Praying for genuine spiritual reformation in Nairobi by preaching the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) Precept upon precept, line upon line... Isaiah 28:10, 13
Friday, December 30, 2011
Clothed With Christ
Dear Father, grant that we may clothe ourselves with Christ, for he is a garment of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience, forbearance and forgiveness.
Above all, clothe us with his love, which will bind us together in perfect harmony.In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
No Distinctions
Dear Father, let me live in the light of your truth about myself - that my old nature has been put off, with its baggage of practices, and that I have put on a new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
Please help us to make no distinctions regarding origins, heredity, or traditions, but to see Christ in all believers.
Help us to let Christ be in us, to transform and renew every fiber of our being and of our relationships. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Overcoming Evil
Dear Father, please help me put to death certain things in my life that are earthly - inward evils ranging from impurity to covetousness.
Most of all, may I be rid of covetousness, wanting the applause and possessions of this world, which is really idolatry.
May I extinguish all outward evil ranging from anger to slander and foul talk.
Keep me from everything that is false. Don't let a lie come to my mind or my lips.In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Patiently yet Expectantly
Father my God, I know that I have died and that my life is hid with Christ. He holds the outcome of my life wholly in his hands; he is my life.
Grant that I may wait patiently yet expectantly, knowing that when he appears, I will also appear with him in glory.
Father, I thank you for this blessed hope. Let the joy of it fill my life every day as I sojourn here on this earth. Let me put the things of this world in perspective through the victory that Christ brings.In the name of Jesus I ask. Amen.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father."
(John 8:31-38 ESV)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
What Sort Of Faith Do You Have?
Dead Raised!
Everlasting Father, please help me to realize that I have died and have been resurrected with Christ. Break the attachments of my old life and its bondage. Don't let me live as if life were a matter of keeping regulations - don't touch, don't taste, don't handle - but let me live out of a deep sense of love and loyalty to my Savior.
Don't let me grasp for that which has merely an appearance of wisdom and which might make a show of religiosity but not really do anything to separate me from the pride and lusts of my fleshly nature.
Rather, please let me seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at your right hand. Let me set my mind on the things that are above, not on things that are on the earth.In the name of Jesus I ask. Amen.
Alive in Christ
Loving & gracious Father,thank you for redeeming us. You took us out of deadness and gave us life. You made us alive together with Christ. You cancelled the debts that we owed you because of our sinfulness.
You disarmed the powers that work against us, triumphing over them in Christ for our sake. How gracious and wonderful you are! To you we owe eternal praise.
Help us to withstand anyone who might seek to disqualify us, seeking to bind us to any principle of action at all except faith in Jesus Christ, for he is the head, and he determines how the body will grow.
Help us to hold fast to Christ, who is our head, in whose name I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Joined and established in Christ
Gracious and loving Father,thank you, Lord our God that we have been joined with Christ in his life, death, and resurrection.
How privileged and blessed are we that Christ is in us and we in Him so that we no longer live in the carnality of the flesh but have been made alive in Christ.
Please make us realize that we put off the body of flesh in his circumcision, were buried with him in his baptism, and were raised with him in his resurrection.
Please give us the faith to see your hand at work in all this and to see ourselves in what happened to him.
Grant that we may be immovable, firmly established in Christ so that we're no longer to be tossed by every wind of doctrine but are well grounded in your truth. Help us to hold fast to Christ, who is our head, in whose name I pray.
In Christ, the Fullness of Deity
Holy Father, May I never be impressed with the philosophy and empty deceit that comes out of human traditions which do not agree with Christ.
Keep me from being enticed by teachings that root their knowledge in the elemental spirits of the universe, the laws of nature, and in scientism, but not in Christ.
Help us to understand what it means that the very fullness of deity dwells in our Lord bodily and that we have come to the fullness of life in him and that he is the head of all rule and authority.
Help us to hold fast to Christ, who is our head, in whose name I pray.
Discerning, not Deceived
Passage Colossians 2:4-7
Heavenly Father, my rock, help me to think clearly with discernment. Keep me from being taken in by the beguiling speech of deceivers. Give me great joy in manifesting good order in my conduct and being absolutely firm in my faith. As I received Christ Jesus as the Lord, grant that I may live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith.
