1Peter 5:5-7
The freedom of Christians is found in their
submission to Christ. Mutual submission is the key to the pattern of life for
Christians. Mutual submission is only possible in a church where all the church
members wear a uniform that is of a garment called humility. Where this garment
is lacking or torn, there can never be godly and faithful disciples of Jesus
Christ. Therefore, humility is to be cultivated and grown in large scale in any
Christian church. It is then manifested in their willingness to submit to other
believers for the sake of the Lord.
What are you expected to do by God to put on
the mind of Christ? It is clothe yourselves with humility. Everyone who is a
believer in Christ is expected to wear a particular garment – the garment of
humility. Peter uses a metaphor of fastening on garments to speak of a humble
attitude. Peter employs a wonderful figure of speech by saying that what
clothing is to a person is what humility is to a believer – as basic as clothing.
There is no one who in his right mind who would
walk without clothes. No healthy Christian should think of living proud,
conceited and arrogant life. The Christian life is of a humble and a contrite
spirit – something that the Lord will by no means cast out. Therefore this
attitude is expected of every believer toward another – young to old and old to
young, men to women and women to men – ‘all
of you’. This clothing is not to be worn by a few or by many – it is by all
of you. Whether mature Christians or those who have just come to the faith.
Whether pastors to the members or members to their pastors or deacons – this is
the attitude expected of every believer.
is humility? Wayne Grudem in his commentary on 1Peter provides a very helpful
description of what it is: The term speaks of an attitude which puts others
first, which thinks of the desires, needs and ideas of others as more worthy of
attention than our own. All
people are self-oriented in nature, naturally proud and given to lift
themselves up above others – sometimes even above God. Therefore this is a passage to sober
up believers to have humility toward one another so as to be able to cultivate
a Christianity community mind that loves one another, bears with one another, and
lives with another.
Stott on the other hand explains that humility is not merely the absence of
pride or the awareness of limitations. Christian humility is realism that
recognizes grace because his humility springs from his total dependence on the
grace of God.
in Philippians 2:3-4 very well defines it, “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit,
but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you
look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Php
2:3-4) ESV translation gives a better rendering of how in humility we are to
count others – not better than yourselves but more important or significant
than yourselves. This means
we are to seek to look after the interests of others not our own interests.
You notice that the passage goes on to explain that Christ is our great example
and encouragement in this area. It means that in clothing yourselves with
humility, you are having a mind which is
yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count
equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the
form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. (Php 2:5-7)
Notice that no one will come to clothe you
with this humility – you are to do it yourself. Just like no healthy grown
is worn clothes – so does God expects all believers to put on this wonderful
garment of humility. Christ will clothe you with the garment of righteousness –
but you are to clothe yourself with the garment of humility like an apron,
tightly tied, in readiness to service to others for the sake of Christ. In
suffering, God’s people are to give themselves to Him, submitting to His wise
ordering of their lives.
Why are we to wear this particular garment?
What are the reasons given as to why we are to humble ourselves? The reasons
for putting on humility are given here as three:
1. God opposes the proud
is a quotation from Proverbs 3:34. James also has a parallel to this passage in
James 4:6-10, where he also quotes the same proverb. James like Peter speaks of
the care that God shows to those who humbly cast themselves on His mercy. He
then describes the repentant mourning that casts away all pride to draw closer
to God in order to obtain His mercy. Both are possibly drawing from the parable
that Jesus gave about the prayer of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The
former lifted himself before the Lord showcasing his piety but the latter came
with humility and was repentant and sought the mercy of God. The conclusion of
the Lord was astounding one, heavily drawn from this same Proverb, “I tell you, this man went down to his house justified,
rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the
one who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 18:14). God will have nothing to do with a person of
proud and conceited sprit – He will humble such a person. This is what He did
with the nation of Israel and any other that exalted itself above Him. This is
what He did with king Nebuchadnezzar.
The humility that Peter is speaking of is
like that of the tax collector – it is a penitent humility, despairing of
self-confidence, completely relying on God. Those who are haughty and arrogant
think of themselves as more important than everyone else, trust in themselves.
They bask in their own glory and do not give glory to the Lord, yet all glory
belongs to the Lord and He will never share with another.
singles out the proud as his great enemy, and sets himself in battle against
them. The
declarations of Scripture on this subject are very explicit, "Pride and arrogance I hate (Prov. 8:13).
The Lord knows the proud afar off. The lofty looks of men shall be humbled, and
the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down; and the Lord alone shall be
exalted. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud
and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low.
Who wants to go to the battle with the almighty? Would you want the mighty hand
of God to fall on you?
When we remember that mighty hand of God –
the same He routed the Egyptians, we are to be moved to humility. God’s mighty
hand humbled the Israelites – purging out the rebels like Korah and bringing
people to repentance. It is this same hand that silenced Miriam and Aaron when
they rose against Moses.
God opposes the proud … and are we to be in
opposition with the Living God? When we are opinionated to think that we are
better than the others, say in preaching Peter knew of pride at some point he
had boasted that he will not deny the Lord though everyone else did and he was
humbled from the apex of pride to the abyss of denial. Peter had been humbled
chastised and restored. Let us be careful not to be proud because God will
oppose us.
