Monday, March 30, 2020

A Godly Response to Coronavirus Pandemic - Part 3

What should we be thinking about at this time of global pandemic? Should you spend all the time checking the new figures or the high rate of infection? How do you invest your mind? What do you think and meditate on? GOD! 

We should think, and meditate on God – his sovereignty, his goodness and his grace, his love and mercy, his holiness and justice …all his attributes, communicable and incommunicable. Let us seek the Lord today. Let us know that God reigns and superintends over all the affairs of his creatures.
Anyone who thought that God after creation took leave of his creation is mistaken. He is at work and, believe it or not, God has brought the Covid_19 upon the world! Listen to what God says through his prophet, Isaiah:
I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things. (Isa 45:5-7)

Here is the last consideration on a godly response to this global pandemic:


The Psalmist in Psalm 73:26 simply states, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
The verse that we have been meditating on, is both grim (for it actually envisages death, when Asaph says, “My flesh and my heart may fail…”) and also full of life and hope. The conviction arrived at is that even in that last and bitterest extremity ‘God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.’ Therefore God remains and should remain the best and the greatest treasure that death cannot rob us of, and even in the very experience of dying, God supports his own and is more than ever their best possession. A fullness of faith and conviction speaks in these utterances that scarcely ever mounts to higher levels in the whole of the Old Testament.[1]
So what does it mean that God is my portion? Using the Principle of interpretation of Scripture called Analogy of Scripture (or simply put, scripture interprets scripture), we look at other passages of Scripture that use this language:
David in Psalm 16:5 – The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
Psalm 119: 57 – The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep your words.
Psalm 142:5 – I cry to you, O LORD; I say, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."
Jeremiah, engulfed by trouble in Lamentation simply says in 3:24, "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
Portion could also be rendered inheritance – that which lawfully falls to one’s share at is used in Psalm 16:5 and Psalm 17:14. And so W.S. Plumer – whose commentary is regarded as the loftiest in Christendom, says of this verse, “A child of God though he suffer long and severely, fares well; for he has God for his portion. It is far otherwise with the wicked.”[2]
 In this term, Asaph is saying that whatever the Lord has sent his way is His will, but he is comforted by the fact that the Lord will always be his. God will not forsake him, and therefore in all circumstances, especially of trouble, he looks to God and He waits upon God both to deliver him and to take him where He is. Hengstenberg commenting on this verse says, “It is clear as day that this passage contains the germ of the doctrine of the resurrection.”[3]
Spurgeon on the other hand commenting on it says,
“His God would not fail him, either as a protection or a joy. His heart would be kept up by divine love, and filled eternally with divine joy. After having been driven far out to sea, Asaph casts anchor in the old port. We shall do well to follow his example. There is nothing desirable save God: let us, then, desire only him. All other things must pass away; let our hearts abide in him, who alone abideth for ever.”[4]

1)      Pursue Godliness by making good use of the times and the means
God is our portion forever. His presence is our portion even in the valley of the shadow of death is enough. For God is not only my shield to defend and protect me from those enemies of my body and soul but He is also my portion to supply all my needs. His love, his grace, his mercy and his peace shall always be enough and sufficient and more than sufficient.
Because God is our portion, his word is our portion as well. This is what we sing in the song Amazing grace – The Lord has promised good to me, His Word my hope secures, He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. Therefore, let us read, and study the Scriptures, daily and regularly. Let us meditate on his Word day and night. Let us resolve, that since we are either locked in, or under compulsory quarantine, we shall spend much of our time in the Word of God, personally and with our families. If you need materials to use in instructing your children in the things of God, then contact us. We have many resources that can enrich your soul. Just call us on +728431067 or email
His people, the church is our portion as well. The Lord God, in his sovereignty and wisdom, has used it to straighten our ecclessiology: The lockdown effectively demonstrates that church is not about buildings - it is about being united with Christ and his body (the church), not just when we assemble, but always, wherever we are! Therefore, let us deliberately seek to build close ties with our spiritual family – the church, after all we are members, one of another. We should call them and chat with them more regularly. Pastors need to be deliberate in providing spiritual nourishment to the church members so that even though for a while we part, this thought will soothe our hearts, that we shall soon be joined together either here on earth or in heaven, with the Lord. Make use of the WhatsApp (and other social media) to connect with the brethren. Yet we must not be so sucked into the social media as to neglect other vital disciplines.

