Sunday, October 30, 2011

My New Nature Made Alive

Passage Ephesians 4:17-21


Dear Father, righteous and holy God, Help me never to be tempted to live as worldly people live: futile in their thinking - darkened in their understanding - alienated from you because of the ignorance within them - hard-hearted and calloused -given over to licentiousness - greedy to practice every kind of uncleanness. I did not learn of a Christ like this! I learned of a righteous and holy Christ.
Help me ever to aspire to live as your holy people live: clear and decisive in thought - illumined in their understanding - reconciled to you by knowing your Son - tender-hearted and supple - self-controlled - hungering and thirsting for righteousness.Help me to follow him just as I was taught in him - as the truth is in Jesus. In his precious name I pray.

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