Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Earnest Praying

Jesus Christ, My Redeemer, Implore Thee,

Who can deliver me out of the Hands of…God? What measures can I take, or who will be my Defence? Is there not one, who is called…the Saviour, and mighty Deliverer? Upon his Name I will call aloud; Jesus, the blessed Jesus. This, this is He, the Judge at whom I tremble, but the Saviour in whom I trust too….
O Jesus, Jesus, by this most blessed name I beg, that thou wouldst deal with me according to the importance of this name. For this is a name full of love, full of delight, full of comfort, and holy confidence to every sinner, that takes sanctuary in it. For what does Jesus signify but a Saviour? and why didst thou take that name upon thee but to declare that thou wouldst make it good to the uttermost, by saving thy people from their Sins?
For Thy own sake I implore thee to be my Jesus indeed:
·         Thou hast created me, destroy not then the work of thine own hands.    
·         Thou hast redeemed me, do not cast away the purchase of thy own precious blood….
My Iniquities, I confess, are many and grievous, yet do they admit both of number and measure; thy goodness and thy power know no bounds; and therefore beseech thee, by all the past demonstrations of thy love and Condescension, as thy majesty is in itself, so let thy Mercy be to me, infinite.
Remember, Lord, that I am thine…. Even thine, O dearest, kindest Saviour; who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, art worshipped and glorified, ever one God World without end.
Augustine of Hippo (354–430).
Bishop of Hippo in Roman North Africa

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