of Christ is growing throughout the world. Not just growing slowly but Christ’s followers are multiplied. The multiplication of believers is the business of the church.
What does it mean that believers are multiplied? When one person is converted and added to the Lord and to the church, he is expected to be a witness. He ought to go round telling others of what the Lord has done in his life. The personal witness of each Christian is saying that, you lived such a terrible life of sin but the Saviour found you. It is telling others that Jesus saves and is willing to save any person any time any place. It is not saying that you have been healed or any such a thing it is pointing people to see and know the Saviour who has graciously saved you. In the process, through your witness, another person is added to the Lord and to His church. But you do not keep quiet, and the person converted keeps the fire burning by telling others and others telling others and where there were ten people, they all must be witnessing to others. But why is it that we are not being multiplied in this church as we ought? It is because the work of witnessing has been left to pastors and only on Sundays! If we are not being multiplied it because you are being faithful with the message of God committed to you. It is because you are unwilling to proclaim it others. May tell you that there is nothing to be desired more than that God increases His church and add as many as possible from every quarter to His church
Would you commit yourself to reaching your colleagues in work in school with the gospel? This will definitely make the church to grow and believers to multiply. Note that the work of the ministry of the gospel AND PRAYER is incompatible with waiting on tables. Let the pastors be involved in public and private ministry of the gospel. We have too much to do already in preparing for preaching in counseling to do. In getting time for prayer and this makes us unable to fully discharge the work to do with physical needs (which we are not denying are there and important).
Subsequent to the multiplication of the disciples, is the dissatisfaction among the members of the church. They cited the sin of partiality, which is was taking place because of either ignorance or negligence on some one’s part. The church has problems because many have their priorities wrong about the church. They think that that it is a place to get food and clothing. This is why we have people coming here every day with one need or another, genuine and most of the times illegitimate needs and hoping that we are able to meet all of them
They take that it is the work of the pastors to preach as well as provide for them. They believe that it is their right to be provided for by the church. When their felt needs are not met they murmur and bring dissatisfaction the body of Christ. As result many churches have followed in their cue and so preach only about felt needs. they promise people health and wealth untold. They tell them that they can predict their future. They promise some husbands others wives. They say that they hold the key to their destiny! In addition, thousands flock to hear them. They do all that they are told to do. They ask them to ‘plant a seed of faith’ in order to get satisfy their felt needs and as you can well predict, the result is that the so called preachers get richer and richer and these needy are left to languish in their needs. beware that your need is to have the Saviour – Jesus Christ the Saviour divine.
Many want their way and not the way of the Lord – because they are still sinners. Sinners cannot live with each other any other way. They have to be made holy gradually but as long as on this earth, they will have all sorts of characteristics that shows that they are still sinners who are being sanctified. There is always the difficulty that a few hypocrites stealthily creep into the crowd, and their wickedness is not discovered at once, but only when they have corrupted part of the flock with their infection. There are also many ungodly people who worm their way into the church on a false pretext of repentance. Besides, it is never so easy to get people to agree among themselves – opinions vary greatly.
All local churches have one local problem or another. There is not perfect church and if you find one please do not join it lest you, a sinner you are, spoil it! My advice to you is this – never leave church because of a problem of sin. Sinner should be dealt with by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit and by prayer. Eventually, the church will come to its senses by the Holy Spirit and by the Scripture and will discipline the person – in order that he will either change or repent or will leave the church. Because you will leave that church only to go to another which is worse. However, if the church is in a doctrinal error that you are not in a position to change, leave and look for a more Biblical church.
For what causes quarrels and fights among you (in the church)? It is love for earthly things like money, food clothing and such that does not come from the Spirit of God (James 4). It is because of worldly ambition that lead to conceit and vainglory. But this is the advice for us: (James 4:8-11)
1. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
2. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts.
3. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.
4. Do not speak evil against one another, brothers.
Problems in the church bring good whether people remain together after the problem or part. We always wish that a problem would only leave the church united. We long for people to leave in peace with another. However, God sometimes allows division. I am not saying that God loves division but we can see that sometimes it happens and the result is that those who are left heal and the church is healthier. On the other hand those who go, are at peace with one another and also preach the gospel where they could not have done so were they to remain together. But having said that let us know for sure that God will punish those who divide His church – Because He hates division. But lets us remember that even with problems, the church belongs to the living God and will still use it as the instrument of conversions. People will be saved by Christ through the church and will be preserved by the Holy Spirit in the church.
Widows orphans and aliens are always in Scripture, both the New Testament and Old Testament, specified as objects of compassion – both divine and human. We should seek to help them as a church. However, we should only do it in the right manner, according to the Word of God. For example, no widow who is not yet sixty who should ask the church to take care of her needs because such a one can remarry. Let even those who are sixty and above be taken care of by their children and only come to be helped by the church when their children are not willing to help (1Tim 5:3-16). Clearly the needy cases are always there (because the Lord said that we will always have the needy with us), therefore the church needs to prepared for it. The
Organization is essential and the Lord through Luke tells us how the church is to be organized biblically. As a result of the problems that had arisen, it appears that the there was only one ace to play – delegate the word. The apostles to do the most primary work and to give the rest to be done by others. The office of deacons was necessary in order to serve the church.
What is the purpose of the deacons? What are their qualifications? How are they to be appointed?
