Saturday, April 4, 2020

#Covid_19 Epidemic: It is the Finger of God

Can anyone give a better account of the Coronavirus? If he can, let him speak out like a man, and tell us who caused it and why it has come now. To say that it originated in China; or it is lab-generated; or that it is not a new but a strain of an old virus known us corona; or to go into a diatribe of its damage and to give accurate daily death tolls globally or to venture into scientific projections of infections or deaths; — all this is evading the question. I repeat the question, who caused it? What possible causes can be assigned for it that have not existed for hundreds of years? I believe these question cannot be answered by an atheist. For atheists deny the existence of the one who designed them, how can they possibly think that there is one who sovereignly rules his universe? It is beyond their mental capacity. 
Who has afflicted the world like this? Is it A. Man B. Satan C. God? 
If you say man you assign man a hat too big for him. If you say Satan, you expose the underbelly of your theology. For Satan to do anything, he has to be permitted or allowed by God. Satan is God's unwilling servant. He could not touch Job unless after God let him. The answer is C - it is God who has afflicted us. God in his sovereignty, is the only with the power to afflict the globe like this. Just as the Lord sent a global flood in the days of Noah, so only God can send global epidemic like Covid_19 in 2020.
WHY? I ask to be told why it has come upon us now? How and in what way can the outbreak be accounted for at this particular period? The reason is in Genesis 3 – it is one of the effects of the curse upon Adam & Eve and their posterity. Adam’s sin brought God’s curse to us. It brought pests and diseases; thorns and thistles; enmity and hatred; battles and wars; and it brought physical and spiritual death. Human sin is the reason for Covid_19 outbreak.

I believe that the only cause that we must come to as last is, the finger of God! It is God's just retribution for the sins of men. But... you say, God is loving and merciful. Yes indeed - God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. God keeps steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. That is one side of the coin of God's attributes. The other side is also true. God is also holy, just and righteous and he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children, and the children’s children to the third and fourth generation (Ex. 34:6-7) of those who hate him. God hates idolatry of our day. God detests sexual perversion – homosexuality and gender fluidity of our day. God has nothing to do with the LGBTQ agenda. God abhors murderers – millions of babies are killed by their mothers in collusion with wicked doctors every day in the name of choice. God’s prerogative to punish the evil doer is justified and while I cannot say with absolute certainty that Coronavirus has been sent by God because of all these unrighteousness of men, yet I am sure that the wages of sin is death. Since God will send to hell those who remain in sin and unbelief, it is only fair to say that God has given up the earth to be mauled by a tiny virus. And Covid_19 is nothing compared to hell for unbelievers and hypocrites.
You may argue that I am overemphasizing the holiness and justice of God. Well, I am not.  But let me emphasize the love of God. How has God displayed his love and his mercy and grace to the world? John 3:16. He loved the world and sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He came to save his people from their sins (Matt. 1:21). He lived a perfectly sinless life and obtained righteousness. Christ took the place of sinners and died the sinners' death on the cross to pay the penalty due for our sins. Christ is the only remedy for sins of men. So... yes, God is merciful and he has provided the way of escape from the present corruption and debauchery in the world. He has sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 
How do you appropriate this blessing of Christ? Believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). Repent of your sins and call for his mercy (Luke 18:13). And having believed in Him for your eternal salvation, even if you were to contract the virus today, it is not death to die, for Christ killed death for all who are in Him. I do not believe that being in Christ insures us from contracting the virus or any other disease for that matter. Those who teach that Christ came into the world that we may be healthy and wealthy are greatly mistaken. Some faithful God’s children have already contracted and others will contract the virus. But we know that for those who love God, all things (joy & sorrow; good health & sickness; poverty & riches, etc.) work together for their good (Rom. 8:28).

Though Corona virus may not kill you but sin will most certainly kill your body and cast your soul to hell apart from Christ. Corona can only kill the body - not the soul. Oh, that the world would fear sin more than the virus and love Christ more than any vaccine or medicine! Oh that the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ, may be all the more loved by the world of sinful men out of this epidemic! I desire that praises may ring all over the world from this present distress.

Let God’s children call for help from on high. The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials. He will not punish the righteous with the wicked (Gen. 18:25-26) and so, soon Coronavirus will be averted and the Finger of God will be withdrawn from the world, but soon a greater calamity will be revealed will Christ will judge the world with equity, justice and righteousness... and where will you be? The storm will soon be over, but the world will have been shaken by the Almighty God. 

May his name be praised for ever!

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