Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dead in Sins

Dead in Sins

Passage Ephesians 2:1-3


Dear Father, King of the Ages,Thank you for the new life you have infused into my being. I once was dead because of the misdeeds and sins in which I walked, following the course of this world, following the commander-in-chief of evil, the spirit that now energizes all who disobey.Among these lost people - and as a lost person - I once lived in the passions of my flesh. I followed the desires of my body and the passing whims of my mind. I was by nature a doer of evil doomed to destruction, like the rest of mankind.
But you were rich in mercy! Because of your great love with which you loved me - even when I was dead through my transgressions - you made me alive together with Christ! It is by your grace, that I am not worthy that I am saved!
In the name of Jesus and by his authority I boldly ask you to make of us the completely holy people that you intend as your inheritance.

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