The purpose of the deacons is to serve the church. They are the stewards of the church and are therefore to serve in administering the affairs of the poor and in taking care of the poor themselves, as Calvin rightly asserts in his Institutes 4:3:9. This accords to the true teaching of the New Testament in Phil1:1; 1Tim:3-8-13. These men ought to meet three requirements: they must be from among the people (members of the local church),they must have a good reputation, or above reproach and full of the Holy Spirit (with wisdom of the Holy Spirit). Clearly there is no separating the sacred from the secular so that we see that Stephen distribute the food and finances and also preach the gospel and even perform miracles. The appointment of the deacons is the work of the church not of one individual person, for none has such authority except the church itself. They are to be appointed by the common votes by the church (Cf. Calvin’s Commentary on Acts Vol.1 pp 161).
Orderliness in the church, just as in our lives, is achieved by drawing lessons from the Bible. This is because the twelve apostles were not lazy people wishing to get done with the difficult part of their work, they were following in the footsteps of Moses as advised by Jethro, his father-in-law in Exodus 18:13-27, advise the worked so well for Moses and for the whole Israel assembly. The Lord has people to work for Him because He has given them such talents. You need to use your talents to bring profit to the Kingdom of God. You should be willing to be used of God in the manner in which God calls you. This why Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, are chosen and they do not grumble. If anything they are humbled that the church though so highly of them. When the church chooses you for a task to do, do not have this or the other excuse (like Moses or Barak). These men took up the challenge with the situation as bad as it was. They were willing to serve in the capacity God’s people had given them – it was neither too big a responsibility not too low, it was what the Lord wanted them to do for the course of the gospel.
The church should be willing to deal with issues only in a Biblical manner, so that where someone is in sin discipline is administered. Where the church has a weak administrative organ it is strengthened so that after all it God who is honored. You see Christ has ordained that His church, the church of the living God, the pillar and buttress of truth (1Tim3:15). This puts the church in very high position and so we should be those who have our lives centered around the church.
In verse 7 we read that, “And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.” This is not the first time or the last time in this book we are read that the word of God increasing, by the beginning of the Day of Pentecost, there were 120. By the end of the day, after Peter’s inspired sermon, three thousand was added. (Acts 2:42). then they devoted themselves to the life of the church and the Lord added to their number more people (2:47). Later we read that in my last sermon that the number increased to 5,000 (4:4). Then c.f 12:24; 13:49; 19:20. The Word of God is progressing, winning more and more people to the Lord from all walks of life, lifestyles, occupations, class. They are being persecuted from without, they internal problems, they administrative hiccups, yet the Lord is adding more and more to their number. In this case, the addition s described in terms of increase in the Word of God. It is also described in terms of what was happening to them – they were being multiplied. those who were added were even those who had opposed them – the priests those who belonged to the council of Sanhedrin.
Imagine that priests of all the people, were being added? Even the Word used of what was happening to them is very interesting – they “became obedient to the faith.” Becoming obedient to the faith is not a term used accidentally. Previously these people were not obedient (though they thought they were) they were disobedient to God and to His Word. They thought they were keeping the Torah. But keeping nine laws of God and breaking only one is equal to breaking them all as James will very eagerly tell you (James 2;10). Obedience is total not half or in terms of percentage. Obedience is required by God in entirety. Nothing less.
Is it possible to obtain salvation by obedience? Yes – if you obey the Word of God at every point and you were not born by your parents but by angels! You were born a sinner and have lived a sinner and so you are by nature a disobedient person. You must be converted first before you are able to obey God. God’s standard is too high that there is no one who is able to meet it except Himself. For this reason He sent His Son to be the Saviour – for He alone is able to bear the penalty and dispense His perfect righteousness to those that God gave Him to save.
These priests were not obedient to the faith and so they were made obedient to the faith. They were not obedient although they fasted twice a week, gave a tithe of all they owned including their perfumes! These are things that you can’t do. Yet they had to be ,made obedient by the Saviour divine.
Have you become obedient to the Saviour? Are you willing to be? He is willing to make you and add you to His people. People who are called by His Name, belonging to Him – they are His and He is theirs, for He has made a eternal covenant with them. People who are special and who Christ has prepared heavenly mansions for each one of them.
Come , come to Him and obtain mercy and grace.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Titus 2:11-14
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.
“This is the time of grace we do not need the law. The law was only important for the Israelites. The time of grace is the time of enjoying God’s blessings – to be rich and to be healthy. We can live the way we want to be. We are angels and gods who have no need of being governed by the law”. Surely you must have met with people who say that this is the time of grace. Haven’t you? That the law is now done away with. That now we can live the way we want. Surely, someone must have told you that you don’t have to struggle with sin once you become a believer.
But I want to point out to you that the this is not true from this passage. I want us to consider what God has done in giving us the grace, and what is the work of grace to us and in us.
The grace of God has appeared. The grace has appeared to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. What is this grace of God? The grace of God is the gospel. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ the only Son of God has come in the human body under the law, (“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons “– Gal 4:4-5) and lived a perfect and righteous life. That He died a sacrificial death on the cross on behalf of His people paying the penalty of their sins. That He therefore perfectly took away the wrath of God having satisfied God’s justice. This was attested by God by raising Jesus from the dead on the third day after His death.
The gospel is what is described in v14, that Jesus Christ, who is the great God and Saviour, gave himself for us to redeem us from lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for His own possession eager and zealous for good works. Therefore, the gospel is about our redemption. What would be better news than this good news we have of our redemption from the bondage and slavery of sin?
