1) The message of God is far powerful than
we can imagine:
Jonah was forced to go to Nineveh and he preached the message of
repentance boldly. He was told to “Arise and go to the Nineveh, that great city
and call out against it the message I tell you.” This time round Jonah went
according to the word of the Lord. Jonah preached the message given by God to
the Ninevites, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” He could not
change it!
This was a terrifying message and it must have been terrible for the
people to hear this sad news. A simple eight word message, easy to understand
but powerful for the people believed the message as well as God. This tells us
that the Word is powerful, sharper than any two edged sword. It is like a sledgehammer
– it breaks to pieces all human resistance and penetrates into the human mind,
into the heart and the conscience. Jonah preached it and the people of Nineveh
as wicked as they were, were brought to submission. The Word of God is powerful
to belivers as well as unbelievers alike and no one is too strong willed to
resist its power. Those who reject it, are condemned and those who receive it are
When people heard Jonah preaching judgment and demanding repentance,
they did not just repent as the message demanded – they believed God (v.5).
When you believe God you are justified (Gen. 15:6). But how do we know that one
has believed God? There is repentance! Repentance and faith come together, just
as the two sides of a coin. They who put their trust in God the Father, and the
Son as given ability by the Holy Spirit, repent of their sins. This is what happened
in Nineveh- they called a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them
to the least of them – from king to the pauper in the villages; from the nobles
to the poor in their slums of Nineveh – there was national repentance. This is
the first of its kind outside Israel! From this we learn that when the message
of God is preached, it has powerful convicting power.

From this event in Nineveh we see an
outstanding miracle. The miracle lies in the fact that a whole great city
turned to God! There have been great revivals throughout history, but this is
the only instance of a town of this size, filled with such wicked people, being
converted and delivered from sin. Isn’t it such a great miracle when revival
comes and lives are changed? Shall we not pray for such to come upon our cities
and our countries? The Lord did it in Nineveh, He is able! Pray for the
conversion of your neighbours and countrymen from today. Pray also for the
salvation of the nations. But, it is always a miracle when even a single soul
hears the good news of salvation and comes to faith in Jesus! That is the glory
of the Gospel, Rom. 1:16; John 1:12.)
2) God always
remembers His great Mercy

What about the word
‘relent’ used in 3:9-10,
Who knows? God may turn and
relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish." When
God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the
disaster that he had said he would do to them, and he did not do it (3:9-10)
The Ninevites, although wicked people knew that God is merciful and
will turn if they turn – He will not punish them if they repent. They knew that
there is a way by which God’s fierce anger can be appeased. So they repented.
So did God really thwart His plans? Can God change His mind? Isn’t God the
unchanging or immutable One?
In dealing with this matter, John L. Mackay on his Focus Commentary on
Job writes:
The OT does not
hesitate to affirm both that God is unchanging, and that He can and does alter
His attitude towards people and His way of dealing with them. It is interesting
to find both these truths stated in the one chapter of Scripture, 1 Samuel 15.
In verse 11, the Lord tells Samuel, ‘I am
grieved that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and
has not carried out my instructions,’ while a little later Samuel says to Saul,
‘He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man, that He should change His mind’ (1Sam. 15:29). The same word is used for grieved
is the same as change His mind and clearly it is not God who changed it was
Saul. When God uses this language in the Scripture, it is that matters are
viewed from a human perspective. It seems to us that God has changed, but what
has in reality happened is the human conduct. Saul was no longer the human he
once was, he had become with no regard for God and had turned to wickedness.
Thankfully the opposite is true in the case of the Ninevites who were initially
wicked but had now turned around for the better in light of God’s warning and
threat. Clearly God could have been inconsistent if His holy and divine
attitude had remained the same despite the change in their conduct for the
God is consistent in His divine government in all matters. His rule is
that the soul that sins shall die and so whoever dies in His sins is committed
to eternal punishment. On the other hand whoever is willing to give his sins to
Jesus Christ has his punishment meted on Christ on his behalf. There is no
question that there is no shadow of turning with God and so our confession of
faith puts it like this:
There is but
one, and only one, living and true God. He is self-existent and infinite in His
being and His perfections. None but He can comprehend or understand His
essence. He is pure spirit, invisible, and without body, parts, or the changeable feelings of men. He
alone possesses immortality, and dwells amid the light insufferably bright to
mortal men. He never changes. He is
great beyond all our conceptions, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty and
infinite. He is most holy, wise, free and absolute. All that He does is the out-working of His changeless, righteous will,
and for His own glory. He is most loving, gracious, merciful and
compassionate. He abounds in goodness and truth. He forgives iniquity,
transgression and sin. He rewards those who seek Him diligently. But He hates
sin. He will not overlook guilt or spare the guilty, and He is perfectly just
in executing judgment. 1689LBCF Chapter
So in His outworking all things He is changeless and in the case of the
forgiveness of the Ninevites, we see a demonstration of His mercy and grace.
For this we must be so thankful that He is willing to commit His mercy not just
on the people of His own choice, the Jews but also the Gentiles, for He is God
of the Gentiles also. God simply gave the statement of intent if they were to
remain in their course of wickedness, the very giving of the warning is an act
of His grace. Threatening with judgment is the same as alerting the sleeping
evil man of the impending disaster so that he may be awakened from his wickedness.
This is what happened. Consider Jeremiah 18:7-10
at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up
and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have
spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to
do to it. And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I
will build and plant it, and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my
voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it.
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