Grant that I may do this with great praise and thanksgiving! All praise, thanksgiving, honor, and glory to you, our Father, for what you have done for me through Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Knit our Hearts
Great and Holy Father, Encourager, encourage our hearts and knit them together in love with the heart of Jesus and the hearts of every other child of yours!
Give us all the riches of knowing and understanding of what you had formerly kept secret, the Good News about Jesus Christ, for in him you have hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Now revealed to us who believe. Please give us firm assurance in him.
Whatever new dimension or unfolding of your grace that shall come, it will be, I am convinced, a disclosure of the good things originally hidden in Christ. Help us to know it when we see it.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Blessings of Grace
Dear Father, source of our energy,We do hope in you because our Lord lives his life through us and blesses others through the genuine love which he gives.
Grant us to proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we can present people mature in Christ.
Grant that we may strive for this with all the energy which you mightily inspire within us.All good things are from you. There is no blessing except by your grace.
We live and rejoice because of you!In the name of Jesus I ask. Amen.
Christ the Hope of Glory
Heavenly Father,Help us have the attitude of Paul, who could rejoice in suffering for the sake of your body, the church, seeing his own suffering as an extension of Christ's suffering.
May the members of the body of Christ make your Word fully known, the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations but is now made visible to your holy people.How great among the nations is the wealth imparted to them by the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in us, the hope of glory.
It is in his name that I pray. Amen.
Would You Like To Be Excused From Attending God’s Party?
(Luke 14:16-24)
Would you like to attend the President’s New Year gala? You would be greatly honored to get such an invitation, wouldn’t you? A certain wealthy man had a great wedding banquet in his house. Perhaps his oldest son was getting married. We can imagine what joy that would have brought to the house and they wanted to share it with their friends. The rich man wanted to make sure that everyone remembered that great day. He wanted to organize the biggest banquet the town had ever known. A great occasion was taking place in his house and he wanted to make sure that he marked that great occasion with style.
And so he sat down and planned a great banquet. Then, before the big event he sent his servants to all his friends in town to tell them that the banquet was coming up. “It is going to be a big banquet, the biggest ever. Please make sure you are free that day and will come. The master will be very disappointed if you do not come.” All the friends agreed that they would come.
Finally the D-day arrived. The man’s servants spent the whole night preparing the food. Bulls and rams and goats were slaughtered. Pilau and chapatis were all prepared in large quantities. Fresh vegetables and fruits such as bananas, oranges, pineapples and melons were carefully prepared. Soft drinks such soda, juice etc were brought in. Lovely flowers and buffets were very nicely laid out and the outcome was very good. The food was very delicious and the place looked good to behold. Three lessons that we would be wise to learn from this parable:
The kingdom of God is like a great banquet.
A banquet is a place full of good things. When we read this parable we are astonished that people turned down the opportunity to go to such a kingly banquet and made excuses. In the normal way of things, this would not happen. Everyone who was invited to a banquet would come gladly because the banquet is a place full of good things. In the same way the kingdom of God is a place full of good things. The kingdom of God is where we find full and free forgiveness for all our sins. We read the invitation to the banquet, "Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” (Isa 55:1)
The kingdom of God is where we find eternal fellowship with God. Man was made to have fellowship with God. When God made Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden they were completely happy not because they had material possessions, but because they had fellowship with God. Then sin invaded this happy scene and brought separation between God and man. Thankfully, Christ came to look for the wandering sheep and to bring it back to the flock of God. Those who by faith in Christ are in the kingdom of God have eternal fellowship with God. They may not have any of the world’s goods and they do not pursue the pleasures of this world, but they have the satisfaction and joy that the world does not have.
People make excuses so as not to enter the kingdom of God
When the food was ready the servants went to those who had originally been invited and told them, “Come, for everything is now ready.” This parable was originally addressed to the people of Israel, for they were the first people whom God called into His kingdom. They, however, turned down the invitation and rejected Christ. The invitation into the kingdom of God was then extended to non-Israelites – i.e. to you and me! Now when we look at the excuses that were made in this parable we see two things about them.
The excuses were all to do with the things of this world. One man says he wants to look at a field, another says he wants to make sure that the oxen he has bought are able to work his field, and another says he has just got married. This is how it is always with those who are invited to come to Christ for salvation but do not respond. Their excuses are always to do with the things of this world. Would it be that this is true of you?