This is the grace because it is by hearing the gospel and believing in Christ that sinners are justified. It is through the gospel that Christ is introduced and made known. It is by the gospel faith is born and raised. It is the gospel that introduce us to the wonderful promises of salvation and life everlasting by faith in Jesus. The gospel is the grace of God considering that God has done all this in order to justify terrible sinners like you and I and whoever who will trust upon Jesus’ work of redemption as his own. This is the grace of God bearing in mind that sinners are justified freely by God. This is the grace of God considering that sinners who deserve eternal condemnation in hell are saved from this great peril. This is the grace considering that sinners are given power to become the children of God. This is the grace of God considering that sinners are made heirs of eternal inheritance in glory!
It is the good news to you that this grace has appeared. It was hidden in the past but now unveiled the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col 1:23-27)
Consider the many Rendilles, Somalis, Ormos, Turks, Chinese and other millions who have not heard this gospel. Consider your great grandparents who died without the gospel and therefore without hope. Why are there so many people even today who do not go to church to hear the gospel? What is so special with you and not them? Why do you think God chose you to be here today? Why is it that you are sitting here now hearing this great message of the graciousness of God? God wants to reveal His grace to you. This grace is coming to you even at this moment. And the message is that Christ is sufficiently able and more than able to save you to the uttermost were you to draw near to Him.
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Heb 7:25)
Have you met with the gospel? “Of course I have heard the gospel” – you tell me. “But…” I ask, “Are you a beneficiary of the promises of the gospel?” If not then you have not met with grace. Who could miss the rising of the sun? The appearing of the grace is like that.
But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. (Mal.4:2)
What does this grace of God do? The passage is very clear that this grace brings salvation – this is the work of grace, bringing salvation. The gospel invitation goes to any person without discriminating, to the elect as well as to the reprobates, it goes forth without any discrimination to all men. When Jesus invites the weary and the heavy laden to come to Him, He does not say it is only the black or the young or the old any grouping of people – it is to all regardless of any of their background of tribe or tongue or race or any such thing. He promises rest to whoever comes. He promises satisfaction and content to whoever eats of His body and drinks of His blood. He promises any willing person to go and buy freely without money.
The grace is effective in this particular work to bring salvation, not just to one person, or two, it brings salvation to all people. Not just to the Jews but even to the Gentiles, not just to the white but to black people as well, it is whoever who calls upon the Name of the Lord who shall be saved. Whether young or old, rich or poor, prudent or ignorant, savage or modern – in the kingdom of God all are there. The commonwealth of God is diverse. The love of God is extended to whoever believes.
It is very reassuring that there is no one who will not be saved because she is a woman or a man because he is a man, old or young and so forth. There is no one who will not be saved because he is rich or poor because grace does not bypass the rich because they are rich but because of their sin. Grace that has been revealed rises on all in the same manner that the sun benefits the wicked as well as the righteous. Salvation is for sure and real to whomever who will go to the Lord by faith. Salvation is not for the animals, but to all people. People are the ones that Christ died to redeem. If you consider yourself a person, then salvation would be yours now if you would believe in Christ. Salvation is not for the angels, “For surely it is not angels that He (GOD) helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham”. (Heb 2:16). Salvation is for the people who like Abraham live by faith and not by sight. Salvation is for the particular people who will realize their need and run for mercy to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
Have you met with this grace? If you say that you are a Christian and yet not saved, I want to assure you that you have not met grace yet. If you have no place for Christ in your life, may I tell you that you have not met with the grace of God yet. It is until you confess faith in Christ that grace has worked in your heart. Grace came to rescue man from the greatest possible evil, namely the curse of God upon sin. Again grace came to bestow upon man the greatest possible boon, namely, the blessing of God for soul and body throughout all eternity.
This wonderful grace is an amazing teacher, sorry, not just a teacher but a trainer, a coach! This gospel revelation is to teach, and not by way of information and instruction only, as a schoolmaster teach his pupils, but by way of principles and authority, as a coach or a commander. It directs what to shun and what to follow, what to avoid and what to do. The gospel is for practice and right ordering of life.
You need to meet grace because these are what she teaches:
a) To abandon sin:
Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts; to renounce and have no more to do with these. Put off, concerning the former conversation, the old man which is corrupt; that is, the whole body of sins, here distributed into ungodliness and worldly lusts. “Put away ungodliness and irreligion, all unbelief, neglect or disesteem of the divine Being, not loving, nor fearing, nor trusting in Him, nor obeying Him as we should, neglecting His ordinances, slighting His worship, profaning His name or day (hate and put it away all these). And worldly lusts – all corrupt and vicious desires and passions that prevail in worldly men, and carry out to worldly things the lust of the flesh also, and of the eye, and the pride of life, all sensuality and filthiness, covetous desires and ambition. Seeking and valuing more the praise of men than of God - put away all these.” An earthly sensual conversation suits not a heavenly calling.
b) To love that which is good:
To live soberly, righteously, and godly, etc. Religion is not made up of negatives only; there must be doing good as well as eschewing evil. Putting off and putting on, turning away from sin and turning to God. In these together is sincerity proved and the gospel adorned. We should live soberly with respect to ourselves, in the great control of our appetites and passions, keeping the limits of moderation and temperance. Doing good to others, according to our ability and their need – this seems a part of justice and righteousness, for we are not born for ourselves alone, and therefore may we not live to ourselves only. We are members one of another, and must seek our neighbors’, another's good, 1Cor_10:24; 1Cor_12:25. Selfishness is a sort of unrighteousness; it robs others of that share in us which is their due. Godliness secures and promotes all interests, not particular only, but general and public, and so contributes to the peace and happiness of the world. Live righteously therefore as well as soberly. Godly towards God, in the duties of his worship and service. Regards to him indeed should run through all. Whether you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God, 1Cor_10:31.