The time he has given us to live is our portion. The present distress is a divinely instituted decree – it is our portion. We shall not take one and reject the other – we shall not receive good from the Lord and not evil. Now we are to learn to make good use of the providence he has given us. Now that you have to be at home, then be at home and use the time for the profit of your soul.
I know some men are complaining about the curfew, hindering them from going to the pub and catching up with friends. But I ask you, when did catching up with your drinking buddies become more important than your wife and children? Spend the time with children. Be the headmaster or the principal of your children's education.

You had thought or said that you do not pray so much because you lack time. Pray using the weekly Prayer List and the monthly Prayer Diary. Pray for your relatives who are unbelievers and neighbours as well. You had claimed that you lagged behind because of the lack of time read the Bible – now you have the time – read it.
Again you have your relatives – they are your portion. Call your parents and your sisters and brothers and give them God’s portion and calm them for most people are in panic. Seek to intentionally build closer ties with people that you were hindered by your busy schedule from being of ministry to them.

In every storm you would seek a tree to shelter; in every danger, you would seek a city of refuge to secure you; and in every difficulty you would be wise to look for a solution; in every darkness you would want to have a light to guide you; and in every peril, you need a shield to defend you; and in every distress, a cordial to strengthen you; and in every trouble, a staff to support you; in every sickness, you would seek a doctor to treat you – why would you not seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may be found? Is he not the Great Physician to the sick, the Good Shepherd for the flock, the Bread of life to the hungry, the resurrection and the life to the dying? Why would you delay and postpone coming to the only hope for your soul? Turn to Christ and live!

[1] H.C. Leupold, D.D. The Exposition of the Psalms, Columbus, OH, Baker Book House, P.531
[2] W.S. Plumer, Psalms, Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, p.715
[3] The Works of Hengstenberg, Vol 6 The Psalms, p. 414
[4] C.H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David, vol.2. Hendricksen p.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Godly Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic - Part 2

Before we consider another godly way of responding to this global pandemic, let us consider the reason behind the outbreak of Covid_19.

Why Coronaviruses?
Why are we faced by this situation?  ‘Why’ may be a lingering question you may have… why did God who is eternally good allow this terrible sickness on earth? It is very easy to conclude that Covid_19 is a lab-made pandemic – and it may as well be. But you do not know, neither do I.  It is not necessary to swim to the conspiracy theories that are doing their rounds. 

Therefore we need to forget these speculations and conspiracy theories for they only contribute to more panic. We are instead to honour God as holy and Him alone we are to fear for he alone can kill both the body and cast the soul into hell (Matt 10:28).

Who does not know that the world has been swimming in sin? God sounded this Coronaviruses as a thunderbolt to stop this sinful madness. The world has been calling evil good and good evil. The world has lost any appetite for the things of God – even in the church! Who reads the Bible consistently? Who prays earnestly? 

Truth has been ridiculed and evil and error celebrated. The perversion of sexual immorality, homosexuality, LGBTQ agenda was endorsed as alternative lifestyle - yet these are abominations. Abortion, which is the indiscriminate murder of the innocent babies in the womb by their own mothers has been celebrated as choice - yet God says it is murder. The whole world has been gasping under the pollution of pornography and some called it freedom of expression - yet it is perversion and defilement. Sex slavery is being paraded in the form of porn! Chronic corruption in the governments has been hailed as politics and integrity and good governance are only words used by NGOs to get  external funding. 