You have heard the gospel many times and you know that Christ offers you a full and free forgiveness of all your sins. You also know that Christ commands you to leave your sins and come to Him in faith. But the things of this world are a great attraction to you. You know that Christ demands complete devotion and this you are not willing to give. You are determined to accumulate the possessions of this world and to seek the pleasures of this world. And so when you hear the gospel invitation you make excuses that are to do with the things of this world. Perhaps you say, “One day, when the time is right, I will come to Christ and be saved. Meanwhile, you want to acquire this or that and enjoy the possession and pleasures of the world.” I urge you to remember the words of Christ, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul?” (Matthew 16:26).
You notice that the excuses made were foolish. The first man says, “I have just bought a field, I must go and see it.” Can we really believe that man would buy a field without first looking at it? It is really possible that the man pays a large sum of money and gets a title deed and then afterwards goes and looks at what he has bought? Of course not! The man who is thinking of buying a field will go many times and look at the field before he hands over a single shilling. The second man says, “I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I am on my way to try them out.” In other words what he is saying is, “I need some oxen to work on my land and I have just paid out a large sum of money to buy some. Now I must go and see if they are strong enough to work on my land.” Again, we can see the foolishness of this excuse. Is it really possible for a man to buy some animals to work on his land without first making sure that they are strong enough for the work? Surely he would first bring the animals to his land for a few days to try them out and make sure they are strong enough to work the land. Only then he would pay the money. Again it is a foolish excuse.
The third man says, “I have just got married, so I cannot come.” This again is a very strange excuse. If a man says, “I have a funeral in the family so I cannot come,” we can understand. But the man who has just got married is happy, he is celebrating. If someone comes to him and invites him to a banquet he will gladly come along with his wife because he is happy and is celebrating All the excuses that were made were foolish because they were all things that could wait for another time. They were also morally wrong excuses because they did not even bother to tell this man that they will not come. Do you think anyone will admit that he is not interested in heaven? Please brethren we live in a culture where people would rather not disappoint others by saying ‘no’ but just disappoint by keeping quiet which finally is more expensive. Please when you are invited to a function say immediately that you would or would not attend.
This is how it is with those who make excuses when they hear the gospel. The man who says, “I will wait a few years and then I will come to Christ for salvation” is foolish. He does not know when he will leave this world. He may be involved in a motor accident the very next day. He cannot tell God, to whom we must all appear, “I really intended to get saved one day.” God will not listen to such an argument. God only asks one thing: “Are you saved today?” not “did you intend to get saved one day?” Whatever excuse you make for not seeking salvation in Christ today, you may be sure, is a foolish excuse in the sight of God. You may think it is a valid excuse, but one day when you stand before God your excuse will look completely inadequate and you will even be too ashamed to say it.
Salvation is being offered to all.
When the people who were originally invited did not come, the master of the house sent out his servants into the streets to invite all to come and enjoy the banquet. People who we would not expect to be invited were brought in: the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. Then even after they had come in there was still room in the banquet, and so more people from the streets came in. This is a great reminder to us that Christ does not offer salvation to an exclusive few; He offers it to all. Perhaps you have thought that salvation is on offer only to those who are religious and go to church each week. so you are wrong, Christ invites all, even those who have never been to church and would not describe themselves as religious. You are not exempt from this invitation, come for it.
Perhaps you think that salvation is offered to only those who live good decent lives here on earth. It might be that you think to yourself, “I could never get saved. Christ would never hear me if I asked Him for forgiveness of sins, my sins have been so many. I have been so bad there is no hope for me.” But you are wrong. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15) even the very worst
Perhaps you think that salvation is only offered to those who were born in a Christian home. You perhaps were born to parents who follow another religion. You have heard about people getting saved but you have never thought this is something that you could do. You have always thought that you had to be born in a Christian home before you could get saved. This is not true at all.
God offers free salvation in Christ to all. He offers it to you today. I am telling you that, “Still there is room.” Millions and millions have already accepted the offer and have been saved. Some have left this earth and are in heaven, many are still on earth but have a place reserved in heaven. And still there is room. We invite you to come today and be saved in Christ.
