1. The enmity of the seed of the
serpent toward the Seed of the woman shall never cease so long as time stands
Before Esau and Jacob were born, the Lord God declared that the elder
must serve the younger – when they had done neither good nor evil so that the
purpose of God of election may stand. And so it shall be forever. As Moses
declared that Ham must serve Shem and Japheth, God’s Word regarding Jacob and
Esau is but a declaration of God’s purpose to assure the hearts of chosen,
redeemed sinners that the reprobate of this world can do us no harm. They only
serve the interests of our souls as vessels of showcasing His holy justice. The
stiff-necked Pharaoh could go this far in his obstinacy – the Lord exposed his
pride and in drowning his army. Jannes and Jambres gave Moses a fit,
withstanding him to the face at every turn; but they could proceed no further
(Ex. 7:11; 2 Tim. 3:8-9). And those who oppose God’s people in this world,
those who abuse, mistreat, and persecute God’s people in this world cannot hurt
them. They only accomplish God’s will in service to us. This must serve to make us learn the glorious
purposes of God so that we overwhelm with joy as we look forward to the time
when all the things present shall be rolled away like a scroll and we shall be
given that we which is eternally good, the inheritance undefiled, imperishable
and unfading that God has reserved in heaven for His people. Meanwhile He is guarding us through faith!
The enmity of Edom toward Israel, the enmity of Esau against his brother
Jacob began long before Obadiah came on the scene. It began while the two boys
were still in their mother’s womb. It is an enmity manifest throughout history.
It is the enmity Cain had for Abel, the enmity of Babylon against Israel, the
enmity of Herod against the incarnate Son of God, the enmity of the Judaizers
against Paul, the enmity of the religious world against the Kingdom of God. It
is a never ceasing, unabated, ever-increasing enmity. It is the enmity of the
dragon of hell against the Woman of God’s choice (Rev. 12). The dragon ever
tries to slay the Seed of the Woman but must not and shall not prevail as we
have seen in 1.

2. Self-deceiving pride of the
hearts is what destroys all who perish under the wrath of God (3-9)
Jeremiah 17:9 – The
heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand
it? We must
not be deceived by the deceitfulness of heart as to fail to remember how great
was the Fall of our first parents. The depravity of human beings is total, not
partial. It renders every Tom, Dick and Mary incapable of any spiritual good.
The Fall consists of the sinfulness leading to the guilt of Adam’s first sin,
the lack of original righteousness, the corruption of the whole nature together
with all actual transgressions which proceed from this state. It produces
sinners, for the misery upon which the Fall brought man-made him to lose
communion with God, incurring the full wrath and curse of God, and so made
liable to all the miseries in this life, to death itself and in the time to
come pains of hell forever.
Consider this self-deceiving pride in these
The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of
the rock, in your lofty dwelling, who say in your heart, "Who will bring
me down to the ground?" Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your
nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the

would expect thieves and grape gatherers to leave something of the harvest
behind, yet Edom will be thoroughly plundered with nothing left behind… If grape gatherers came to you, would they
not leave gleanings? Consider how it is completely ransacked –
destroyed, pillaged, sought out. These past tense verbs about a future event
displays the fact that in the mind of God, this is as good as done. You notice
that some of this destruction work is accomplished by her ‘allies’ and ‘those
at peace with you’ and ‘those who eat your bread’ and all this happened,
without ‘understanding’. God uses both allies and enemies to execute His
judgment. Edom
shall be spoiled, and brought down. God can easily lay those low who magnify
and exalt themselves; and will do it. Carnal security ripens men for ruin, and
makes the ruin worse when it comes. Treasures on earth cannot be so safely laid
up but that thieves may break through and steal; it is therefore our wisdom to
lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven. Those that make flesh their trust,
arm it against themselves.
the enemies of God's church shall be disappointed in the things they stay
themselves on. The God of our covenant will never deceive us: but if we trust
men with whom we join ourselves, it may prove to us a wound and dishonour. God
will justly deny those understanding to keep out of danger, who will not use
their understandings to keep out of sin. You must not forget or underestimate
the power of evil.
this reason, all who suffer the wrath and judgment of God
perish under the just judgment of the Almighty because of their own sins (vv.
10-17). May I state this with equal force ― No one goes to hell because of
God’s purpose. Vessels of mercy are prepared by grace for glory. Vessels of
wrath fit themselves for destruction. This is what they did and has eternal
consequences: “Because of the
violence…shame shall cover you and you shall be cut off forever.” All
violence, all unrighteousness, is sin; but it makes the violence far worse, if
it be done against any of God's people. Their barbarous conduct towards Judah
and Jerusalem, is charged upon them. Men and women go to hell
because of their own, obstinate, wilful rebellion and unbelief.
This is what they did not do, it also has
implications: “You stood
aloof… you were like one of them. So many times sins of omissions are as
good as commission – for to know the good that you ought to do and not to do it
is sin.
reflecting on ourselves, it is good to consider what we should have done to
help the people of God. You have a great deal to answer for, if you are idle
spectator of the troubles of your neighbours, when able to be active helper.
Though judgment begins at the house of God, it shall not end there. Let
sorrowful believers and insolent oppressors know, that the troubles of the
righteous will soon end, but those of the wicked will be eternal. Edom,
the whole nation, followed the example of their father Esau. The whole nation followed
their father straight to hell! None are ever saved by the examples of others;
but multitudes perish forever by the examples of others!
Esau is in hell today because he despised Christ, because he preferred
the world to the Son of God, because he preferred a bowl of beans to gratify
his flesh for a moment to God’s eternal inheritance of grace. Edom perished for
exactly the same reason. That nation perished because of her hatred of God and
his people, as displayed in their conduct.
The everlasting salvation of God’s elect is a matter of absolute
(Oba 1:17-21) "But upon mount
Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob
shall possess their possessions. {18} And the house of Jacob shall be a fire,
and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they
shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of
the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. {19} And they of the south
shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and
they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and
Benjamin shall possess Gilead. {20} And the captivity of this host of the
children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath;
and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities
of the south. {21} And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount
of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S."
Here, Obadiah, by the Spirit of prophecy, looks beyond the range of time
to that last great day when Christ shall come again in his glory. In that
There shall be holiness everywhere.
The whole house of Jacob shall possess their
God-given, divinely purchased, rightful possessions.
Jacob shall be a fire and Esau shall be
stubble before him (Ps. 137).
The kingdoms of this world shall become the
kingdoms of our God (Rev. 11:15).
The only hope for proud sinners is the Lord Jesus Christ
What is your choice? Will you follow Esau to hell, choosing that which
gratifies the flesh; or will you follow Jacob, choosing Christ for your
everlasting portion?
should be deliverance and holiness at Jerusalem, and the house of Jacob would
again occupy their possessions. Much of this prophecy was fulfilled when the
Jews returned to their own land, to their portion. But the salvation and
holiness of the gospel, its spread, and the conversion of the Gentiles, seem
also to be intended, especially the restoration of Israel, the destruction of
antichrist, and the prosperous state of the church, to which all the prophets
bear witness. When Christ is come, and not till then, shall the kingdom be the
Lord's in the full sense of the term. As none that exalt themselves against the
Lord shall prosper, and all shall be brought down. None that wait upon the
Lord, and put their trust in him, shall ever be dismayed. Blessed be the Divine
Saviour and Judge on Mount Zion! His word shall be a savour of life unto life
unto numbers, while it judges and condemns obstinate unbelievers.
Thank you so much for your biblival lesson. Yes, Lord Jesus is our only Hope and hiding place