Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Righteousness Revealed apart from the Law

Righteousness Revealed

Passage Romans 3:21-26


Righteous Father, the just and justifier of those who believe. Thank you that your righteousness has been manifested to us. You made this happen apart from the law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it. All the Old Testament point to to your righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus for all who trust in him.
How just you are in making no distinction between people on this matter, since every person has sinned and falls short of your glory.
Thank you for justifying us by your grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom you put forward as an expiation by his blood, so we can receive it by faith.
Praise be to you, O holy God, for showing us how righteous you really are in that Jesus Christ, your Son bore the penalty for our sins on the cross.
In your divine forbearance you have passed over former sins, but now you have made provision for forgiveness-the righteousness of your Son, Jesus Christ, in whom we place our faith.
In the name of Jesus we ask all these promises and lay claim to the grace which you have so generously extended. Amen.

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