Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Good Shepherd

Have you ever considered how God has so thought about every need of His people? He thought about our need for love so He showcased His great love for us by giving us His Son to save us from sins. He thought of our need of food to eat, a place to live, the best substance to drink – water, and now in this passage, we consider the fact that He provided both work and rest for His people. Remember that Jesus is the Good Shepherd of His sheep, and as long as you come under Him, you are certain to be led by Him to lie in green pastures, by the still waters, to restore your soul, in paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Christ will be with you and will comfort you by His rod and staff. He will prepare a table before you – in fact in the presence of your enemies! And anoint your head with oil so that His goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life!
This good shepherd is the Lord and is the lord over the lives of His sheep. He has given them His word to follow Him! Are you following Him? The passage before us will challenge our thinking in a number of things in regard to the keeping of the Lord’s Day. Please do not switch off because you may not like some of the instructions here. This passages chops off by the roots the trees of materialism, earthlimindedness, and pleasure-madness that so many Christians seem to enjoy and relish their fruits.
You will notice that most of your time is taken up by making money, thinking of what new property you need to acquire, pursuing pleasure and family. You notice that though these in of themselves are not sinful, bust silently tend to dethrone the Lord from His position in the heart, if not checked.

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