James 4:1-12
What causes
quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions
are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and
cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not
ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your
passions. You
adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity
with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an
enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says,
"He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in
us"? But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the
proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw
near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you
double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to
mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will
exalt you. Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks
against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges
the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.
There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy.
But who are you to judge your neighbour?
It is good and pleasant when brothers live together in
unity (Psalm 133:1). Then they can read from the same Bible, sing from the same
hymn book, be under the same Master, be under one baptism, partaking of one
holy food, and that finally are headed to the same kingdom, the same home. Sadly,
more often they don’t. Biblical history shows this too clearly, for example;
Lot quarrelled
with Abraham
Absalom created a
war with his father David
The disciples of
Jesus argued over who would be greatest
Paul and Barnabas
had great contention over John Mark
We know that even churches in the New Testament often
had problems. For example, in Corinth, brethren were taking each other to civil
law courts and were competing in the public assemblies. In Galatia, brethren
were “biting and devouring” one another. Even Philippi, was not spared either
because two women, Euodia and Syntyche could not agree with each other. In
fact, the purpose of Paul’s letter to Philemon was to restore a broken
relationship between a master and his slave.
Pastor James steps back and gives a diagnosis
of the condition – What causes quarrels and
what causes fights among you? He
provides three big problems that causes problems amongst believers:
a) Strife
What is worse than a divided church? Is
there anything sadder than a church that has strife? Where else would be the
people go for peace? Yet, Pastor James of strife in the church composed of
brothers and he is saying that the two do not really exist together. So he
asked this question. Quarrels and fights are products of strife. Hatred that
leads to murder is the fruit of strife.
Here was a divided church, with ‘wars’ and ‘fights’. Hostility
characterized by outbursts of anger, hatred, perhaps even malice among them!
This in the church of Christ?

How can such a church advance the
cause of Christ? It can’t. A church filled with anger and strife refutes its
own message. It says to unbelievers, ‘Come to Christ, and he will change your
life.’ And the unbelievers all around laugh and say, ‘Why is it that he has not
changed you?’[1]
b) Prayerlessness
(vv. 2b-3)
Do you see a Christian who does not pray? There is more hope for Balaam
than for him! Because then his heart is filled up with covetousness of the
wrong things, wanting to gratify ungodly appetites. Instead of seeking the
glory of God, many would choose their own selfish gratification. And so Pastor
James has a problem with their prayer life or lack of it. He says, “You do not have,
because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to
spend it on your passions (vv.2b-3)
One of the most common questions
among Christians is to do with unanswered prayers. Yet, what should concern us
more is failure to ask, failure in prayer. Why do you not pray? I know that
people are not praying when I look at the few who are actively involved in the
prayer meetings in this church. I beg you by the mercies of God to pray. Has
the Lord not promised in Luke 11:9-13,
I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who
seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. What father among
you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or
if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil,
know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
However, if you, out of your pride come to church for your private
gratification, looking to Christ like the ATM to deal with all your selfish
desires and passions, then you will be the most disappointed. But, if on the
other hand you come to church to seek first the glory of God, the kingdom of
God and it’s righteousness, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, panting
for the Lord like a deer, then you will not only be filled and edified, but
also God will be glorified. And what is better than that?
How much priority do you give to prayer? But what sort of prayers do you
offer? Do you offer those prayers that are only meant to make your life more
comfortable, and convenient? Do you really show that your greatest concern in
prayer is the glory of God and the good of His people? How do you in prayer
show that you love God with the whole of your heart, soul, mind and strength
and your your neighbours as yourself?
c) Worldliness
Pastor James is a pretty forthright pastor – notice what he calls his
readership - ‘you adulterous people’!
Then he does not mince his words, Do you not know
that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to
be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
This is how the Old Testament
prophets spoke. This was the constant indictment of the Israelites by God. The
nation of Israel was known by God to be both idolatrous and therefore
adulterous for departing their God for other gods. James in the same way says
that these people, even though brothers, were giving someone or something else
the love and devotion that only and only God deserve. Who was the rival lover?
It is was the world!
What is the world that he is
talking about? He is talking about living as if God does not exist, no regard
for God, either for His commands or His promises. The world has it’s own view,
the worldview, which has values, desires and ambitions that have no eternal
perspective. When a Christian begins to think like the world; to act like all
there is here and now; dressing to attract the world; speaking like the one
whose heart and mouth have not been regenerated, then he has become worldly.
Mr. Worldly wise will be known by his manner of speaking, dressing, desires,
and actions. The worldly fruit, just like the fruit of the Spirit is

