Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Calvinist:

Acknowledges the Sovereignty of God;
Groans at the Depravity of Man.
Humbly submits to God's will and providences.
Sincerely worships the Infinitely Holy God.
Marvels at the holiness of the Triune God.
Earnestly prays to the ALL-WISE, ALL-KNOWING GOD.

Rejoices at the Free, Unmerited, Unheeded and Unsought Salvation offered to sinners graciously by God. His delight is in the merit of the atoning Sacrifice of Christ on the accursed cross.

Gratefully adores the Father who elected for His own a people from every nation, every tribe, every language and peoples and calls them His own. Praises the Lord For His SON who in the fullness of time took on the human nature as He was born of a virgin Mary, in order that He might Redeem sinners from their sins.

Glorifies the Lord God for sending the Holy Spirit who inspired the writing of Scriptures and so brought divine revelation to undeserving people and more than anything else, The Spirit regenerates these sinners and causes them to be born again to a living hope in Christ. The Spirit is our COMFORTER and ADVOCATE and SEAL guaranteeing our inheritance. He is the SPIRIT of adoption by which we cry out ABBA FATHER!

Watch this space as more is coming to explain who a CALVINIST is


  1. Hello Sir. I am what I like to call a 'recovering charismatic' grew up in the charismatic wilderness in Kenya and now trying to find my bearing. I have been reading and watching and following and trying to dig myself from under the delusion I have been under of a form of godliness but not quite knowing Him well in his majesty and Sovereignty. I homeschool my children and have to answer many questions about what I believe and why. I am spending countless hours with Piper and RC Sproul and Paul Washer and many reformed Christians on YTube. Out here in N Indiana, I am seeking to know Christ as He is, not as I was taught to perceive Him and I am glad to stumble upon a kindred spirit. God bless you sir. I read your post about the prophet dr. Owuor and you are spot on. The word of God that He has given us without contradiction is a sure guide from every wind of doctrine and cunning craftiness of men. Thank you.

  2. Hello Rose!

    I am glad to hear from you and most grateful to the Lord for opening your eyes to see the folly of Word of Faith & charismaticism. I pray that the Lord will graciously lead you by His mighty arm to the end so that you keep this narrow way...
    I also homeschool my children.
    Let us keep in touch.

    1. Wonderful. I am so glad you homeschool as well that is very rare. I blog every once in a while mainly about what the children and I are doing at The chldren and I are currently working on Blessings to you.


3-D Creation

Some years ago whilst in the USA speaking on the importance of Creation to believers, after a meeting, one earnest young man came up to talk...