But now the Lord, the God Almighty has roared. He has cracked his whip and roared – who shall not be afraid? Remember that when prophet Habbakkuk thought that God was sitting idly not doing anything to the wickedness of his day? God responded that he will do something that no one would believe – what he has done is in so many ways unbelievable. Who would have thought that the world, as developed as it is today could be sent into panic by a virus? Did you think economies like China, Italy and the US could be so paralyzed by a virus?

What is the purpose of trials and afflictions in God’s scheme of things? So that the afflicted and distressed Christians may have a proper salve for every sore from the Great Physician who heals the sick – the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the proper remedy against every disease, at hand. 

Afflictions become a mirror by which we see the true human nature. Here you may see your face, your head, your hand, your heart, your ways, your works, and know how you have failed to glorify him. But we also see the inconsistencies of pagans and atheists as they also try to offer some help. Thank God they are offering humanitarian aid (not as much as Christians of course) but their help to the suffering condemns their convictions. For it shows that they do bear the image of God - for this we as thankful that God's common grace cannot be obliterated even in the unbelief of men. 

In good health one may be unable to see all his spiritual diseases. It is while in affliction that proper remedies are proposed and applied. Here you may find all your arguments silenced.

How do we respond in a godly way to this pandemic?


My flesh and my heart may fail… BUT GOD is my strength. God is the strength of my heart. God is my strength and he should be your strength too. It does matter what you may be going through right now – it may not necessarily be Corona viruses. It may be that you have physical sickness you are dealing with, or emotional issues, or serious social challenges – let God be your strength. You may be frustrated with your husband or feel tired with your wife; it could be that you are very annoyed by your children; it is possible that you feel emotionally drained, lonely and under serious stress and possible depression – let the Lord be your strength. I suppose you may have financial pressures – with no job, or perhaps your business has collapsed and you have debts or loan to pay and bills demanding your attention. May we all find the Lord our help, our strength and our Deliverer. He is the keeper of his people Israel and he will not let our feet be moved – remember he does not sleep or slumber.
If you are going to win the race set before you or win the battle marked out for you – then you should not look up to the hills, but to the Lord from where your help comes. Your help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. So the sun shall not strike you by day nor moon by night – the Lord will keep you from all evil, he will keep your life. He will keep your going and your coming in from this time forth and evermore (Psalm 121).

1)      Be orthodox in your understanding of God – he is sovereign
God knows who is and who will be infected. God knows where each of the Corona Viruses are located now and he will direct them to where and to whom he wants infected when he wants. He is the Sovereign God who governs, preserves, and directs them all to do his will and to accomplish his purposes. He is in heaven and he does whatsoever he pleases (Psalm 115:3). Whatever the Lord pleases he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps – it is he who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightenings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses. He it was who struck down the firstborns of Egypt, both man and of beast (Psalm 135:6-10). God does all things – and so with Job we ask, “Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil? (Job 2:10). Let the whole world know that the LORD our God is but one living and true God; whose subsistence is in an of himself. God is infinite in being and perfection, whose essence cannot be comprehended by any but himself. He is the most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, who only has immortality, dwelling in inapproachable light. God is immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, every way infinite, most holy, most wise, most free, most absolute. He is working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will for His own glory. He is most loving, gracious, merciful, long suffering, abundant in goodness and truth. He is constantly forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, the rewarder of them that diligently seek him, withal most just and terrible in his judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.

We must realize that God has decreed in Himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably, all things whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor has fellowship with any therein. God knows whatsoever may or can come to pass, upon all supposed conditions, yet has he not decreed anything because He foresaw it as future, or as that which would come to pass upon such conditions (Rom. 9:11, 13, 16, 18).