But there is an express and direct duty also that we owe to God, namely, belief and acknowledgment of his being and perfections, paying him internal and external worship and homage, - loving, fearing, and trusting in him, - depending on him, and devoting ourselves to him. Observing all those religious duties and ordinances that he has appointed, - praying to him, praising him, and meditating on his word and works. This is the world that we are in now, and that which is to come. The present is the time and place of our trial, and the gospel teaches us to live well here, not, however, as our final state, but with an eye especially to a future.
c) To be heavenly minded
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Hope for heaven because it is the great thing we look and long and wait for. It is a blessed hope because when attained, we shall be completely happy for ever.
And the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. This denotes both the time of the accomplishing of our hope and the certainty and greatness of it: it will be at the second appearing of Christ, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels, Luke_9:26. His first coming was in meanness, to satisfy justice and purchase happiness. His second will be in majesty, to bestow and install his people in it. Heb_9:28. The great God and our Saviour (or even our Saviour) Jesus Christ; In his second coming he will reward his servants, and bring them to glory with him. Our hope is Christ himself, who is called our hope (1Tim_1:1), and blessedness in and through him, even riches of glory (Eph_1:18 The comfort and joy of Christians are that their Saviour is the great God, and will gloriously manifest himself at his second coming. Power and love, majesty and mercy, will then appear together in the highest luster, to the terror and confusion of the wicked, but to the everlasting triumph and rejoicing of the godly.
The grace has come in this present age because godliness is required in this life not just in heaven –it must start in this life and extend in the one to come. The grace has come to each one of us now – so no one here has the excuse of walking out of that door saying that he does not know what God requires of him. You are required now to respond to this word that you have heard now. Righteousness is required of you today whether you are saved or not – you must show what grace has done in your life as the work of grace if you are a Christian. If you have not been saved you must walk out of that die beating your breast crying to God to be merciful to you a sinner like the penitent publican.
Titus 2:11-14
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.
“This is the time of grace we do not need the law. The law was only important for the Israelites. The time of grace is the time of enjoying God’s blessings – to be rich and to be healthy. We can live the way we want to be. We are angels and gods who have no need of being governed by the law”. Surely you must have met with people who say that this is the time of grace. Haven’t you? That the law is now done away with. That now we can live the way we want. Surely, someone must have told you that you don’t have to struggle with sin once you become a believer.
But I want to point out to you that the this is not true from this passage. I want us to consider what God has done in giving us the grace, and what is the work of grace to us and in us.
The grace of God has appeared. The grace has appeared to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. What is this grace of God? The grace of God is the gospel. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ the only Son of God has come in the human body under the law, (“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons “– Gal 4:4-5) and lived a perfect and righteous life. That He died a sacrificial death on the cross on behalf of His people paying the penalty of their sins. That He therefore perfectly took away the wrath of God having satisfied God’s justice. This was attested by God by raising Jesus from the dead on the third day after His death.
The gospel is what is described in v14, that Jesus Christ, who is the great God and Saviour, gave himself for us to redeem us from lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for His own possession eager and zealous for good works. Therefore, the gospel is about our redemption. What would be better news than this good news we have of our redemption from the bondage and slavery of sin?
This is the grace because it is by hearing the gospel and believing in Christ that sinners are justified. It is through the gospel that Christ is introduced and made known. It is by the gospel faith is born and raised. It is the gospel that introduce us to the wonderful promises of salvation and life everlasting by faith in Jesus. The gospel is the grace of God considering that God has done all this in order to justify terrible sinners like you and I and whoever who will trust upon Jesus’ work of redemption as his own. This is the grace of God bearing in mind that sinners are justified freely by God. This is the grace of God considering that sinners who deserve eternal condemnation in hell are saved from this great peril. This is the grace considering that sinners are given power to become the children of God. This is the grace of God considering that sinners are made heirs of eternal inheritance in glory!
It is the good news to you that this grace has appeared. It was hidden in the past but now unveiled the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col 1:23-27)
Consider the many Rendilles, Somalis, Ormos, Turks, Chinese and other millions who have not heard this gospel. Consider your great grandparents who died without the gospel and therefore without hope. Why are there so many people even today who do not go to church to hear the gospel? What is so special with you and not them? Why do you think God chose you to be here today? Why is it that you are sitting here now hearing this great message of the graciousness of God? God wants to reveal His grace to you. This grace is coming to you even at this moment. And the message is that Christ is sufficiently able and more than able to save you to the uttermost were you to draw near to Him.
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Heb 7:25)
Have you met with the gospel? “Of course I have heard the gospel” – you tell me. “But…” I ask, “Are you a beneficiary of the promises of the gospel?” If not then you have not met with grace. Who could miss the rising of the sun? The appearing of the grace is like that.
But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. (Mal.4:2)
What does this grace of God do? The passage is very clear that this grace brings salvation – this is the work of grace, bringing salvation. The gospel invitation goes to any person without discriminating, to the elect as well as to the reprobates, it goes forth without any discrimination to all men. When Jesus invites the weary and the heavy laden to come to Him, He does not say it is only the black or the young or the old any grouping of people – it is to all regardless of any of their background of tribe or tongue or race or any such thing. He promises rest to whoever comes. He promises satisfaction and content to whoever eats of His body and drinks of His blood. He promises any willing person to go and buy freely without money.