What must you do to get it? Perhaps this is your question. You can see that you are a sinner and that you must be saved. You have also seen that Christ invites you to come to Him for full and free forgiveness of all your sins. You no longer want to make excuses; you want to take up this offer. What must you do? God requires two things of you.
You must repent (Acts 20:21)
“… testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Act 20:21)
To repent means to turn from sin. It is a resolution of the mind and the will of the heart. You must be resolved in your mind to turn from sin and be willing in your heart to keep turning from sin the rest of your life. As long as you cling to sin you are unfit to come to God. God cannot have anyone who still has a love for sin and a desire for sin. You must come to him with a determination to flee your sins.
You must come to faith in Christ (Acts 20:21)
You must come to Christ in the knowledge that He alone can save you from your sins. Many people imagine that their good works and their religious works will be good enough to save them. Such people will never be saved as long as they hold to such beliefs. You must come to Christ knowing that nothing you can do will ever save you. You must come to Him and ask Him to do all that is necessary to save you. You must ask Him to cleanse you in His blood; you must ask Him to forgive you all your sins through His death on the cross of Calvary. Once you have come to Him you must live the rest of your life in the knowledge that the only reason you are a child of God accepted and forgiven is because Christ lived and died for you. You must never have any confidence in your own works. You must have the righteousness of Christ if you will be saved.
You must come today
“Still there is room,” is what the servants told those who were called on the streets. This is the same the preachers of the gospel like me will tell you. However, what should ask is, “for how long there will be room?” How long will the gates of heaven remain open for sinners to enter? We simply do not know. As you listen to me here preaching, you might be thinking, “One day in the future I will come to Christ and be saved.” My question to you then would be, “but how do you know you have a future at all?” One man in the Bible thought he had a long and comfortable future only to be told, “This very night your soul will be demanded from you” (Luke 12:20). You must wait no longer. You must come today and seek salvation in Christ. It is foolishness to remain in your sins while Christ offers you salvation.
“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts;
Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him,
And to our God, for He will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Thursday, December 15, 2011
You Made Endurance Possible!
Passage Colossians 1:23
Heavenly and Great Father,Help me to continue in the faith by holding on to what you have given and by being stable and steadfast.
Don't let anything move me away from the hope of the Good News which I heard, which was proclaimed throughout the whole creation under heaven.You make my endurance possible by filling me with your Spirit and by keeping me from stumbling and falling.
Fill me more and more! And thank you for being my Father.In the name of Jesus and by his authority I ask. Amen.
You Made Salvation Sure
Holy & gracious Father,I am so thankful that in your love and wisdom you gave up your Son to reconcile us to yourself through his body of flesh offered in death on the cross.
You wanted me to be holy and blameless and without reproach, so you made it possible and sure! Thank you, Father.In the name of your holy Son. Amen.
Reconciled Through Christ
Lord God our Father,We are Christ's church and he is head over us, head over his body.
He is the beginning, the first-born of creation and the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might have the pre-eminence.
How gracious you were and are in your good will toward us that your very fullness should dwell in him and that through him all things should be reconciled to you, things on heaven and things on earth.
Thank you for making peace with us and all your creation by the blood of your Son's cross.Let us always glory in it and in him!
Thank you, dear God, for the wonderful salvation you have provided. In the name of Jesus I ask. Amen.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Strengthened with Power
Heavenly Father, in whom there is no darkness at all,Strengthen me with all power, according to your great might, so that I can both endure and be patient, even having great joy while enduring, always giving thanks to you, my holy Father.
Please qualify me to share in the inheritance in the light of your dedicated and holy people.
Thank you for rescuing me from the realm of darkness and putting me safely into the kingdom of Jesus, the dear Son whom you love, and whom I love, through whom I have my redemption, the forgiveness of sins.In the name of Jesus, our awesome Lord.
Deep Knowledge
Dear Father,Help me and all of your people everywhere to be filled with complete knowledge of what you want, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Keep stirring up my spirit to make me want to lead a life worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ, a full life because it is fully pleasing to him.
May I bear fruit in every good work. May I daily increase in my knowledge of you.In the name of Jesus, our awesome Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Jesus came from God for you!
Jesus came from God for you!
1. Jesus came from God for the welfare of men
2. Jesus came from God to help those who see their need of him
3. Jesus came from God to cure the worst disease – Sin!
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