2. God gives grace to the humble
The humility that serves others is found at
the throne of God’s grace. Grace is God’s undeserved favour toward sinners (who
deserve His wrath). Grace is what we need not only to escape judgment and
condemnation but also in order to live a godly Christian life. Pride rebels against God and so dishonors Him
because it sets a person against God. The manifestation of this is a deficiency
in humility and so despising our fellow Christians. May we know that the Lord
has called us to live a life of humility and self-sacrifice for the sake of the
Lord in order to show that we have received grace without measure?
“While God resists the proud,
"He gives grace" – that is, he shows favour “to the humble."
Humility is the object of his praise, and he shows this by his conduct to
those who are characterized by it. A humble state of mind in accordance with
truth, is calculated to promote true happiness both of the individual who cherishes it and his
neighbors. The more deeply a man realizes his insignificance as a creature, his lack
of merit as a sinner, his guilt and depravity, his utter helplessness, the more
readily does he embrace the gospel of God's grace. In this gospel he
obtains possession of all heavenly and spiritual blessings. It is the man who knows and believes
that he is a fool, that is made wise; the man who has no hope in himself, that obtains good hope
through grace; the man who sees and feels that
he is nothing but sin, who is made the righteousness of God in Christ; the man who loathes
himself, that is sanctified wholly in the whole man's soul, body, and spirit.”
John Brown, 1Peter, Vol. 2, p.507, BOT.
If you want the grace of God, you
have to go before Him in humility like the tax collector, accusing yourself of
being a sinner who has done nothing to deserve any of God’s grace. But you
should not just accuse yourself of being a sinner, but you must also, with the
same breath, ask for God to be merciful to you. Humility is the willingness to
accuse youself of wrongdoing instead of accusing others. You need grace upon
grace if you will be a faithful disciple of Jesus. If you will be able to fight
sin and resist the devil and the world, then all you need is grace. You need a
lot of grace to live a godly life, which is well pleasing to the Lord.
Thankfully God gives this grace…
the simple condition to receive this condition is to be humble. The passage
says that God gives grace. If you will be able to disciple others then you need
grace without measure. If you will be a faithful disciple who will profit the
church of Christ then you need grace – and the way to receive this grace is to
clothe yourself with humble. Humility is not simply being able to say, “may I”
or “thank you” or “I am sorry”. It is the attitude of the heart, springing from
a heart to please the Lord. This is an attitude to serve others in order to
express the love of Christ – it is the love of Christ that constrains us.
Therefore humility is a heart for service to Christ by serving His people. This
is what the Lord demonstrated by washing His disciples’ feet. This is what He
demonstrated by dying on the cross.
3. God exalts the humble at the proper time
The humility that we are talking about is
both before others as in verse 5 and before God in verses 6. We are to humble
ourselves under the mighty hand of God. This verse compared with the manner in
which verse 5 ends, shows that you will be wise to humble yourself before Him
so that the promise contained here may be true of you. The promise in this text
for those who humble themselves is that “at
the proper time God will exalt you”. This is a good reason to cultivate
humility – and if you will, God promises to exalt you.
What is required of us here is among other
things to accept the will of God in our lives. We are to be those who submit to
God’s authority in His Word. We are also to bow in His providences in our lives
so that whether we live or die we submit. Submitting to God’s will and purposes
in your lives, sometimes means putting yourself in some ‘disadvantages’. This
is why verse 7 explains that you are to humble ourselves by “casting ALL your anxieties on Him, because
He cares for you”. Humility before God means that God is your overall; God
is the sovereign over your life – whatever happens, you know that God ordained
it for your good. If you fail in you exams (as long as you did you part) it is
for your good; if your dad dies and you have no way of paying fees – it is for
your good. If you are able to pray sincerely, “May your will be done” in all situations without a reservation,
then you are submissive to the will of God.
I know of so many women who have refused to
submit to the will of God that God does not permit a woman to preach in all the
churches of Christ and yet they think that they are serving the Lord. I know of
men who are not playing their God-given role in their families and yet think
that they are submissive to the will of the Lord. there are many who are not
faithful in their jobs and expect God to promote them… it does not work like
that. There are many even now who the Lord is giving them some specific
guidance for their lives and are still waiting for more of God’s confirmation!
We are to be willing to submit to the Lord’s mighty hand through what He gave
us some specific gifts and talents. Let us bow to the Lord and He is the one to
lift us up.
Carefully, consider your God-given role to
exaltation – humble yourself. Then rejoice in the promise of the Lord when you
play your role - at the proper time he may exalt you. You
notice that He cares for you. He has your welfare at heart. However, the time
of exaltation is not specified – again it is when He deems it fit to lift you
up – not when you tell Him. It is when it will be the best for Him.
Imagine what the Lord Jesus had to pay in order to secure your
salvation – He had to die, even death on the cross. And so we are told to
clothe ourselves with the same mind. And God will exalt us just as He exalted
Jesus. Listen to this in Philippians 2:8-11:
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient
to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted
him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name
of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and
every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
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