The grace is effective in this particular work to bring salvation, not just to one person, or two, it brings salvation to all people. Not just to the Jews but even to the Gentiles, not just to the white but to black people as well, it is whoever who calls upon the Name of the Lord who shall be saved. Whether young or old, rich or poor, prudent or ignorant, savage or modern – in the kingdom of God all are there. The commonwealth of God is diverse. The love of God is extended to whoever believes.
It is very reassuring that there is no one who will not be saved because she is a woman or a man because he is a man, old or young and so forth. There is no one who will not be saved because he is rich or poor because grace does not bypass the rich because they are rich but because of their sin. Grace that has been revealed rises on all in the same manner that the sun benefits the wicked as well as the righteous. Salvation is for sure and real to whomever who will go to the Lord by faith. Salvation is not for the animals, but to all people. People are the ones that Christ died to redeem. If you consider yourself a person, then salvation would be yours now if you would believe in Christ. Salvation is not for the angels, “For surely it is not angels that He (GOD) helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham”. (Heb 2:16). Salvation is for the people who like Abraham live by faith and not by sight. Salvation is for the particular people who will realize their need and run for mercy to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
Have you met with this grace? If you say that you are a Christian and yet not saved, I want to assure you that you have not met grace yet. If you have no place for Christ in your life, may I tell you that you have not met with the grace of God yet. It is until you confess faith in Christ that grace has worked in your heart. Grace came to rescue man from the greatest possible evil, namely the curse of God upon sin. Again grace came to bestow upon man the greatest possible boon, namely, the blessing of God for soul and body throughout all eternity.
This wonderful grace is an amazing teacher, sorry, not just a teacher but a trainer, a coach! This gospel revelation is to teach, and not by way of information and instruction only, as a schoolmaster teach his pupils, but by way of principles and authority, as a coach or a commander. It directs what to shun and what to follow, what to avoid and what to do. The gospel is for practice and right ordering of life.
You need to meet grace because these are what she teaches:
a) To abandon sin:
Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts; to renounce and have no more to do with these. Put off, concerning the former conversation, the old man which is corrupt; that is, the whole body of sins, here distributed into ungodliness and worldly lusts. “Put away ungodliness and irreligion, all unbelief, neglect or disesteem of the divine Being, not loving, nor fearing, nor trusting in Him, nor obeying Him as we should, neglecting His ordinances, slighting His worship, profaning His name or day (hate and put it away all these). And worldly lusts – all corrupt and vicious desires and passions that prevail in worldly men, and carry out to worldly things the lust of the flesh also, and of the eye, and the pride of life, all sensuality and filthiness, covetous desires and ambition. Seeking and valuing more the praise of men than of God - put away all these.” An earthly sensual conversation suits not a heavenly calling.
b) To love that which is good:
To live soberly, righteously, and godly, etc. Religion is not made up of negatives only; there must be doing good as well as eschewing evil. Putting off and putting on, turning away from sin and turning to God. In these together is sincerity proved and the gospel adorned. We should live soberly with respect to ourselves, in the great control of our appetites and passions, keeping the limits of moderation and temperance. Doing good to others, according to our ability and their need – this seems a part of justice and righteousness, for we are not born for ourselves alone, and therefore may we not live to ourselves only. We are members one of another, and must seek our neighbors’, another's good, 1Cor_10:24; 1Cor_12:25. Selfishness is a sort of unrighteousness; it robs others of that share in us which is their due. Godliness secures and promotes all interests, not particular only, but general and public, and so contributes to the peace and happiness of the world. Live righteously therefore as well as soberly. Godly towards God, in the duties of his worship and service. Regards to him indeed should run through all. Whether you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God, 1Cor_10:31.
But there is an express and direct duty also that we owe to God, namely, belief and acknowledgment of his being and perfections, paying him internal and external worship and homage, - loving, fearing, and trusting in him, - depending on him, and devoting ourselves to him. Observing all those religious duties and ordinances that he has appointed, - praying to him, praising him, and meditating on his word and works. This is the world that we are in now, and that which is to come. The present is the time and place of our trial, and the gospel teaches us to live well here, not, however, as our final state, but with an eye especially to a future.
c) To be heavenly minded
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Hope for heaven because it is the great thing we look and long and wait for. It is a blessed hope because when attained, we shall be completely happy for ever.
And the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. This denotes both the time of the accomplishing of our hope and the certainty and greatness of it: it will be at the second appearing of Christ, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels, Luke_9:26. His first coming was in meanness, to satisfy justice and purchase happiness. His second will be in majesty, to bestow and install his people in it. Heb_9:28. The great God and our Saviour (or even our Saviour) Jesus Christ; In his second coming he will reward his servants, and bring them to glory with him. Our hope is Christ himself, who is called our hope (1Tim_1:1), and blessedness in and through him, even riches of glory (Eph_1:18 The comfort and joy of Christians are that their Saviour is the great God, and will gloriously manifest himself at his second coming. Power and love, majesty and mercy, will then appear together in the highest luster, to the terror and confusion of the wicked, but to the everlasting triumph and rejoicing of the godly.