2)      Be Balanced and Sober in your actions
It is true that God will shower with love to his children always. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). But we also know that what seem good to us may not be so good before the all seeing eye of God. We need to appreciate that what our Father wills is the best – so if he wills Coronaviruses, then Coronaviruses pandemic is better than global health. When he wills weakness, then weakness is better than strength. When he wills poverty, then poverty is better than riches. When he wills shame and dishonour, then shame and dishonour is better than honour and high esteem. If our heavenly Father wills that we should be dead, then death is better than life. Whatever the Father wills is the best for his children even though they may not know why it is better, it is because they are convinced of his everlasting love.
We therefore need must do what God has instructed us to do for our own good and the welfare of our neighbours. We must not be fatalists abdicating our responsibility to do what is right when it is within our power to do it.

3)      Keep away from the sin of presumption
To presume on the promises of God is sinful. To conclude that just because you are a Christian therefore you cannot be infected or die, is presumption. Has God indeed said that his children will not suffer any sickness or lack? Is God's will that his children will not suffer? Before you quote Jeremiah 29:11 for me, remember that the context of the verse is a letter that Jeremiah had written to the exiles telling them that God will deliver them after 70 years. The good plan was to remain in the Babylonian exile for that long.
The Bible is clear that rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry (1 Sam. 15:23) and it is this very sin that led to the rejection of Saul as king of Israel. Therefore, it is sinful to take God’s promise of care, protection and act irresponsibly. We must not put the Lord our God to the test – it is true God cannot be tempted by evil. It is also true that God has given us promises in his word, some of the promises are universal like, ‘believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you would be saved.’ That was true of the Philippian Jailor in Acts 16:31 and it is true of you today because this is what the rest of the Scriptures teach.

However, for false prophet like TB Joshua to claim that the Coronavirus will be cleared by rain and such like careless statements and for anyone to believe those pronouncements, shows a serious failure to use one’s own mental capacity, ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God. It is irresponsible to fail to use medication, or to refuse to sanitize your hands, or to continue with your life as usual without using the physical means that God has appointed.

If you neglect your responsibility, then you need to be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. Don’t listen to those false prophets and preachers who proclaim peace when there is no peace or give OT promises without paying attention to the context. Paul had been unjustly arrested in Jerusalem and had to appeal to Caesar in order that he would save his life from the evil Jews who wanted to kill him. Enroute to Rome, they were shipwrecked but the Lord assured him, “Do not be afraid, Paul you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.” A few hours later, these men in the ship with him wanted to escape and so Paul had to give the warning, “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved.” (Acts 27:24,31). It is clear that with the promise there was divine means by which God had intended to preserve these people. 

We must not presume upon God’s promises if we have no use for God-appointed means. We believe that God is sovereign and we believe that we are responsible. We believe God is sovereign and we believe that the sovereign God has appointed the means of accomplishing his purposes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Godly Response to Covid_19 Pandemic - Part 1

This is the first of three messages on how to respond in a godly way to the global outbreak of Coronavirus.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psa 73:26)
How do we respond to a global pandemic as believers?

Since the fall of man into sin in Genesis 3, we are susceptible to all the effects of curse because of sin – thorns and thistles, pests and diseases, sicknesses and ailments; Immuno-deficiency and cancer; SARS or whatever causes Covid_19. All these may not only infect me and you, these diseases including the current pandemic may kill, yes could kill me and you. Therefore, we need to know this – our flesh and our heart may fail. The flesh may collapse and die. The heart may stop pumping blood. But this phrase, flesh and heart encompasses the whole being – the body and soul. Human frailty is being demonstrated by the tiny virus. Brevity of life is constantly shown whenever we hear of deaths of one kind or another. By 25th March Italy had lost almost 7,000 persons to Coronaviruses complications and there was about 500,000 people infected globally.
1)      Do not Panic or Fear the Pandemic
Let us first appreciate that it is normal to fear… even to fear death because death is our enemy. But it is wrong to fear what is not to be feared. God constantly warns his people not to live in fear of anything or anyone other than himself. It is God himself who is to be feared – not death. And yes… I have no fear of contradiction in saying that God has sent Coronavirus pandemic so that he may be feared. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10). At almost every place where God says do not fear, he also promises to be with us. I will take one such example. The Lord told Isaiah,
"Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honour as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.  (Isa 8:12-13)
How do we fear the Lord? We are to fear the Lord by calling upon him when he is near. The way to stop fear is to believe God. The Lord Jesus Christ taught – “Do not fear only believe” (Mark 5:36; Luke 8:50). Faith in God is the antidote to fear, and only those who are in Christ are immune to this servile fear.
Secondly, let us not panic... it is one thing to fear, it is another to be gripped by fear to the extent that you panic. Right now the world is hysterical because people are afraid of contracting the disease, lest they die. It is seems to me that the media is basically sending the whole world into panic mode. The mainstream media and social media are contributing to the panic mode that we are dealing with right now. To panic is to allow the pandemic to paralyze you so that you are unable to do what you ought to be doing. There is no need to panic because you may not contract it... and even if you do you are unlikely to die. And if you were to die, you would never die again - there is only one death per person. In any case you will not die a day early or a day later than when God has appointed for you! Therefore do not panic - God is on the throne.