God’s Spirit indwells believers (v.5)
James asks the question, ‘Or do you suppose it is to
no purpose that the Scripture says, "He yearns jealously over the spirit
that he has made to dwell in us"?’ and what he is saying is, you seem to be
succeeding in befriending the world and creating enmity and hostility with God.
But do you notice your
audacity/brazenness – Or do you suppose it is to
no purpose that the Scripture says… While James is not quoting a specific passage of
Scripture, yet the concept of God’s jealousy for His people is all over the
pages of Scripture.
He then moves on to pose a challenge.
You have been feeding your jealousy in worldliness, but do you understand the
jealousy of God for you, having put His own and very Spirit to dwell all
believers including myself? Undoubtedly, there is real Jealousy of God for His
people which John Blanchard describes as:
It is intense
It is infinite
It is intimate
God created mankind with a ‘spirit’ but in this case James is not
speaking of human spirit but of God’s own Spirit who ‘indwells’ believers. The
Spirit who God has given us, causes even our own spirit to have a reciprocal
desire and longing for God. It is unnatural that any human being would not long
for God.
God’s grace (v.6)
But he gives
more grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to
the humble. Thankfully, human
rebellion does not stop God from giving His grace. How is this grace given? – But he gives more
grace so that where sin increased,
grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might
reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord (Rom 5:20-21).

But, how is this grace governed? – Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to
the humble." God’s resistance to the proud is obvious. Once again Blanchard has
suggested four ways that God resists the proud:
Refusing to speak
Ridiculing their
Ruining their
Removing their
It not just that Lord resists the proud,
it also that He rewards the humble with super-abounding grace. Grace will be
extended to those who are humble, that is, those who come to the Lord with
their poverty, and empty hands to receive from Him. While the proud are God’s
enemies, the humble will receive blessings from the Lord.
a) Submission to
God – Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Therefore we ought to submit to the Lord in His Word. Let us listen to
His teachings to us and receive with meekness the implanted word which is able
to save our souls. Moreover, we are to receive in submission His discipline for
He disciplines those who He loves.
Resisting the devil - Resist the
devil, and he will flee from you
How will we show our submissiveness to God as an indication of our
desire to walk with Him? It is that we will resist the devil. What James is saying is
that we should take an active defence in
resisting both the devils arguments and attractions. We should know the devil
for who he is – he is the father of all lies. He is a master of disguises.
But we are not ignorant of his wicked schemes and tactics. Positively
we should put on the whole armour of God and take decisive actions and
negatively we should reject any of his suggestions.
James goes on to show us the result of resisting the devil when he
writes, “and he will flee from you.” When we are vigilant in prayer, in God’s
whole armour, we are assured victory in Christ. Satan will be defeated by us
just as our Master defeated him in Luke 4:13.
Repentance to God (vv.8-10)
This is the passage
that shows that James’s primary purpose in this section is to bring us into a
closer communion with God. this is why he begins with the general statement – draw near to God. Ultimately, the way to
successfully resist the devil is by drawing
near to God. Moreover, drawing near to God has the positive effect of God
Himself drawing near to us.
But how do we
actually draw near to God, but by repentance? We show our desire to walk with
the Lord when we denounce any other relationship. Cleanse and purify are OT
terms of ritual purity. The people that James was writing to were treating sin
so casually as to even laugh at their sins – let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. It
is terrible that a sinner can find pleasure in sin. So Thomas Manton, says, “Lord, if ever sin overcomes me, let it be a
burden and not a pleasure. It is sad to rejoice to do evil. Pastor James is
not just interested in the outward conformity of clean hands, he also wants to
see transformed hearts and renewed minds.
In verse 10 he shows
us how to cultivate humility. Humble
yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you. The principle of
humility clearly shows that the repentance is both a serious and a permanent
repentance. Humility before the Lord, means that, it is such humility which is
not for human eye, but before God, in order to please Him.
Notice that if God is going to exalt or
lift you, then you have to be willing to humble yourself. No one can do the
humility for you – you have to do it yourself for it is a simple clear
statement – humble yourself. It is
the true mark of repentance to God.
To stop speaking evil of others (vv.11-12)
Christian walk with God,
will be seen by the way you walk with others. This will be seen in seasoned
speech. So we are commanded, ‘… brothers
do not slander one another’. We need to consider that ill speech against
another is wrong because:
Because it spoils
any partnership and participation in the gospel. Slander makes one cease to be
a brother. Or a neighbour, so that the relationships becomes that of a judge or
a suspect!
Because it
destroys the principles of the gospel. Slander judges the law of love as
Because of the of
the divine prerogative it usurps
God’s authority –
There is one Law-giver and Judge. God has not given us His law to give our
opinion. He has given it so that we may keep it. The Law-giver is God and when
we disdain His law then we disdain Him!
God’s ability –
God is the only One able to say and destroy. Eternal destinies of all men are
in the hands of God.
Because of the
presumption it shows. Let it be clear that we lack perfect information and personal
integrity before casting any stone on anyone.
In conclusion, we are required to believe and live in the knowledge that
we are absolutely incapable of doing any spiritual good to help ourselves, and
that we are saved because God had mercy on us and sent his Son to die in our
stead and his Holy Spirit to regenerate our dead hearts. We are supposed to
love God above everything else. We are supposed to have a corporate desire for
the worship of God and the service of God. This will be seen in how we relate
with our neighbours and how we deal with sin in our own lives.