Tuesday, September 13, 2011

An Heir of Hope

Passage Titus 3:4-15


Dear Father,Thank you that your goodness and loving kindness have appeared. Thank you for saving me, not because of my righteous deeds, but in virtue of your own mercy, totally undeserved, by the washing of regeneration and the renewal of the Holy Spirit. You richly poured it out on me through Jesus Christ, my Savior.Thank you for doing all this so that I might be justified by your grace and become an heir in hope of eternal life! Thank you that I can be sure of all these things, because you said so.Help me apply myself to good deeds, which are excellent and profitable to me. Teach me to avoid stupid arguments that are unprofitable and futile. Help me to be all that you want me to be!May your grace continue with me and with all whose love arises in faith.In the name of Jesus, the all-wise and blessed Savior. Amen.

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