Wednesday, April 24, 2013


You think you serve God by coming to church; but if you refuse to let the Word convert you, how should God be pleased with such a service as this? Every time you hear, or pray, or praise God, or receive the sacrament while you deny God in your heart and remain unconverted, you do but despise Him, and show more of your rebellion than your obedience. God bids you come to the church and hear the Word, and so far you do well; but with all, He charges you to heed Him in the Word you hear, to let it work upon your hearts, and take it home and consider it, and obey it... first by believing in Jesus Christ. No sinner has ever been saved by attending the church - only those who trust in Christ, repent of their sins and live a life of faith. Never let your earthly mind and a darkened heart deceive you that it is well with your soul because you go to church, sit on the front row pews, have been baptized, take the holy communion, have a Christian name, give tithes, have a close relationship with your Pastor, that these gives you assurance that you're saint. You become a saint, not by doing all the wonderful things you may have done but by knowing Christ, putting your full trust and confidence in Him and accepting to take his atoning work on the cross and follow Him as His disciple - will do that now? HE HAS ACCOMPLISHED ALL SALVATION FOR SINNERS WHO BELIEVE HIM, WILL YOU?

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