The grace has come in this present age because godliness is required in this life not just in heaven –it must start in this life and extend in the one to come. The grace has come to each one of us now – so no one here has the excuse of walking out of that door saying that he does not know what God requires of him. You are required now to respond to this word that you have heard now. Righteousness is required of you today whether you are saved or not – you must show what grace has done in your life as the work of grace if you are a Christian. If you have not been saved you must walk out of that die beating your breast crying to God to be merciful to you a sinner like the penitent publican.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1Cor. 6:9-11)
We live at a time when everything is permissible as long as you do not tell me that I am wrong. If you like it do it. Postmodernism is the philosophy behind these thoughts. Nothing is either right or wrong. But even worse, even God is not right because He is not taken seriously at His Word. His Word is ignored, yet people want to go to heaven on their terms! It is shocking that the society that we live in want to force God to live with them eternally! Many think that they are wiser than God and so try to divorce religion from morality. Many suppose that heaven is for everyone and so will not accept that God has His people that He will save. They will not accept it that Jesus died only for those who belong to God. They think that God is unfair or unjust in having His choice and so try to argue away the doctrine of election. Surely, God is the standard of justice and no one will arm-twist Him out of His divine purposes. Holiness is what God requires of us and nothing less – without no heaven.
You ought to know that no one with a spot of sin will be admitted in heaven. this is a basic truth that we should never forget. No wrong –doer has a place in heaven. they may rob us anything while on this earth but our comfort is that they cannot deprive us of our eternal place in heaven. on the other hand no Christian should accommodate a thought that thinks that lawless license will be permitted by God even for a second.
Righteousness is fundamental characteristic of the citizens of heaven as the Lord sought to prove in His longest sermon commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7). The point is that the ethics of the kingdom to come determine the morals of this life for those who are in it. This means that we must obey the law because it is the law points us to the gospel once we see that we are in the state of sin. The law sends us to the Saviour to shape up our lives. We must realize that ‘Christ freed us from the manner of our obedience but not from the matter of our obedience’ as Samuel Bolton puts it in his book The True Bounds of Christian Freedom.
How does anyone think that such a holy God would put up with fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, coveters, drunkards revilers, extortionist and others like them? They are completely mistaken whether they bishops of Canterbury or presidents of superpower nations. It does not matter what earthly mob they can marshal to support their wickedness – God will not admit them anywhere near His presence. Moreover, I would also like to advice them not to venture because they would be ushered into instant death like Uzzah. No immoral person (whether openly immoral or inward) will ever get an audience with God except for punishment.
All sins are as serious and will be punished in the same manner – eternal damnation from the presence of God. Open sin like idolatry are the same as covetousness. A thieve is equal to a greedy person in so many ways. Throughout the Scripture sins of the heart are equated with open sins. And we should not try to be smarter here. We should not grow in pet sins because none is admissible in heaven! Christian liberty should not be used to excuse sin. The Corinthian church excused the sin of adultery in the church but the apostle writes to tell them that such a one should be handed over to Satan for his flesh to be dealt with to save his soul. However, such should not be among God’s people and must be purged from the church.
What is your sin? Many suppose that they do not have any sin because they are ‘good’ and try to be nice to everyone. Many suppose that although God is holy he will excuse them. Many are self-deceived that because they have religious experiences their sins does not matter. But no religious experiences are only good if they produce an eternal effect as the Author of Hebrews points out in chapter six. You might be one who has delighted in the Word of God, (like the seed that fell on the rock) or even better endure for so long but does not persevere up to the end, all these belong to the same category – they will be punished eternally. Let no one think that hell is an instantaneous event such that the wicked will be punished but for a moment and then be consumed, as some have been tempted to think. Those who will not make it to heaven eternally will be in hell, to the unquenchable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. (Mark 9:44,48).
We all would have been punished the same because we were also as wicked as these people who practice all sorts of licentiousness without restraint. We were perverts like these. And if this is the case we have a duty to do two things:
i) We need to praise God who has so graciously saved us. We should live to His glory for saving us though He had the right to throw us to eternal hell. Therefore, whether we eat or drink, it should be for the glory of God (1Cor.10:31). It should b our first priority and ambition, to please Him (2Cor 5:9). Live to God’s glory every hour every second – 24/7 as young people put it, to live to the glory of God. This means living in God’s presence by fearing Him.
ii) We must also realize that it is our duty, out of love of God and His elect, to preach the gospel both privately and publically. We need to always to be vigilant for an opportunity to witness to our children, spouses, relatives, friends and neighbors. We should know that we snatch them from fire (Jude 23). Pray constantly for those that you have reached with the gospel and even for those you cannot reach for one reason or another. Pray for the ministers of the gospel that God may open opportunities of ministry (Col. 4:3; 1Thess.3:1, 2; Philem. 6). Pray for other Christians to be faithful in evangelizing to others and be faithful Christians (Heb 13:18).
But you have been converted from gross sin to holiness by God through His wonderful grace which works in the people of His choice. All the wickedness and perdition in which we once walked are all things of the past for, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2Cor5:17). But how did it happen that such wretched people, we were became so transformed? Did we change ourselves? Did we make any decision to be changed? Where did we get the remedy?
We were lost, wretched, sick even dead! Completely helpless. Utterly unable to do anything to change our condition. No sinner can do anything to make his condition of sin a half an inch better. How he being so depraved? How can he when his heart is darkened and hardened to a stone unable to respond to the things of the Spirit? How can help himself when his heart pumps nothing but sin through the whole body? His condition is such that the mind is calloused and seared as of iron unable to understand any statement made to Him to be different? Both his heart and mind must be radically transformed to be able to make any response.