2)      Death is bound to come at one time or another
The Psalmist says as a matter of fact – my flesh and my heart may fail – “I am frail.” He is not fretting, he is not afraid of his physical circumstances. He simply acknowledges the fact that these eventualities may befall him. What if you contracted this sickness? What if you died? Let us remember that it is appointed for man to die – just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned (Rom. 5:12). And again, just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment (Heb. 9:27)
Therefore, death of one cause or another will come, it is not a matter of if but of when. Sometime in the near future or sometime in the far future, death will come upon us. We may be fearful or be afraid – but that will not stop death from coming. The sure way to be prepared for death is to be found in Christ who conquered death. It is Christ to whom we should go who alone is the way the truth and the life. It is to Christ alone we should go, in whom alone immortality dwells. It is to Christ alone we should turn for this life and for the one to come.
This problem affects everyone and this is pandemic is not the only one that has ever struck the globe. Let us realize that whether we like it or not, we are in a pandemic-stricken earth. This is a fact. People are infected and those infected are infecting others usually unawares and sometimes out of negligence. Thousands upon thousands are sick and others are dying. Not long from now many more will be infected and it is possible that it will be in the Millions very soon.  It is written,
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it (1 Cor. 10:13)
It is possible that some of us will be infected and die. The Lord says do not fear for I am with you. God says that we are not to be dismayed because the Lord will give us aid. He will strengthen us and cause us to stand, upheld by his righteous omnipotent hand.
It is not possible for non-believers not to fear or panic. They are on their own. They are not saved by Christ, nor are they indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. They do not have the promises of God. They are bound to not only fear but to panic. You who is not saved from your sins; you who have not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ – you need to fear, now than ever before. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth (Rom. 1:18). The Lord will deal with the world of ungodliness as he dealt with those who lived in the days of Noah. Therefore, fear the Lord and believe in his Son and live. This is the sure way to be delivered from fear. It is the only way in which you will receive a new heart, a heart that cannot fail at any cost.
If your flesh and heart fails today. If all your support gave way today. If you contracted a terminal illness today. If Coronavirus was to come upon you today – where would you turn? Would you turn to self-pity and die? Would you weep your eyes sore in self-pity… and what could that accomplish for you? – Nothing! If you called all the people you know, and used all the money you have – would that help you? Unless you turned to the Giver of life, the healer of souls and heart, the Lord Jesus Christ, there would be no eternal hope for you. If you died in unbelief and rebellion, God will certainly send you to hell. If you die without Christ, there will be hell for you.
TURN TO Christ and live!

This was initially a message preached at Trinity Baptist Church on the 22nd March 2020.
Here is the link

[1] 1689 LBCF, Chapter 22.1,

3-D Creation

Some years ago whilst in the USA speaking on the importance of Creation to believers, after a meeting, one earnest young man came up to talk...