This is what happens for we read that we, “were washed… sanctified (and) …justified.” To be washed means to purify and is frequently used in Scripture to express moral or spiritual purification (Isa1:16; Jer. 4:14; Psa. 51:7). This is something done by the Lord Jesus Christ through His blood. Thankfully the blood is already shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins. Thankfully this blood is very effectual and there is no of a repeat. Praise God for He is willing to wash whoever would be willing to come for this washing.
Remember the old hymn: “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus, What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!” Nothing, Yes Nothing… Only the Blood of the Son of God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, the Anointed king of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, is able to bring an effectual washing and permanent effects to sinners. Will you come to Him and obtain eternal life? Will you request Him to take away your sins? Will you tell Him to wash you and you will be clean? Will you cry to Him to come to your aid? And for those who have come to Him, will you prostrate yourself before Him and worship Him with the heavenly hosts and sing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! (Rev.5:12)
To be sanctified may either be a way of emphasizing the washing into holiness or it may be understood to mean that we have been consecrated or separated from sin completely or even better both (which is what I favour). We have been sanctified by the Holy Spirit who separated us from sin through definitive sanctification and makes us holy every day through progressive sanctification. just as the Spirit of God is defined in terms of His holiness, He is constantly working to make God’s people, the elect, holy. God has changed and He will not change His mind, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (1Pet1:16). God’s people are “… a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1Pet 2:9-10).
Consequently, you have been justified. This means that God has declared you ‘not guilty’ and more than that pronounced you righteous before His law! What a joy to know that those who are in Christ have no condemnation? (Rom 8:1). The basis for this declaration for God is because Christ has clothed you in His righteousness. God is looking at you and looking at the charge sheet handed to Him, and it is like you never sinned. You have been justified not because of what you have done, but because of what Christ has done and accomplished for you. And you have trusted upon Him who has brought these wonderful blessings to you. This means that you therefore must not relapse to your old way of life of horrendous wickedness in which you once lived.
Thankfully though we were once so terrible, we can have the assurance of better things that accompany salvation. Because our salvation is not dependent on man who can fail. It does not depend on the blood of animals, which cannot forgive any sin or make anyone holy. Neither does it depend on human philosophy, tradition nor myths. Our salvation depends on God (Jonah 2:9). And He has make it plain to us through His Word is sure and trustworthy. His Word is our assurance and the anchor of our salvation is Christ. We have a sure hope, the hope that does not disappoint.
We should be careful not to neglect such a great salvation as we have done through this last year. We should not go back to the mire of sin as we have been doing. We need to refocus our attention to Christ our God, the Author and Perfector of our salvation. Let this new year 2011 be year of growing to spiritual in grace, and in faith to maturity. Lets us grow thereby through a thorough and a careful discipline of study of God’s word and by prayer. Let our self-discipline and chastity be conspicuous to all that they may know that the Holy Spirit of God lives in us. Let us work hard our salvation with fear and trembling through and through that we may bring honour to God’s Name. Amen.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1Cor. 6:9-11)
We live at a time when everything is permissible as long as you do not tell me that I am wrong. If you like it do it. Postmodernism is the philosophy behind these thoughts. Nothing is either right or wrong. But even worse, even God is not right because He is not taken seriously at His Word. His Word is ignored, yet people want to go to heaven on their terms! It is shocking that the society that we live in want to force God to live with them eternally! Many think that they are wiser than God and so try to divorce religion from morality. Many suppose that heaven is for everyone and so will not accept that God has His people that He will save. They will not accept it that Jesus died only for those who belong to God. They think that God is unfair or unjust in having His choice and so try to argue away the doctrine of election. Surely, God is the standard of justice and no one will arm-twist Him out of His divine purposes. Holiness is what God requires of us and nothing less – without no heaven.
You ought to know that no one with a spot of sin will be admitted in heaven. this is a basic truth that we should never forget. No wrong –doer has a place in heaven. they may rob us anything while on this earth but our comfort is that they cannot deprive us of our eternal place in heaven. on the other hand no Christian should accommodate a thought that thinks that lawless license will be permitted by God even for a second.
Righteousness is fundamental characteristic of the citizens of heaven as the Lord sought to prove in His longest sermon commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7). The point is that the ethics of the kingdom to come determine the morals of this life for those who are in it. This means that we must obey the law because it is the law points us to the gospel once we see that we are in the state of sin. The law sends us to the Saviour to shape up our lives. We must realize that ‘Christ freed us from the manner of our obedience but not from the matter of our obedience’ as Samuel Bolton puts it in his book The True Bounds of Christian Freedom.
How does anyone think that such a holy God would put up with fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, coveters, drunkards revilers, extortionist and others like them? They are completely mistaken whether they bishops of Canterbury or presidents of superpower nations. It does not matter what earthly mob they can marshal to support their wickedness – God will not admit them anywhere near His presence. Moreover, I would also like to advice them not to venture because they would be ushered into instant death like Uzzah. No immoral person (whether openly immoral or inward) will ever get an audience with God except for punishment.
All sins are as serious and will be punished in the same manner – eternal damnation from the presence of God. Open sin like idolatry are the same as covetousness. A thieve is equal to a greedy person in so many ways. Throughout the Scripture sins of the heart are equated with open sins. And we should not try to be smarter here. We should not grow in pet sins because none is admissible in heaven! Christian liberty should not be used to excuse sin. The Corinthian church excused the sin of adultery in the church but the apostle writes to tell them that such a one should be handed over to Satan for his flesh to be dealt with to save his soul. However, such should not be among God’s people and must be purged from the church.
What is your sin? Many suppose that they do not have any sin because they are ‘good’ and try to be nice to everyone. Many suppose that although God is holy he will excuse them. Many are self-deceived that because they have religious experiences their sins does not matter. But no religious experiences are only good if they produce an eternal effect as the Author of Hebrews points out in chapter six. You might be one who has delighted in the Word of God, (like the seed that fell on the rock) or even better endure for so long but does not persevere up to the end, all these belong to the same category – they will be punished eternally. Let no one think that hell is an instantaneous event such that the wicked will be punished but for a moment and then be consumed, as some have been tempted to think. Those who will not make it to heaven eternally will be in hell, to the unquenchable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. (Mark 9:44,48).
We all would have been punished the same because we were also as wicked as these people who practice all sorts of licentiousness without restraint. We were perverts like these. And if this is the case we have a duty to do two things:
i) We need to praise God who has so graciously saved us. We should live to His glory for saving us though He had the right to throw us to eternal hell. Therefore, whether we eat or drink, it should be for the glory of God (1Cor.10:31). It should b our first priority and ambition, to please Him (2Cor 5:9). Live to God’s glory every hour every second – 24/7 as young people put it, to live to the glory of God. This means living in God’s presence by fearing Him.
ii) We must also realize that it is our duty, out of love of God and His elect, to preach the gospel both privately and publically. We need to always to be vigilant for an opportunity to witness to our children, spouses, relatives, friends and neighbors. We should know that we snatch them from fire (Jude 23). Pray constantly for those that you have reached with the gospel and even for those you cannot reach for one reason or another. Pray for the ministers of the gospel that God may open opportunities of ministry (Col. 4:3; 1Thess.3:1, 2; Philem. 6). Pray for other Christians to be faithful in evangelizing to others and be faithful Christians (Heb 13:18).
But you have been converted from gross sin to holiness by God through His wonderful grace which works in the people of His choice. All the wickedness and perdition in which we once walked are all things of the past for, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2Cor5:17). But how did it happen that such wretched people, we were became so transformed? Did we change ourselves? Did we make any decision to be changed? Where did we get the remedy?
We were lost, wretched, sick even dead! Completely helpless. Utterly unable to do anything to change our condition. No sinner can do anything to make his condition of sin a half an inch better. How he being so depraved? How can he when his heart is darkened and hardened to a stone unable to respond to the things of the Spirit? How can help himself when his heart pumps nothing but sin through the whole body? His condition is such that the mind is calloused and seared as of iron unable to understand any statement made to Him to be different? Both his heart and mind must be radically transformed to be able to make any response.
This is what happens for we read that we, “were washed… sanctified (and) …justified.” To be washed means to purify and is frequently used in Scripture to express moral or spiritual purification (Isa1:16; Jer. 4:14; Psa. 51:7). This is something done by the Lord Jesus Christ through His blood. Thankfully the blood is already shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins. Thankfully this blood is very effectual and there is no of a repeat. Praise God for He is willing to wash whoever would be willing to come for this washing.
Remember the old hymn: “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus, What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!” Nothing, Yes Nothing… Only the Blood of the Son of God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, the Anointed king of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, is able to bring an effectual washing and permanent effects to sinners. Will you come to Him and obtain eternal life? Will you request Him to take away your sins? Will you tell Him to wash you and you will be clean? Will you cry to Him to come to your aid? And for those who have come to Him, will you prostrate yourself before Him and worship Him with the heavenly hosts and sing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! (Rev.5:12)
To be sanctified may either be a way of emphasizing the washing into holiness or it may be understood to mean that we have been consecrated or separated from sin completely or even better both (which is what I favour). We have been sanctified by the Holy Spirit who separated us from sin through definitive sanctification and makes us holy every day through progressive sanctification. just as the Spirit of God is defined in terms of His holiness, He is constantly working to make God’s people, the elect, holy. God has changed and He will not change His mind, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (1Pet1:16). God’s people are “… a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1Pet 2:9-10).
Consequently, you have been justified. This means that God has declared you ‘not guilty’ and more than that pronounced you righteous before His law! What a joy to know that those who are in Christ have no condemnation? (Rom 8:1). The basis for this declaration for God is because Christ has clothed you in His righteousness. God is looking at you and looking at the charge sheet handed to Him, and it is like you never sinned. You have been justified not because of what you have done, but because of what Christ has done and accomplished for you. And you have trusted upon Him who has brought these wonderful blessings to you. This means that you therefore must not relapse to your old way of life of horrendous wickedness in which you once lived.
Thankfully though we were once so terrible, we can have the assurance of better things that accompany salvation. Because our salvation is not dependent on man who can fail. It does not depend on the blood of animals, which cannot forgive any sin or make anyone holy. Neither does it depend on human philosophy, tradition nor myths. Our salvation depends on God (Jonah 2:9). And He has make it plain to us through His Word is sure and trustworthy. His Word is our assurance and the anchor of our salvation is Christ. We have a sure hope, the hope that does not disappoint.
We should be careful not to neglect such a great salvation as we have done through this last year. We should not go back to the mire of sin as we have been doing. We need to refocus our attention to Christ our God, the Author and Perfector of our salvation. Let this new year 2011 be year of growing to spiritual in grace, and in faith to maturity. Lets us grow thereby through a thorough and a careful discipline of study of God’s word and by prayer. Let our self-discipline and chastity be conspicuous to all that they may know that the Holy Spirit of God lives in us. Let us work hard our salvation with fear and trembling through and through that we may bring honour to God’s Name. Amen.
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